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By: Jessica Tracy

Advantages and Benefits
A report on the advantages of incorporating technology in education.

Educational Technology


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and Benefi ts


It is not about the

technology; its about
sharing knowledge
and information,
efficiently, building
learning communities
and creating a culture
of professionalism in
schools. These are the
key responsibilities of
all educational

technology can be defined as the use of

of technologies in the learning experience,
result in the positive changes of teaching
over the world. Technology has played a key
education since the early 1900s, when the
films for instructional use were produced. In
Edison stated Books will soon be obsolete in
school system will be completely changed in
years, and he was absolutely correct. There
different opinions about the role of
education. Those who are scared of what
bringing to our world might think it does not
difference in student learning, while people


observe the behavior of children in many

~ Marion Ginapolis

learning environments believe that


will replace teachers in the future. However,

the typical

view among educators is that technology can

be used

effectively as a supplement to instruction.


technology provides easier access to learning

and teaching

resources, educational options for those who

are in

situations that do not allow them to attend

school, and it

engages students and makes learning fun at

the same time.

Distance Education 1

Educational Technology

Access to Resources
The term technology refers to advancements in the methods and tools we use to solve
problems and achieve goals. Technology in the classroom plays a very important role in
improving the educational skills and knowledge of the people. Computers can provide easier
access to information/resources and promote independent learning for the students. The need
for carrying heavy books to and from school is no more because the information that students
need can be easily accessed on a computer. Nowadays most students are well-equipped with
the skills and knowledge in operating a computer, and because of the quick accessibility of the
internet, they can learn on their own time without the assistance of parents or teachers.
The tools and resources that each individual teacher decides to use in their classroom depend
on what learning goals they are trying to accomplish. Online collaboration tools allow students
and instructors to share documents online, edit them in real time, and easily share with the
class. Clickers and smartphones are great for taking surveys during class, which can quickly
assess students understanding and help instructors adjust the pace and content of their
lessons. Course management tools, such as Moodle, allow instructors to organize all the
resources needed for a class, provide valuable grading tools, and create platforms for
discussion. Presentation software, like PowerPoint, are also useful tools. They enable
instructors to embed photographs, diagrams, videos, and more into their presentations,
making material easier to learn and comprehend.

Distance Education
Some schools lack the resources to provide all of the courses that a student may need or want
to take. Certain classes, such as Advanced Placement and foreign language, can be especially
expensive for a school to offer when it is not in high student demand. There are a variety of
technologies that can provide students the opportunity to participate in courses that are
located outside of their own school. Some of the top resources for distance education are
Adobe Connect, Blackboard, Canvas, Schoology, and Google Plus Hangouts. Instructional
technologies can also serve the needs of students who may be unable to attend class in school
buildings. Students who are in homebound situations can take advantage of courses offered
over the internet. Distance learning solutions and online educational tools are rapidly growing
in popularity and effectiveness with teachers, colleges, and university-level programs
worldwide. A recent survey estimated that at least one in five undergraduates has participated
in at least one distance education course as part of their studies.

Distance Education 2

Educational Technology

Special Education
As well as providing options for those who cannot attend a real school, instructional
technologies also provide learning options for students with physical or learning disabilities.
These students can use a variety of assistive technologies to be active members of a
mainstreamed class. Whereas teachers can find it difficult to differentiate instruction for 30+
students in one class, these technologies can help teachers personalize lessons and skills
enhancement to each child. Children with learning disabilities are often more skilled with
technology than their teachers and are drawn to computers and other gadgets. Students with
sight limitations can take advantage of braille writers and screen readers that allow them to
use a computer for work and communication. Switches, which are similar to a computer
mouse, manipulate the computer through a touch pad, by head or eye movement, or even by
breath. These various switches allow students with limited mobility to use a computer to speak
for them and complete assignments. Specialized software allows students with disabilities to
function in the classroom by helping them organize thoughts, structure writing, and manage

Engaged Learning
In the 1970s and 80s the primary goal of teaching was to have students memorize important
information. Instruction was dominated by lectures, followed by use of worksheets and shortanswer tests. Research on learning has shown the shortcomings of this type of instruction.
Even if students are able to remember all the information theyve memorized, they usually fail
to apply it in situations where it would be useful. The use of educational technology can help
students to connect new information to what they already know and in extending and
applying their knowledge to new problems. Researchers in the early twenty first century
believe that students learn best when they work to combine their own past experience with
new information in order to solve problems that are meaningful to them. Education in the past
was about absorbing information from books and storing knowledge in the heads of students.
However, today, information is so easily accessed via the internet that there is no way for
students to possibly memorize it all, so they really need assistance in learning how to find and
select relevant information for the problems that need to be solved. These discoveries make
new demands on instructors, who have realized that the only way to implement this new
teaching style, is to incorporate computer-assisted instruction and integrated learning systems
into their lessons.

Distance Education 3

Educational Technology

Jenny Arledge said that technology can become the wings that will allow the educational
world to fly farther and faster than ever before if we will allow it. Educational technology is
a versatile and valuable tool for teaching and learning and becoming a way of life. It provides
access to resources and information, opportunities for distance education and special
education, and a more engaging learning environment for students. There is so much potential
in the children of the future and in order to shape them into the world leaders we will one day
need, teachers must be open-minded. If used effectively, technology allows students to see the
whole world as a resource with themselves being in charge of their destiny.

Bates, Tony. Technology, E-learning and Distance Education. London: Routledge, 2005.
Scherer, Marge. "Transforming Education with Technology." Educational Leadership:
Teaching Screenagers. Feb. 2011. Web. 25 Feb. 2016.
Kay, Robin H. "Evaluating Strategies Used to Incorporate Technology into Preservice
Education: A Review of the Literature." Journal of Research on Technology in Education (2006).
Fingal, Diana. "Envisioning the Future." Learning and Leading with Technology (2010).
Baytak, Ahmet, Blent Tarman, and Cemalettin AYAS. "Experiencing Technology
Integration in Education: Children's Perceptions." International Electronic Journal of
Elementary Education 3.2 (2011).
"Technology for Education." Teaching Excellence & Educational Innovation. Carnegie
Mellon University. Web. 24 Mar. 2016.
"Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Education." OccupyTheory.
OccupyTheory, 24 May 2014. Web. 24 Mar. 2016.
"Use of Technology in Teaching and Learning." U.S. Department of Education. Web. 24
Mar. 2016.
Williams, Susan M. "Technology in Education Current Trends."
HighBeam Research, 2002. Web. 31 Mar. 2016.

Distance Education 4

Educational Technology

Powers, Susan M., Howard D. Mehlinger. "Technology in Education School." HighBeam Research, 2002. Web. 31 Mar. 2016.

Distance Education 5

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