Professional Portfolio

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Professional Portfolio

Lee Subin

Table of contents
- Background Information
Resume.. 3
Educational Philosophy. 4

- Teaching Artifacts
Instructional Design....... 4
Created Resources..14
Technology Proficiency..16

- Other professional Information

Work-Related Experience...20
Sample Writing Pieces21

Subin Lee
Address: Gimhae City, Gyeongsnagnam-do, South Korea, 621-762 Home: 82553245744
Cell: 821044489418 E-mail:

Professional Summary
I am enthusiastic and dedicated to creating an enjoyable, inviting and dynamic learning atmosphere. I implement
innovative methods in order to motivate students and to teach them English language effectively.

Gyeongsang National University, Gyeonsangnam-do, South Korea. Bachelor of Arts in English Education.
Overall GPA: 4.12/4.5
Murray State University, Murray KY. An exchange student in junior year. Majoring in English (TESOL)
Gyeongnam Foreign Langague High School, Gyeongsangnam-do, South Korea
High School Diploma
March 2009 February 2012

Educational Experience
Jinju Jeil Middle School, Jinju City, Gyeonsangnam-do, South Korea.

Teaching English to students

Voluntary teaching from March 2012 - June 2012

Extracurricular Experiences

English to Korean article translation works (Samsung Electronics Inc.,). February 2014 July 2014

21 months of military experience with the US soldiers. 2 Infantry Division, 1 Armored Brigade Combat
Team, 302 Brigade Support Battalion, Charlie company

Educational Philosophy
My philosophy of education is that all students need to be get involved in the class through differentiated
teaching. Because some students' levels will not be equivalent to that of the others, teachers always need to
prepare different materials that may cover all the different students in the classroom such as the IEP, GSSP, 504
plan, or PSP students.
In addition, the class could be test-oriented, but it should not cover the test itself. i.e., teachers should not teach to
the test, which is quite common in South Korea. My class would cover some questions from Korean College
Scholastic Aptitude Test (KCSAT) to help students understand the complex and convoluted texts, but I will not
teach them the strategies to get higher score from the test because that does not help students at all with regards to
improving English fluency.
Lastly, I will always try to keep positive atmosphere in the classroom, and be there when students need me. I will
make sure that if anyone struggles with understanding something, their students will help him/her, and if they
cannot, I will be there to help him/her out.

Instructional Design
1. Units

Instructional Unit
Instructions for Completing Unit Plan
a. Demographics
Name: Lee Subin

Dates of Implementation:
Number of lessons for this unit: 10
September 3- September 14, 2018
# of students with an IEP: 0
# of students with a GSSP: 5

Age/ Grade Level: 12th grade # of Students: 30

# of students with a 504 Plan: 0
# of students with a PSP: 0
Unit Title: Introduction to the
Content Area(s): English
English section of KCSAT

Created by individual or group


b. Learning Context and Implications

Analyze the school data from the school report card: Write a narrative synthesizing the instructional data
from the school report card and its impact on this unit. NOTE: Consider this student data as you write
objectives to improve student learning.

The school is classified as a foreign language high school where students achievements in English rate higher
than the average high schools in the same region; however, the school rates lower than the average nationwide
foreign high schools with regards to their achievements in the English section of Korean CSAT (KCSAT).
Considering that foreign language high schools are designed to focus on ELT, they need effective strategies for the
English section of KCSAT. The title of the unit is Introduction to the English section of KCSAT whereby the
students will be required to solve various questions about listening comprehension, reading comprehension,
vocabulary, and grammar throughout the unit.
Describe the community, the school and classroom needs.
Gyeongnam foreign language high school is situated in Yangsan city. People in the area are predominantly
Koreans and very few Asians from other countries. Most of the occupations are associated with
manufacturing. The school itself is located in a suburb area in Yangsan i.e. in the middle of Shinbull Mountain.
Because all the students are required to stay in dormitories, time management could be more flexible than other
schools. They have enough computers for students to use in computer lab. Thus, it would be easier to utilize
technology in order to maximize the benefits of lessons.
Describe how you will differentiate instruction to meet the diverse needs of the students in the classroom.
Because the students levels are still higher than students in average high schools in terms of English fluency,
different versions of the English section of KCSAT will be given for effective instructions. Students are
encouraged to use English to English dictionary; translation-based dictionaries such as English to Korean or
Korean to English may sometimes be allowed depending on students English achievement levels. GSSP students
will be given modified version of KCSAT and be given more challenging assignments.

