Project Space

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Seiya Yamamoto
Elizabeth Villa
Noah kwan
Mengxue Liu

Thesis :
The Interview highlights the theme of manipulation
with the characters using each other in order to
reach their goal. Our society is manipulated through
the mass media itself.

The real life shows in movie

Political satire movie
This movie makes a bold description
of north korea and kim jong-un
The movie shows are all real happens

Nuclear weapon
Yearning for freedom and
human rights and opposition
to authoritarian hegemony


This scene shows how

manipulation is used the achieve
the CIAs goal of using Skylar to kill
the dictator.
If we further analyze the see we can
see how different genders are use
to manipulate each other
Because she is a girl they assume
that the CIA did it on purpose so
they couldn't resist to say no to a girl
This emphasizes that women are
used to manipulate men in order to
get what they want , thats the
reason why women are hired
according to this scene.

More men(40%) than women (26%)

reported having used such tactics; this
difference was significant for the sexual
arousal, emotional manipulation and
lies, and intoxication categories. We
present participants' written descriptions
of their experiences
The most frequent reported behaviors
were flirtation, touching, compliments
and removing clothes (cited by 45% to
54% of women)

- independent and sexualized
-Was loyal to Kim and
convinced the main
characters that Korea isn't a
bad place in the beginning.
-Sooks plan to kill Kim and
take over North Korea.

- The rise of mass media in Imperial

Germany helped to create a political
mass market, which enabled greater
numbers of the population to
participate in the political process
(Christian Haarse)

North Korean government's manipulation

North Korean people revere him as a god.
They'll believe anything he tells them.
He doesn't urinate and defecate,
he burns the energy from inside.

Government developed
a cult of leader's personality

Changes of people's mind after Kim's interview

Kim cried when Dave sang Katy Perry.
And he defecated in his pants.
Everyone noticed that he isn't a god.
A soldier betrayed him and helped
Aaron and Dave.
People try to rebuild the country.

There are many scenes of manipulation.
Everyone manipulated other people to reach their goal.
Those situations are possible to occur in our society.
We should not swallow the information and should judge
them by ourselves.

McCabe, Janet. "Satire TV: Politics and Comedy in the PostNetwork Era." Critical Studies in Television, 6.1 (2011): 137.
Haase, Christian. "Review Article: The German Mass Media in
the Twentieth Century: Between Democracy and Dictatorship."
European History Quarterly, 40.3 (2010): 484-492.
Daniel Byham and Jennifer Lind. "Pyongyang's survival strategy"
International Security. (2010), Vol 35 Issue 1, pp4-74. 31p
Park, Yong Soo. Policies And Ideologies Of the Kim Jong-Un
Regime In North Korea: Theoretical implications. Asian Studies
Review 38.1 (2014): 1-14.Academic Search Premier. Web. 16
Mar. 2016.

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