Hailie Wadley - Observation 3

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Observation Form

Cadet Teacher Intern: Hailie Wadley


School District:Bert Goens Learning

Mentor Teacher: Kelli Pattison

Observation Date: March 23, 2016

Official Observation 3

Remains calm and shows patience and understanding in the classroom.
Hailie started todays lesson by working individually with her autistic
students on the Life Cycle of A Chicken. She is very calm and
understands how the classroom works.
Uses classroom management procedures.
Students are scheduled and very structured in this classroom. One
student may be working individually, one may be at the computer with
headphones, etc. When the buzzer goes off some of them change
activity. Students are very visual rather than auditory. Many of them
dont speak but may make noises and flutter hands. The have a wall
with pictures that show them what stations they need to do.
Appropriately manages student behaviors.
Hailie does a wonderful job with these kids! She treats them like she
would treat any student, special ed or otherwise. She gives praise
when deserved, she helps then make good choices by asking questions,
she also reminds them of having quiet voices when they get too loud
and blurt out. One student was very stubborn about putting the Velcro
chicken pieces in order. He had a choice to either participate or go out
in the hall. He finally came around.
Communicates clearly with appropriate age-level vocabulary and
Hailies volume is always clear and direct. She uses words that are in
any normal conversation to speak to them.
Provides appropriate feedback to the students. She explained the
difference between a duck and a chicken even though they may not
understand. She also lends a hand when they get stuck or need help
cutting out their chicken stages.
Shows respect for the students and mentor teacher.
Lots of respect going on in all directions Hailie is very much seen as
another extension of a teacher. Its really nice that she gets to work
with all the students.
Demonstrates flexibility & responsiveness to the students.

Hailie is very good about going with the flow which is truly a trait of a
good teacher. She compliments students on their art work.

Cadet Teacher Academy

Observation Form
Additional Comments:
I liked that Hailie was able to work with different levels of students today.
They all have various issues but she adapts to whoever she is working
with. This opportunity will be very helpful to Hailie becoming an
Occupational Therapist as her future career. Hailie received a really nice
compliment from her mentor teacher who told me that she runs circle
time every day and does a really nice job.
Suggested Improvements:
I am thankful that Mrs. Pattison allows Hailie to really act like a team
teacher. My only suggestion would be to teach as often as possible and
learn all she can about classroom management and instructional
strategies that may work with these autistic children. As much as I like
Hailie being herself with these students she should probably refrain from
using too much slang with them.
Overall score: 95/100 A

Lauren Rogers
Cadet Teacher Intern

Sheri Johnsen

Cadet Teacher Academy


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