What impact will this data have for the development of this unit?

This data will impact the development of the unit in a variety of ways. First of all, since individual students will
have different achievement levels, it could help differentiate the level of lessons. In addition, considering the
schools special situation as all the students are staying in dormitories, it would be more convenient to choose
where and when the lessons are being taught. Finally, since there are enough computers for students, they can
utilize a lot of sources through the internet, and teachers could also take advantage of it when organizing lesson

Describe any critical student characteristics that will affect student learning (include details about
modifications needed for students with an IEP, GSSP, PSP, 504 Plan, ethnic, cultural, racial diversity, or
achievement gaps).

Gyoengnam foreign language high school evaluates students GPA in middle schools before giving admissions.
Because their achievements are definitely higher than average students, expectations will also be slightly high.
More than 99% of students are Koreans who have learned English as a second language. Some students are higher
in English fluency than others because they have been to English speaking countries before. Many of them will be
considered as students with GSSP and receive more challenging assignments than the others.

c. Standards

Connect your goals and objectives to appropriate Kentucky Core Academic Standards (KCAS) and/or
National Standards. Use no more than two or three connections, and if not obvious, explain how each

objective is related to the Kentucky Core Academic Standards (KCAS) and/or National Standards. Right
click on the link below and choose 'open in new tab.'

Learn how to comprehend and analyze the texts

Listen, and understand what speaker meant. Learn how to solve the questions based on their understanding.

Describe how your unit will contribute to what Kentucky expects all students to know and be able to do.

My unit will help students to better understand the strategies for the English section of KCSAT. They could
understand the texts or dialogues, and learn how to apply these strategies when they actually deal with KCSAT.

d. Unit Planning

Describe the rationale for this unit.

The rationale for this unit is that students are not quite used to the English section of KCSAT, which contains a
number of convoluted texts that need teachers assistance even though their average fluency level in English is
high. This unit will introduce students the strategies that help their understanding of KCSAT. The end result will
be the summative assessment for the unit. Students will actually solve several KCSAT questions so that they can
thoroughly prepare for it. My unit is an introduction to the English section of KCSAT, so it will starts from basics
(e.g. vocabulary and grammar) to application. I hope my unit will lower students pressure on this high-stakes test.
Describe the students' prior knowledge.
Some students may already study for KCSAT by themselves, but that does not mean their studying method is
effective. The mock KCSAT they have already solved are not in the same level as the actual KCSAT. Thus,
regardless of their prior knowledge, all the students will be asked to solve the questions and add the reasons for
their answers.

Identify the content focus concepts and skills you plan to develop in this unit.

In this unit, students will be able to learn essential vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension skills, and
listening comprehension skills that would help them prepare for the English section of KCSAT

List the unit key vocabulary.

o Vocabulary: the body of words used in a particular language.
o Grammar: the set of structural rules governing the composition of clauses, phrases, and words in
any given natural language.
o Listening Comprehension: encompasses the multiple processes involved in understanding and
making sense of spoken language.
o Reading Comprehension: the ability to read text, process it, and understand its meaning

List the unit Essential Question(s).

What kinds of sections do the English section of KCSAT has? What are the strategies in order to prepare for the
English section of KCSAT?
What are the steps of the writing process? What does good writing look like?

e. Unit Objectives
List the objectives of what you expect students to KNOW and to be able to DO during this unit. Write these as
performance statements using behavioral terms. There should be no more than 3 unit objectives, and they should
encompass all the lesson objectives of the unit.
1. After instruction, students will be able to improve their vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension, and
listening comprehension skills

2. After instruction, students will be able to better prepare for the English section of KCSAT .
f. Designing Instructional Strategies and Activities
The number of lessons in this table should be the same as the number of lessons given in the demographics in
'Section a.'
Note: To add more rows to the table, be sure you are using Mozilla Firefox. Then right click in a row, choose
'Row' and then 'Insert Row After.' To delete a row, right click in a row, choose 'Row' and then 'Delete Rows.' (This
method may not work with other browsers besides Firefox.)
Helpful website for this section:



