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The Idea of Feminism

Daija L Dasher
Writing in the Digital World ENG1313
Professor Elizabeth Priest
March 21, 2016


Annotative Bibliography

Feminism around the World

Hannam, J. (2008). Women's history, feminist history. Making History. Retrieved from
This article discusses the history of women and the history of feminism. It begins by
summarizing the problems that women in the late 19th century and early 20th century have
overcame. The author includes in detail a timeline of many stages of women movements
after the First World War. The author concludes the article by stating how feminist are
continuing to fight for their rights and make a difference in world. This is a helpful source
for getting information on how the idea of feminist came to be.
Shah, A. (2010). Women rights. Global Issues Social, Political, Economic and Environmental
Retrieved from
The author in this article focused mainly on how womens rights around the world is an
important indicator to understanding global well being. The article explores these issues
further by showing the progress of women success around the world but also make sure
to show the lack of progress made in certain areas. Included in the article is a graph
comparing the total earnings of men around the world to the earnings of woman. Gender
discrimination throughout a lifetime, feminization of property, and women reproductive
rights are just some of the topics discussed in this article. This article is informative and
discusses in detail the things women around the world go through every day.


Sharma, D. (2015, August 11). Feminism: From Around the World. [Video File] Retrieved from
This video follows six women from different countries describe what feminism means to
them. The women all describe how being a woman in their country is differs from other
countries and how they are treated. They all answer the questions of why women need
feminist, what are the positive and negative sides of being a woman, and are they
themselves feminist. This video is helpful for those looking for real women around the
world giving in detail what it is like to be them.

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