The Blessed Teresa of Calcutta

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The Blessed Teresa of Calcutta

Academy of High Performance



Mary Beth Jaquay

The Academy
The mission of The Blessed
Teresa of Calcutta Academy of
High Performance Learning is to
develop well rounded and
educated urban youth in the
spirit of Jesus Christ to become
lifelong learners through
experiences that permit the
individual to achieve the
optimum potential given his/her
individual interests, capabilities
and motivation.

We offer the Urban Community the

opportunity of a quality education
for students Pre-K through Eighth

Mary Beth Jaquay

Accreditation and Funding

Our accreditation is through Middle States. As you might be aware, this
organization sends a group of professionals to a program in order to
evaluate. Middle States examines everything from the building, to its
maintenance through the teachers certification. The school is licensed by
The State Board of Private Academic Schools and our Academy is a
member of The Approved Private Schools Foundation in addition to being
affiliated with the Diocese of Pittsburgh.
We are funded by private donors, grants, and philanthropic organizations.
In addition to the support of the community and corporate foundations, we
appreciate the support of people just like you, who believe in quality
education for all - regardless of socioeconomic level.

Because of the generous donations and support, our tuition is subsidized.

We expect our families to fully participate in the day to day program
through volunteer efforts as well as financial support and fund raising.


Mary Beth Jaquay

The Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Academy of High Performance
Learning is also a progressive, project based learning
environment, in which the learning process is personalized
through students asking important questions, and making
changes to products and ideas based on individual and
collective responses to the questions.
Authentic learning is experienced utilizing the strength of the learners,
their peers as well as community members.
A. Mayor
Difference Between Projects and Project-Based Learning


Mary Beth Jaquay

Our Facility
Our Facility is located on a two acre site.

It offers a beautiful garden area permitting the students an outdoor

classroom in which they may examine nature and participate in the growth
and maintenance of a pizza garden the produce of which is incorporated
in our daily menus and allows us to preserve the extra for later in the year.
Flower gardens that allow the students to observe bees pollinate and
create honey within their hives surround the perimeter of the building,
additionally, there are several types of bird feeders that allow us to observe
and track various local bird populations.
Areas of Four Square, Hop Scotch, and shuffle board promote physical
well-being as does the ADA equipped playground facility.


Mary Beth Jaquay

The Building
The beautifully restored sandstone building currently includes 30
classrooms, a full size gymnasium, state of the art music and fine art
facilities, an auditorium, a full restaurant grade kitchen and cafeteria, a
nurses office as well as a suite of offices.

Working with security specialists, a design has been employed to secure

entry and allow immediate lock down if the need arises. A full safety and
security plan has been developed, a copy of which is found within the
handbook or available for review in the office.
We meet the ADA regulations and strive to be green.


Mary Beth Jaquay

Our Beliefs
We believe in the development of a community which includes
the family, student, neighborhood and school personnel.
At The Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Academy, parents/guardians are
expected to be engaged in the development of their child through full
participation and support of the program.
Faculty and staff maintain close and open communication with the family;
relaying information about the students academic performance,
behavior, strengths and weaknesses during scheduled team meetings
including the student.
We believe the student is entitled to a safe, accepting environment in which
they can freely learn, grow and socialize. Our faculty and staff believe we are
agents of change through influencing within our classrooms and school, the
creation and sustainability of a learning ecosystem within our digital world.

Mary Beth Jaquay

We Believe
We believe desired learning is assessed through papers, projects,
performances, portfolios and the like.
We believe in the emphasis of better questioning and learning from
We believe education should be interdisciplinary, enabling the students
to grasp meaningful understanding of the information they are learning.

We believe in the MBE principle that all new learning regardless of

cultural influence, age, race, or gender, takes place against the
backdrop of past experiences.
We believe in the incorporation of the principles and tenets of MBE
instructional guidelines, thereby using them to structure our
classrooms. (Tokuhama-Espinisa, T., Making Classrooms Better p. 23)

Mary Beth Jaquay

We Believe
We believe the role of the teacher is that of a coach and facilitator, as such
both the teacher and the students learn together as well as evaluate the
learning together.
(Hubba and Freed, 2000)





Mary Beth Jaquay

Learner-Centered Teaching
Students are actively engaged in their learning.

