Conclusion. Before Getting To Premise and Conclusion Lets Define

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The major components of an argument are premise and

conclusion. Before getting to premise and conclusion lets define
what is an argument? Argument is the main idea of the academic
writing usually called the claim. To have a good and reasonable
argument the argument should be backed up with evidence or
facts that support the claim.
Premise is a statement, which will justify and assure that the
claim is true. (3 words for premise: given that, because, given
Conclusion is final and the most important part of the paper,
which makes the reader to accept the central point, which was
supported by the premises. (3 word for conclusion: in conclusion,
accordingly, it follows that).
2. Argument presents evidence to support the conclusion.
Argument purpose is to make the reader to believe that the
conclusion is true.
Explanation is cause of fact, which is represented by the
conclusion. Explanation purpose is to help the reader to
understand why and how did the specific fact occur.
Argument example: PCC requires incoming freshmens to take
English placement test. Jonny is incoming freshmen.

This argument states that Jonny needs to take the English

placement test.
Explanation example: Since Jonny is incoming student he
needs to take the placement test so he can get in to PCC.
This explains why Jonny needs to the the English replacement
3. A statement for it to be objective it should have a truthvalue, it should be either be true or false and someone must be
Example of an objective statement: Burj Khalifa, which is
located in Dubai, is the tallest building in the world.
The statement is true objective statement because comparing all
the tall buildings in the world Burj Khalifa is the tallest.
4. Deductive argument should be dependent on a valid
premise that later makes the conclusion to be valid and to make
Example of deductive argument: Due to gravity things fall.
The pen on my desk rolled and fell on the floor.
This is deductive argument because the gravity made my pen to
fell that means that the conclusion, which was the falling of my
pen, was supported by the premise that stated that gravity

makes things to fall.

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