Objective Objectives/
Learning Targets

Instructional Strategies/ Activities

Objective: After
watching a video, Assessment
Strategies/ Activities: In order to spark interests,
students will be Description: While
students will first watch a reaction video where a lady
able to
watching a video,
studying linguistics in Cambridge University struggles
understand what students will be asked to solve questions from actual KCSAT. There are 3
they are going to to solve the questions questions in total, and students will be given about 5
study in the unit. in the videos. They
minutes to solve each question. After they solve all the 3
will have about 5
questions, they will be divided into 5 groups and
Learning Target: I minutes per question compare the answers. Each group has 1 GSSP student.
can understand (there are 3 questions). After their discussion is over, GSSP student will come
the basic format After the video ends, forward and present their answers with supporting
and level of the they will see whether details. Students will see the last part of the video where
English section of their answers are
they could see the answer key so that students could
correct or not
compare the answers by themselves
Assessment Plan: The
GSSP students will be
asked to present their
answers with
supporting details in
front of the class.

Differentiated Strategies/ Activities: The GSSP students

will have to present their answers with supporting
details in front of the class.
Media/ Technologies/ Resources:


Writers notebook

A reaction video:

Hard copies of the actual questions



Computer speakers

PowerPoint, Lesson 1 slide

Strategies/ Activities: The students will already know

the format and the level of the English section of
KCSAT through the last lesson. The instructors will
address that students will learn vocabulary, grammar,
listening comprehension, and reading comprehension to
prepare for the English section of KCSAT in this whole
Objective: After Assessment
unit session. As a vocabulary activity, students will get a
students get a list Description: After
list of English vocabulary that includes 50 high
of English
students have a time to
frequency words. Students will have 10 minutes to
vocabulary that is memorize the words,
memorize the words. And then, they will be divided into
essential to
they will be divided
5 groups. In each group, one person will come upfront
prepare for the into 5 groups. Students
and see a word in the word cards. He/she will describe
English section of take turn and try to
the word without any sounds, and other students try to
KCSAT, they will explain the words
guess what the word means. If a student answers
memorize the
using their body
correctly, his/her group will get 1 point. A group that
words and
language. The group
gets the highest point will win.
explain the words that gets the most
in front of the
questions correct will
classroom with get the prize (cookies, Differentiated Strategies/ Activities: The GSSP
students, in addition to the word activity, will write a
their body
candies. etc)
sentence using the word in the word activity. Resources:
Learning Target: I Assessment Plan: The
can understand GSSP students, in
Writers notebook
the meanings of addition to the word
words, and
activity, will write a
Vocabulary word lists
explain it.
sentence using the

Objective: After
reviewing the
vocabulary word
list given in the
last lesson,
students will

Word cards

PowerPoint, Lesson 2 Slide

Strategies/ Activities: Students needs to be in a
Description: Students computer lab for this lesson. The instructor will briefly
will try to solve the
review the vocabulary word list from the last class.
actual vocab section of After his/her briefing, students will be given 2 vocab
KCSAT using their
questions from KCSAT. They can possibly download

the file through google drive or some other sources. The

questions need to be related to the vocab words list that
own vocab knowledge.
students already learned. After they solve the questions,
Whether students
the instructor will give the correct answers and explain
choose the correct
the questions. And then, students need to make new
solve 2
answer or not will not
vocab questions using the texts. After students finished
be included in the
making the questions, they will e-mail a file including
questions from
assessment. After
the new questions to the instructor.
KCSAT, and
students solve the
make a new
questions, they will
Differentiated Strategies/ Activities: The GSSP students
make a totally new
will be given modified vocab questions. These will ask
questions using
vocab question using
to find a place where the words are used incorrectly or
the texts from
the texts in vocab
inappropriately according to the context.
section. Students need
to e-mail the
Media/ Technologies/ Resources:
instructors their own
Target: I can use
questions, which will
my English
be assessed.
vocabulary to
solve vocab
Writers notebook
section of
Assessment Plan: The
KCSAT and to
Computer lab
GSSP students will
make a new
solve other modified
KCSAT question
KCSAT questions.
using the texts
They have to find
from KCSAT
where the words are
PowerPoint, Lesson 3 Slides
used in
Vocabulary word list

