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Prohibition of Alcohol
Alcohol is the famous drink around world. Although alcohol is
combustible and flammable, people still drink alcohol. There is no creature
that drinks alcohol except the human, and we should not drink alcohol
because the difference between humans and animals is the brain. As we
know, when a person drinks alcohol, they become brainless, which means
that they become an animal, and more dangerous than animals. Alcohol
should not be legal because of alcohol cause damages, like health damages,
car accidents and crimes. Also, alcohol cause social problems, furthermore, it
is kind of a drug, and causes people to go to jail.
Alcohol affect most important parts in our body, but many people who
is drinking alcohol does not know about it. The heart, alcohol cause many
thing that affect heart, like cardiomyopathy. Which is not easy disease, that
mean the heart is not able or does not have power enough to send blood to
all body. And other diseases, Dr. Rajesh and Dr. Figueredo showing some of
diseases that alcohol cause it, they said. heavy alcohol consumption is
detrimental causing cardiomyopathy, cardiac arrhythmias, hepatic cirrhosis,
pancreatitis, and hemorrhagic stroke (Rajesh 164). Also, alcohol cause
hepatic cirrhosis. The huge chemistry factory in the earth is hepatic, until
today there is nothing can do what hepatic does. Alcohol affect the hepatic
and cirrhosis. Alcohol cause pancreatitis, which is mean affect the body

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control. According to Insulin For Type II Diabetes Makes Things Worse, they
published in 2007. pancreas secretes the amount of insulin demanded by the
body, that cause weightless and diabetic(Insulin For Type II Diabetes Makes
Things Worse).
Every day we see car accidents in the street, on the news, and in the
newspaper, which is normal. There are thousands of reasons that cause a car
accident. However, there is popular a reason for a dangerous car accident,
which is alcohol. Usually alcohol causes injuries in a car accident. In the
article The Contribution of Alcohol to Serious Car Crash Injuries, published
online, the tougher said, Alcohol impairment of drivers is considered the
most important contributing cause of car crash injuries. The burden of injury
attributable to drinking drivers has been estimated only indirectly (Connor
337). That is because when the human is influence by alcohol, they can not
control them self, and the drivers who are influenced by alcohol may create
more serious car crash injuries, like a fatal car accidents. According to a
Consumer Health News publish the article in 2015, Half of young drivers
who died in crashes in nine states were under the influence of alcohol,
marijuana or both at the time(Consumer Health News). This means a huge
amount of accidents are related to alcohol. The government should think
about the legalization. Even if it is illegal to drive under the influence of
alcohol in the United States and all the world, there are a lot of cars
accidents caused by alcohol, therefore, the governments should make
alcohol illegal.

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When the human being is without the mind, the human is able to do
anything. The human without the mind does not have phobia of anything;
they are able to kill, steal, and rape women. Most criminals commit their
crimes while they are under the influence of alcohol. According to professor
Martin, who did a research and publish it in 2001, Many studies indicate that
alcohol abuse and dependence are closely linked with the criminal justice
system (CJS). Alcohol was consumed prior to about half of all homicides and
assaults, and nearly 40 percent of state prisoners report committing their
current offense under the influence of alcohol (Martin). However, if the
government decides to prohibit of alcohol, then the percentage of crime will
come down. Also, the percentage of safety and security will increase.
Also, one of most important thing that alcohol causes is social
demolition. Social demolition is not easy, it causes community damage.
When a child lives with alcoholic parents that means the child most probably
will be violent or criminal in future. these kind of children are not able to
study and their parents do not worry about them. Promises Treatment Center
that published a study in 2012 said abuse of alcohol is behind as much as
40 percent of instances of serious domestic violence. Alcoholism is
attributable to verbal and physical abuse of the spouse and the children and
carries a great responsibility for the break up of marriages. Children living in
the home with an alcoholic have lower grades, higher rates of depression
and frequently feel socially isolated (promises). This study showed 40
percepts of instance of serious domestic violence, which are almost half of

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the domestic violence, alcohol are caused. Furthermore, this kind of family
are creates violent people and criminals. Because they grow up in violent
families they are usually violent. As well we should stop alcohol consumption
in our community.
Is alcohol a kind of drug? If it is, why alcohol is legal? And if it is not,
what kind of drink is alcohol? According to The Foundation for A drug-Free
World, published in 2015, Alcohol is a drug. It is classed as a depressant,
meaning that it slows down vital functionsresulting in slurred speech,
unsteady movement, disturbed perceptions and an inability to react quickly.
(The Foundation for A drug-Free World). According to this study, alcohol is
drug, so the government should either prohibit of alcohol or legalize
Marijuana and other kinds of drugs. If legalizing alcohol is part of freedom,
legalizing other kinds of drugs will be part of freedom too. And other kind of
drugs will do the same thing that alcohol does, like taxes, damages, and the
rest of thing that alcohol causes. That should be fair.
There are people who are agree with and support the legalization of
alcohol. Because alcohol makes a huge amount of money, and effect the
economy of the country. The Tax Policy Center showed that the United States
made around 2,819,826 Dollars in taxes on alcohol in 2013 (Tax Policy
Center). That is a really great amount of money. However, we most compare
the amount of money that the government made from alcohol, with the
people that went to jail or even killed because of alcohol. What is of more
worth, the money or the human? As long as we are in a country that defends

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our humanity and rights. The money is not worth even a drop of blood, or
freedom of one person. Money is not worth a person is stay in a hospital
because of car accident caused by alcohol. So, the amount of alcohol taxes
does not matter, human safety is more important than money. Humans make
money, but the money can not make human.
Alcohol leads humans to do a lot of thangs that even animals do not
do, because the human who is under the influence of alcohol is without a
brain. This causes a human to do the worst things that humans are usually
not able to do, because the humanity does not accept those things. The
government should prohibit alcohol, or make special cages for the drinker
like the cages of dangerous animal, to keep other people safe from these
dangerous monsters. Alcohol prohibit should reduce the amount of car
accidents, crimes, people in jail, and keep our community safe for the future.

Works Cited

Alcohol, Pot Fuel Half of Young Driver Deaths, Report Finds; Study of nine
Found victims were under the influence when they crashed.
Consumer Health News (English). (2015). General OneFile. Web. 2 Dec.

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Connor, Jennie, et al. The Contribution of Alcohol to Serious Car Crash

Epidemiology (2004).337. JSTOR Journals. Web. 2 Dec. 2015
Martin, Susan E. The Links Between Alcohol, Crime And The Criminal Justice
Explanations, Evidence And Interventions. American Journal On
Addictions 10.2 (2001): 136-158. Academic Search Complete. Web. 2
Dec. 2015.
Movva, Rajesh, and Vincent M Figueredo. "Alcohol And The Heart: To Abstain
Or Not To
Abstain?." International Journal Of Cardiology 164.3 (2013): 267-276.
MEDLINE with Full Text. Web. 8 Dec. 2015.
The Social Effect of Alcoholism Promises Treatment Center. 28 March 2012.
Web. 5 Dec. 2015.
The Truth About Alcohol The Foundation for A drug-Free World. 2015. Web
5 Dec 2015.

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"Insulin For Type II Diabetes Makes Things Worse." Disease Proof (2007): 1.
Supplemental Index. Web. 8 Dec. 2015.

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