Students reflect on what they are learning and how they are learning it.
Students become motivated in the learning process because they have
some control over it.
Students demonstrate collaboration within the learning process.

Students are given explicit skill instructions. (Weimer, M. Faculty Focus,

August 8, 2012)
You will note that we work in teams which allows for further
individualization of the program thereby ensuring the students are able to
work at their pace not at an arbitrary grade level.


Mary Beth Jaquay


School Uniforms
We believe as do many researchers that
the introduction of a school uniform
policy lowers stress for students who
struggle with the choice of what to wear
each day.

Some because they strive to look a

certain way, others because they worry
about being judged. And while some
might be insensitive to the stress that
apparel choices place on school-age
children, uniforms can eliminate this
source of stress.
For these reasons students are to be in
the official uniform of the school.


Mary Beth Jaquay


Upon entering our program the students participate in placement
assessments. Interviews with the students and their families are then
conducted to determine and plan an educational program.
Assessments incorporated include the Scholastic School Readiness Test
at the Kindergarten level as well as the Dibels.
The Dibels are also incorporated within our program as a diagnostic and
prescriptive exam in order that we develop academic programing best
meeting the individuals needs.


Mary Beth Jaquay


Interest Inventories
The students are also given various interest inventories such as Starring
Me. An early primary interest inventory.
The inventories are given throughout the students curricular experiences
with us. These help the teachers to better align resources within the
learning environment. They also help the student develop a better
understanding of themselves as they set upon their learning journey.


Mary Beth Jaquay


Global World
As we know, students must develop skills and understanding to be able to
participate in our global world.
Students will participate in a wide variety of assessments. These help the
learner understand what they have learned and what they have yet to
learn. These assessments will be in the form of formative assessments
enabling both the individual learners as well as our Scholar Practitioners to
best assess the growth and understanding of the material being covered,
allowing for curricular adaptations to occur.
Examples of such assessments could be observations, critical thinking
questioning, learning responses, as well as many other age appropriate
examples. Pre and Post assessments are incorporated into all levels of the


Mary Beth Jaquay


Learning Objectives
If you walk into any of our classrooms throughout the building, you will find
the learning objectives posted. These are discussed before the beginning
of any class as are the teachers expectations for the class.
In our younger grades, we begin the day with a morning meeting. Our
morning meetings permit the students a consistent pattern to begin their

All children need a sense of security and constancy; the meetings support
this as they also map out the day ahead of them.


Mary Beth Jaquay


Summative Assessments
Summative assessments are used to evaluate student learning, skill
acquisition, and academic achievement at the conclusion of a defined
instructional periodtypically at the end of a project, unit, course,
semester, program, or school year.

These are typically project based, determined by the interest of the

individual learner, following a specific set of criteria. In many cases the
students are able to choose the type of assessment, often critiquing it with
their peers and the teacher.


Mary Beth Jaquay


Standardized Testing
Our students also participate in the Terra Nova / CAT Standardized test
during the month of April.
At BTCA HPL, we do not agree with high stakes assessments.
We use this test to further illuminate the individuals progress and
processing ability.
Additionally, it is given in order to ensure the students entry into other
programs at this time. As our program develops, we will also offer the ACT
and SAT.
(As you are able to ascertain from the document our program including the assessment
portion is designed to ensure the dignity of the individual learner. We understand
Standardized tests results are an indication of one point in time during which there could
have been extenuating circumstances. Our use of both formative and summative testing
gives us a greater indication of the strengths and weaknesses of the learners.)


Mary Beth Jaquay


Our Assessment Model

Because at The Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Academy of High Performance
Learning we believe in a growth mindset, we believe the abilities of our
students can be developed through hard work and dedication.
We understand that all individuals begin their educational journey at
different points and come to us with different experiential backgrounds as
well as diverse support systems.

For this reason, we at TBTCA HPL are determined to provide our students
with opportunities as well as support, which, along with their
determination, will lead to high academic success.