KCSAT questions file

Objective: After
explicit teaching
of English
students will be
given a sentence
based practice

Description: Students
will be using their
smartphones and
participate in grammar
practice questions
through Kahoot! The
number of correct
answer will be
considered for
Learning Target: I summative
can learn a basic assessment.
concept of
English grammar Differentiated
and find right
Assessment Plan: The
answer from the GSSP students will be
grammar practice required to solve
advanced practice

Strategies/ Activities: Students needs to be in a

computer lab for this lesson. Instructors will briefly
teach basic grammars to help students tap their prior
knowledge. The grammar instructions should include
mainly addressed grammatical rules in KCSAT such as
passive/active voice, tense, and part of speech. After the
instructions, students will use their smartphones or
computers in computer lab to participate in grammar
practice test.
Differentiated Strategies/ Activities: The GSSP students
will be given additional advanced questions in hard
Media/ Technologies/ Resources:


Writers notebook

Smartphone (optional)



Hard copies of additional questions for GSSP


PowerPoint, Lesson 4 Slide

Objective: After
Description: Students
reviewing the last
will try to solve
class lesson,
grammar questions
students will be
after they review the
able to solve the
last grammar lesson.
grammar section
Whether they answer
of KCSAT. They
correctly or not will
can also make
not be included in
their own
assessment. Their
understanding of
questions in
grammar will be
KCSAT format.
shown in their own
grammar questions.
They need to turn it in
via e-mail.
Learning Target: I
can solve the
Assessment Plan: The
questions from
GSSP students, in
addition to the
actually make
assignment, will have
those questions.
to present their
questions in front of
the classroom.

Strategies/ Activities: Students needs to be in a

computer lab for this lesson. After reviewing the
previous lesson, students will be asked to solve 2
grammar KCSAT questions. After 10 minutes,
instructors will show the correct answers and explain
why. And then, students will use their computers and
make their own grammar questions using the KCSAT
texts. Their questions need to be sent to the instructors

Objective: After
watching an
episode of
comedy Modern
Family, students
will write a
paragraph of
summarizing the

Strategies/ Activities: Students will watch a comedy

with English subtitles. The instructor needs to address
the students that they need to write a major incident
happening in the video. After watching it, instructors
will address that students should write a short summary
of the story in the writers notebook. And then, they will
be divided into 5 groups and share their ideas.

Differentiated Strategies/ Activities: The GSSP students,

in addition to the assignment, will have to present their
questions in front of the classroom.
Media/ Technologies/ Resources:


Writer's notebook



PowerPoint, Lesson 5 Slide

Description: Students
will write a summary
of the episode in
writers notebook

Assessment Plan: The
GSSP students, in
addition to the writing
Learning Target: I assignment, will share
can understand their summaries.
the story through
listening and
summarize it

Differentiated Strategies/ Activities:. The GSSP

students, in addition to the writing assignment, will
present their summaries.
Media/ Technologies/ Resources:


Writer's notebook




PowerPoint, Lesson 6

Computer speakers

Strategies/ Activities: Students will be given a paper

including 4 listening questions in hard copies. The
Description: Students instructor needs to prepare the mp3 file in advance.
Students will listen to the questions and try to answer
will listen to the
them correctly. Since those questions are to help
questions, answer
them, and write a topic students be used to KCSAT questions, they are going to
hear the same questions for 3 times. After that, students
sentence for each
Objective: After
will listen to the file one more time and try to write a
question. Since
reviewing the last
listening section does topic sentence in the writers notebook. After they wrote
lessons, students
not require a high level the topic sentences for all the questions, the instructors
will solve 4
will give the answers and explain why.
of reading
comprehension, and
Differentiated Strategies/ Activities: The GSSP students
students already
questions from
learned the essential will listen to the questions and be asked to summarize
KCSAT and write
the dialogue/passage including topic sentences.
vocabulary and
the topic sentence
grammar rules to
for each question.
understand them, the Media/ Technologies/ Resources:
answers to the each
Learning Target: I
question as well as
can listen to the
their topic sentence
will be included in the
Writer's notebook
understand it, an
d write a topic
sentence based on
Assessment Plan: The
GSSP students will
listen to the questions
PowerPoint, Lesson 7 Slides
and be asked to
summarize them
Mp3 files
including topic
KCSAT listening section hard copies

Objective: After
students will be
able to read the
first chapter of
Harry potter and
summarize it.

