Instructions For Reading Gonzo Journalism

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November, 1971
Washington, D.C.

Half-pint, 10-inch hypo-needle (the kind used for spinal taps & inoculating bulls)
Fill this full of rum, tequila or Wild Turkey & shoot the entire
contents straight into the stomach, thru the navel. This will induce a
fantastic rush--much like a 3/4 hour amyl high--plenty of time to read
the whole saga.
Gonzo Journalism--like quadrophonic 4-dimensional sound--exists on
many levels: It is not so much "written" as performed--and because of
this, the end result must be experienced. Instead of merely "read."
Beyond that, it should be experienced under circumstances approximating--as closely as possible--the conditions surrounding the original performance. For this reason, the editors have agreed to pass
the author's "reading instructions" along to all those who might want
to "experience" this saga under the "proper conditions." We offer them
without comment--& certainly without recommendation.
To wit: Read straight thru, at high speed, from start to finish, in
a large room full of speakers, amplifiers & other appropriate sound
equipment. There should also be a large fire in the room, preferably
in an open fireplace & raging *almost* out of control.
(alternative, hot tub & vibrator)
The mind & body must be subjected to extreme stimulus, by means of
drugs & music.

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