Learning Objective: 1.1 Understanding That Matter Has Mass and Occupies Space

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Learning Objective : 1.

1 Understanding that matter has mass and occupies space

Learning Outcomes :
State that thing has mass and occupy space.
Explain what matter is.

Underline the correct answers to state that things have mass and occupy space.
(a) The diagram below shows an experiment.

At the beginning of the experiment

At the end of the experiment

The result of the experiment shows that air has (weight / mass).
(b) The diagram below shows an empty glass inverted in a basin of water.

Water does not enter the glass because air occupies (space / volume).

Complete the following statement to explain what matter is.

Matter is anything that has ________________ and occupies ______________.


Learning Objective : 1.1 Understanding that matter has mass and occupies space
Answer Scheme

Underline the correct answers to state that things have mass and occupy space.
(a) The diagram below shows an experiment.

At the beginning of the experiment

At the end of the experiment

The result of the experiment shows that air has (weight / mass).
(b) The diagram shows an empty glass inverted in a basin of water.

Diagram 1
Water does not enter the glass because air occupies (space / volume).

Complete the following statement.

Matter is anything that has mass and occupies space.


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