Description: Students
will read aloud the
Harry Potter ch.1.
After they read it, they
will summarize the
text in writers
notebook and share it

Strategies/ Activities: The instructor will hand out the

hard copies of Harry Potter ch.1. Student will take turn
and read aloud the text while others check the
vocab/grammar that they are not familiar with. After
they finished reading, the instructors will ask students if
there are some parts that they do not understand.
Students may also use their smartphones or dictionaries
to find the meanings of the words And then, students

will be asked to summarize the texts in the writers


Differentiated Strategies/ Activities: The GSSP students

will share their summary with the class Media/
Technologies/ Resources:
with their friends.
Learning Target: I
can read,
understand, and Assessment Plan:
summarize the
GSSP students will
share their summary
with the class.


Writer's notebook

Hard copies of Harry Potter ch.1



PowerPoint, Lesson 8 Slide

Dictionary/ Smartphone (optional)

Objective: after
Strategies/ Activities: The instructor will review the last
reviewing the last
lessons and handout the 4 reading comprehension
lessons, students Assessment
questions. Students will solve the questions and write
will be able to
Description: Students the reason why they choose it as an answer. They need
solve the reading will be given 4 reading to contradict other 4 options by finding
comprehension comprehension
logical/contextual flaws. After that, they will be grouped
section of
questions. They will together and share their answers and claims with their
solve those questions friends.
and write the reasons
why they choose it as
Learning Target: I an answer. And then,
can read,
they will share it with Differentiated Strategies/ Activities: For the GSSP
understand, and their friends.
students, there will be a time limit to solve those
analyze the texts
questions, which will be 1min~1.5min per question.
from KCSAT.
Because they could finish earlier, the instructor needs to
Assessment Plan: For prepare more KCSAT reading comprehension questions
the GSSP students,
for them.
there will be a time
limit to solve those
Media/ Technologies/ Resources:
questions, which will
be 1min~1.5min per
Writer's notebook



Additional reading comprehension questions for

the GSSP students


PowerPoint, Lesson 9 Slides

Strategies/ Activities: The instructor hands out the

English section of 2017 KCSAT and candy sheets.
Students try to solve all the questions within time limits.
After the test is over, the instructors will collect the
candy sheets and hand out the answer keys with
Description: Students commentary.
will solve the actual
Students will be
English section of
Differentiated Strategies/ Activities: The GSSP students
able to solve the
will need to state why the other options cannot be an
English section of
answer in writers notebook.
Assessment Plan: The Media/ Technologies/ Resources:
Learning Target: I
GSSP students have to
can solve the
state why the other
English section of
options cannot be an
answer in additional
KCSAT test sheet

Candy sheet

Answer key with commentary

g. Use of Technology for Instruction

Describe how you will use technology to enhance instruction during the unit and how students will use technology
to enhance/facilitate their learning.
I will use a computer and a projector to carry out my lectures using a PowerPoint presentation. In addition,
students will be given access to computers/smartphones for some activities. I will also use some videos to sparks

h. Unit Pre-Assessment Plan

NOTE: 1) Attach a copy of the pre-assessment and answer key or rubric (as appropriate). 2) Add pre-assessment
results to the table in 'Section j.'


Differentiation - The practice of giving students multiple options for taking in information, making sense of ideas,
and expressing what they learn. It provides different avenues to acquire content, to process or make sense of
ideas, and to develop products.
GSSP - Gifted Student Services Plan
Learning Targets - Educational aims or end products which encompass all goals and objectives. These are

sometimes referred to as 'I can' statements.

Objectives - The goals to be achieved by a lesson or unit. Objectives describe a clear expectation from the
student; as in 'By the end of this lesson, the student will be able to identify and describe eight major causes of the
Civil War.'
Modifications - Practices that change, lower, or reduce learning expectations. Modifications can increase the
gap between the achievement of students with disabilities and expectations for proficiency at a particular grade
Standards - Brief statements about what the teacher must be able to do. Kentucky's ten teaching standards
represent those ten key statements for teacher candidates, teacher interns, and experienced teachers.

