Hailie Wadley - Observation Form 1

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Cadet Teacher Academy

Observation Form
Cadet Teacher Intern: Hailie Wadley

School District:Lawrence/Learning

Mentor Teacher: Amy Tomlinson

Observation Date: November 20, 2015

Official Observation (1st)

Remains calm and shows patience and understanding in the classroom. Yes!
When I walked into the room Hailie was already engaged in instruction with
her students. They were learning how to make rice krispy treats and were
watching her instruct at the stove. Each Friday her adult special needs
students make a simple snack or food item that they can eventually make on
their own.
Uses classroom management procedures. The class consisted of 6 students
who were accompanied by the student teacher and another aid. Students
follow the ROCK guidelines in school which stands for Respect, On Task, Good
Citizenship, and Kindness. The class told me about ROCK and also about their
money system. They receive money if they do good things and take initiative
and they lose money for poor behavior. A perk at the end of the week is being
able to take their money to buy things in their school store.
Appropriately manages student behaviors. I saw Hailie engage each student
and have them read (with assistance) the steps of their recipe or have them
respond to a question or come up and assist her with stirring the ingredients.
She kept them engaged which reduced the chance for bad behavior.
Communicates clearly with appropriate age-level vocabulary and volume.
Hailie was very mature and serious with her students. She had excellent
voice inflection and used words they all understood. She was matter of fact
with them and treated them like the adults they are. She also had a great
sense of humor which I found very appealing.
Provides appropriate feedback to the students. Hailie did a great job
interacting with her students. At one point I heard her tell a student,
Awesome job!
Shows respect for the students and mentor teacher.
I did feel that there was respect going in all directions. Everyone seemed to
have a really good experience.
Demonstrates flexibility & responsiveness to the students. As with any
classroom Hailie needed to follow a structured classroom but be prepared for
things that may come up. She has learned that nothing is set in stone and be

prepared for the unexpected.

Cadet Teacher Academy

Observation Form
Additional Comments:
This observation was very good for the first one of the year. Hailie is a
natural leader and it is apparent that she really enjoys spending time
with this group of learners.
I really enjoyed watching how this Special Education class operates.
They are a neat bunch of kids
Suggested Improvements:
Continue to do what is expected along with going above and beyond like
you have been. There is a lots of opportunity for a person like you in this
type of field study. Keep up the excellent work!!
Overall score: 97/100 A

Cadet Teacher Intern Signature

Cadet Teacher Academy


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