Mary Beth Jaquay


How do we do this?

We offer our students experiences that are as

close to authentic as possible and are
designed to be developmentally appropriate to
the learners.

Our teaching is clear and precise

Our rubrics are detailed and descriptive

Students incorporate the use of planners.

Schedules and important dates are reviewed.

Our students work collaboratively to enhance

their learning as well as the skill set. We know
in the real world, our students will need to
have a collaborative skill set, thus, this again is

Our Scholar-Practitioners work along with the

students assessing their progress as well as
offering suggestions.


Our students have the ability to redo. We

understand that learning from our mistakes
lead us to greater understanding.

Our students have the ability to use

technology; they are taught how to critically
assess their informational sources.

Discussion and debate as well as critiques are

used to open students minds to new ideas and
ways to accomplish their objectives.

The use of games and toys assist in the

learning process.

Because our students are taught in an

interdisciplinary method, they are able to
understand and express the connection of
their learning to their entire life.

Critical thinking questions are being asked

peer-peer, student-self, Scholar Practitionerstudent

Mary Beth Jaquay


Special Services Available

We strive to meet the needs of the whole student. In addition to our
classes, TBTCA HPL provides the following services for our learners:
Medical, Dental and Mental Health screening and referrals

Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Parents / Guardians are required to assist at mealtimes depending on their
assigned times.

Summer Enrichment


Mary Beth Jaquay


School Personnel
The School is governed by the Bishop of the Diocese of Pittsburgh through
the Secretariat of Education and the Schools Superintendent and at this
time the Elementary / Middle Level Assistant Superintendent.
As the Director of BTCA HPL I am responsible for the Day to Day activities of
the program, additionally, I work with a Board of Trustees. I interview, hire
and evaluate the Scholar Practitioners working within the program of which
we have:
(2) Preschool
(2) Kindergarten
(3) Team 1, Team 2, Team 3,
Team 4, Team 5,
(6) Team 6, 7, 8
(2) Technology Specialists

(3) Foreign Language

(2) Fine Arts / Music
(2) Physical Education and Health
(4) Special Services
(2) Certified School Counselors

Mary Beth Jaquay


A Note on Our Staff

The Scholar Practitioners are all state certified within their discipline.

They meet all governmental regulations related to child protective laws and
criminal background.
They are all trained in the following: HPL, BME, First Aid and CPR.
In addition, we employ:

a school nurse

maintenance personnel
(4) full time breakfast and lunch

(4) Scholar-Practitioner
an administrative assistant
a comptroller.

Again, these individuals have full clearances, First Aid and CPR training.


Mary Beth Jaquay


Extra Curricular Offerings

Special interest groups including:

Games of all sorts data shows games help develop critical thinking skills.
Instrumental music
Performance / Drama, Dance

Fine Arts Special Interests

Life Skills: sewing, cooking, primary woodworking

Sports including: Volley Ball, Badminton, Floor Hockey, Basketball

Service Club


Science Fair


STEAM including robotics and programming

Extended Day


Mary Beth Jaquay


Extra Curricular Offerings

Our expansive options of extra-curricular choices allows for the
development of the whole student, body, mind and spirit. The options
support the BME premises that human thinking is affected by those
interactions individuals have with others in the culture they share.
Additionally, they lead to the development of appropriate self-image in the
areas of leadership and action.

The programs offered are available due to the working relationship we have
with the various community higher education programs as well as local
businesses and professionals.


Mary Beth Jaquay


Our Day at a Glance

7:45 8:15am Breakfast
8:15 8:30am Homeroom: Morning organization and work, Greeting
and Prayers
8:30 11:00am Individual teams determine their schedules that are
then submitted to the office for reference and
11:00 Teams are scheduled for lunch and recess
12:35 Sustained Silent Reading / Reading Marathon
12:55pm Development Time
1:00 3:15pm Class time determined by teams
3:15 3:30pm Homeroom, Dismissal Organization, Prayer
3:30 5:00pm Extracurricular Activities, Extended Day
5:00 6:00pm Dinner and Home

Mary Beth Jaquay


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