1997-2013 LiveText, Inc. All rights reserved.

2. Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan

Lee Subin

SUBJECT: Reading Activity

DATE: 2016.04.11

GRADE: 11-12th (Korean high school students)

PERIOD: 15-20min


Students will be able to
Be able to analyze and understand the text
Be able to logically support their claims using the text
Be able to see different ideas from their friends
Students will present their ideas and supporting details after they analyze
the text and have a discussion with their friends

Show students a picture and ask them what they are doing. Students may
come up with different ideas
Ask students what SAT stands for
Include a short explanation about the reading materials that will be covered
in the lesson (the English section of Korean SAT).
Show a YouTube video to create interest. Students could be able to see the
level of the English section of Korean SAT and how it looks like.
Ask students how they think about the video

Students may be able to understand what they are going to do during the lesson
and be actively engaged in the class
A student reads aloud the text
Students check/highlight the words that they are not familiar with.
Students solve the question of the English section of Korean SAT on their
Students may use other sources such as dictionaries or cell phones to find the
meanings of words
After students find the answer, they need to have a valid reason for their
Students are asked to demonstrate why they choose it as an answer
Students read and understand the text. While finding a valid reason to an answer,
students may be able to analyze the text.
Students get into groups (4-5 people per group)
Students compare the answers with their friends
Students discuss what is a correct answer and why the other options cannot
be an answer
Each group presents their best answer with supporting details.
Students are asked to revise their original answers to the questions
Students are able to analyze the text in different perspectives while having a group

Ask students if the question was difficult
Ask students if their answers have changed after a group work
Homework assignment: Try to analyze no 38 on your own for the next class
group activity.

Created Resources
1. Pic-tac-toe

Lee Subin




Write a short essay about

how you feel after reading
the whole story. Include
what Mathilde will do after
she finds out that the
necklace was an imitation.

Find 3 soundtracks that

may fits into the transition
of scenes. And write in your
writers notebook why you
chose those three

Research how much is the

40,000 francs worth in a
current exchange rate. Find
other objects that might
worth about 40,000 francs
these days.



In your writers notebook,

make your own graphic
organizer that may briefly
show what is happening in
the story.

Read the story The

Necklace. Discuss, and
write what you think about
the story.

Gets into group of 4. Each

of you will take turns and
play all the 4 major
characters in the story.
Discuss how you feel after
the roleplay.




If you are Mathildes

husband, what would you
do when she lost the
expensive jewelry? Write a
short letter from Mathildes
husband to her. You may
change the story. And
discuss with your friends.

If you are Mathilde, are

you going to tell your
friends the truth or are you
going to do the same as
Mathilde? Write in your
writers notebook why you
are going to do the same or
why you are going to do

What do you think about

the ending? DO you think it
is too much for Mathilde
and her husband to work for
10 years due to Mathildes
vanity? Write in your
writers notebook how you
feel about it.

2. Rubric for pic-tac-toe

Title: Writing
Teacher Name:
Student Name:







The content is absent or not

related to the topic.

The content is ordinary and

somewhat related to the

The content is clear and

directly related to the topic.

The content is substantial,

intriguing, and original. It
relates directly to the topic.


There is no conclusion. The

piece just ends.

Restates main ideas.

Summarizes main ideas.

Completely integrates and

extends key ideas of
assignment, furthering
understanding of topic.


Uses little or no concrete

language or sensory images

Some concrete language

and sensory images; uses
some literary devices

Concrete language and

sensory images create a
descriptive piece; uses many
literary devices

Concrete language and

sensory images create a
highly imaginative and
descriptive piece; rich use of
literary devices such as
simile, metaphor, and


Grammar choices keep

readers from understanding

Grammar choices
sometimes confuse readers.

Uses appropriate grammar

that does not interfere with

Uses completely appropriate

grammar that helps readers


understand meaning.


the piece.
Ideas are confusing and do
not support the main topic in
any way.

Ideas sometimes do not

support the main topic.

Clear ideas support the main


Strong ideas are carefully

and imaginatively presented,
showing real insight into the


Unfocused and rambling;

confuses the reader.

Vague; does not

immediately engage the
audience in the topic.

Focused and thorough;

engages the audience in the

Clearly focused, thoroughly

presenting the topic;
immediately engages the
audience in the message of
the piece.


Few or no paragraphs relate

to the topic; transitions
between paragraphs are

Some paragraphs relate to

the topic and present
convincing details that
support the argument;
transitions between
paragraphs are sometimes

Many paragraphs relate to

the topic and often present
convincing details;
paragraphs often flow
seamlessly from one to the

Each paragraph always

relates to the topic and
presents details that allow
the reader to understand the
argument more complete;
paragraphs flow seamlessly
from one to the other.


Frequent and/or major errors

that obscure meaning

Many or major errors in

punctuation that sometimes
confuse the reader.

A few punctuation errors.

No errors in punctuation.

Sentence Variety

Many sentence fragments or

run-on sentences; sentences
are mostly written in the
same pattern and length,
making reading the piece

Some sentence fragments or

run-on sentences; some
sentences of one kind or
length; sentence
construction makes it hard
for readers to see central

Most sentences are

complete and varied in
length and pattern.

Always uses complete

sentences in a variety of
patterns and lengths,
encouraging readers to
engage in the piece.


There are frequent spelling

errors that make it hard for
readers to understand the
central idea.

There are many spelling

errors that sometimes make
it hard for readers to
understand the central idea.

Most words are spelled


All words spelled correctly,

helping readers clearly
understand the central idea.


Tone is completely
inappropriate or not present.

Inconsistent tone or tone not

maintained throughout the

Appropriate tone
consistently maintained
throughout the piece.

Highly appropriate tone

exactly matches the intent of
the piece, enhancing a
readers experience and

Total Score:

points out of 44 possible points.

Teacher Comments:

Technology Proficiency
1. Powerpoint

Work Related Experience

1. I volunteer to teach a student in Jinju Jael Middle School,
Gyeongsangnam-do, South Korea
March 2012 June 2012

Sample writing Pieces

1. Synthesis paper
Lee, Subin
Mike Arneson
Critical Reading, Writing, and Inquiry
13 February 2016
Synthesis: Harrison Bergeron and The Capital Punishment Fits the Crime
A large number of writings often reflect contemporary social backgrounds such as a war,
discrimination against other races, or social hierarchy as well as authors own thought of
them. Within the social backgrounds, readers can find themes that authors try to point out.
These themes help readers to think about the world created by authors. However, it is
sometimes possible to find other writings that emphasize different themes and thus have
conflicting views. These conflicting views may create new problems that readers might not
have thought about before. If readers can synthesize two different writings with conflicting
themes, they may not only be able to better understand each of the writings, but be able to
think about new issues and create their own interpretation to solve them. This paper includes
an analysis of Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut and the capital punishment fits the
crime by Ryan Florio, and synthesizes them in order to reconciling the conflicting themes.
Harrison Bergeron is the story of a boy Harrison Bergeron in 2081, which is more than a
half century away from now. The society in the story is truly equal. No one is better than
the others. If there is a gifted person, he/she must restrict the inborn talent by using objects
that are given by the government. For instance, Harrison Bergerons father George has a high
level of intelligence, thereby being forced to wear a little mental handicap radio that distracts

him whenever he thinks something more than he deserves (Vonnegut 7p). If someone does
not follow the rule, he/she are prisoned and required to pay for his/her misbehaviors.
Harrison, who is a very gifted boy, attempts to change the unfair world, which ultimately led
him to a tragic death. The author does not make any judgements in the story. He rather shows
the readers a fair society and lets them think about it. In Harrison Bergerons society, it is
possible to spot that peoples talent becomes handicaps:
He tried to think a little about the ballerinas. They weren't really very good-no better
than anybody else would have been, anyway. They were burdened with sashweights
and bags of birdshot, and their faces were masked, so that no one, seeing a free and
graceful gesture or a pretty face, would feel like something the cat drug in. George
was toying with the vague notion that maybe dancers shouldn't be handicapped.
Because it is an equal society, individual differences are not allowed. Furthermore, it is fairly
noticeable that not only does the government in the Harrison Bergeron not in favor of those
who are gifted, but they regard peoples gifts as evil:
It was then that Diana Moon Glampers, the Handicapper General, came into the
studio with a double-barreled ten-gauge shotgun. She fired twice, and the Emperor
and the Empress were dead before they hit the floor. Diana Moon Glampers loaded
the gun again. She aimed it at the musicians and told them they had ten seconds to
get their handicaps back on.
As the Handicapper General, who can be the symbol of the power of the government, shots
Harrison Bergeron, who is the Emperor, to death because Harrison was the one who is a
threat to the equal society. To the government, Harrison is an evil boy who takes unfair
advantage of his talents and tries to destroy the perfect world they have created. Thus, it is
quite obvious that the theme that is ruling the story Harrison Bergeron is the concept of social
equality that is so valuable that even though the punishment of the government toward their

people does not fit the crimes that they have committed at all, their sacrifices can be
absolutely justifiable if the equal society may continue to exist.
However, the paper the capital punishment fits the crime: a comparative analysis of the
death penalty and proportionality in the United States of America and the peoples Republic
of China written by Ryan Florio implies a different theme than that of Harrison Bergeron.
The author mainly contrasts the differences of sentencing punishments in China and in the
United States. He states that when understanding the law systems of both countries, it is
important to be aware of what each countries places emphasis on. China is a collectivist
nation where the society values more than individual rights whereas the United States is
basically an individualistic society where fundamental rights of human beings cannot be
neglected (Florio 46p). Both China and the United States adopted quite similar retributive
theory of proportionality, which is to solely focus on the past incidents to sentence
punishments, but it is China that is the leading country in sentencing capital punishments
because they consider the potential problems that the criminals may commit after they are
released from the jail. By contrasting two different countries based on their punishment rules,
Florio evidently highlights the concept of human rights. Although he does not try to point out
which way is right or wrong, it is alluded in the text that human rights may be infringed by
the capital punishment that has been made based on societal goods.
Should people sacrifice their own rights to sustain the society even if punishment on them
does not fit the crime? In Harrison Bergeron, gifted people get punishments because if they
are outperforming in some ways, the society will not be equal. In other words, it is necessary
for the government in equal society to restrict human rights in order to sustain the social
system. Furthermore, it is justifiable to punish those who have some talents even though they
have not committed any crimes. For the government in Harrison Bergeron, gifted people are
criminals who may have enormous potentialities to destroy the equal world that they have

created. Thus, it is possible to assert that the value of society can kill the value of individual
rights in Harrison Bergeron. The author of the capital punishment fits the crime however
addresses that capital punishments can restrict the human rights. He stresses that China will
stay as a world leader in violating human rights if they keep sentencing people to death for
the society. Contrary to Harrison Bergeron, the author places more emphasis on human rights
than on societal goods, and this may be possibly because the concept of individualism is so
widespread in 21st century. People are now living in the society where the human rights are
more important than ever before. There are relatively a small number of people who dare try
to restrict individual rights. However, because all the people deserve human rights and
therefore are free to take advantage of their outstanding capabilities, society becomes less
equal than ever before. Some may argue that people who are not gifted are discriminated
against those who are gifted and therefore have a huge power that the ungifted cannot even
earn no matter how they try. People in Harrison Bergeron cannot take advantage of their
talents but are all equal in that some may not overpower the others. Although the society in
Harrison Bergeron is not perfect, the fact that the government in Harrison Bergeron values
social equality more than anything may make those who are living in free yet unequal society
feel like they need social equality. At the same time, the capital punishment fits the crime
helps the readers to rethink about how important human rights are these days. Thus, it might
be an ideal case that social equality and individual rights are balanced so that one cannot take
over the other.
In conclusion, by synthesizing Harrison Bergeron and the paper the capital punishment
fits the crime, it is possible to find conflicting themes from them: social equality versus
individual rights. There are a lot of themes that can be found in writings if readers took a
close look into the social backgrounds in writings. Try to synthesize two different themes,
and it might be possible to create new interpretations out of it.

Works Cited
Vonnegut, Kurt. Harrison Bergeron. Welcome to the Monkey Hose: A Collection of Short
Works. New York: Delacorte Press, 1968. Print.
Florio, Ryan. The Capital Punishment Fits the Crime: A Comparative Analysis of the Death
Penalty and Proportionality in the United States of America and the Peoples
Republic of China. University of Miami International and Comparative Law
Review. 2009. Web, 08 March 2016.

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