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Jennifer Alonzo
Justine Balster
Loana Barragan
Jenna Depuy
Tori Morrow
Grace Sarabia
Deven Streeton

Our concept for the this piece was to incorporate a postapocalyptic dance. All of our movements are very hard and
jagged. We are trying for a very hard, mean piece, so there are
little to no smiles. To make this piece more challenging for us,
we decided to separate our piece onto two groups. We
intertwine occasionally, and then we separate, which was
really a hassle for us to do two different things at the same
time. Our piece really came together at the end. What we had
imagined for our costume was something very dirty, like a
black, browns, maybe greens.

Our song is Radioactive by Imagine Dragons, it

is three minutes and eight seconds.


We have decided of our group. There will be seven of us. And we will be splitting into
two groups, and intertwining into most of the places in our dance.
We have decided of music, it will start off slow, and then it speeds up.
We have new and beginning formations:

Second group goes on:

All two groups go of together:

We go into a circle:

In the circle we both in less than 360 degree:

Second group goes down:

First group does their part:

We switch places:

Within this place we dance, the front line and third line are up, then they go down.
Second line goes up and dance:

We dance all together:

We all pose at different times:
One person from either side go off stage:

Two other people from either side leave:

The group that started in the floor, has their part:

We dance then we move back, and the other group comes on:

We dance in two lines:

Within our lines we we do two different things

In these two lines we do some floorwork:

We get up and go side to side:

4/13/2015- 4/17/2015

Auditions went well for us, we got notes like:
good formations
point feet
work on technique
We finish fallling of the floor:

The show order went up. our piece did not make it in. We were sort
of hoping it would make it in. But we knew that our piece was sort of
messy and that it. We got below a 9, one reason was because we
would all not go at the same time.
We went back and fixed a couple things.
We are cleaning it so that we could keep it

May 22, 2015- May 23, 2015

Our concert took place.

Loana Barragan
16 May 2015
Jazz II
Period 7
I have really enjoyed my piece, I really like the concept that we have going on. I
really enjoyed my time working with my group, they all have been very cooperative. We
had many ideas, and everyone had a voice in the creative aspect of this. Of course there
will always be differences. But we always worked together to make sure that everybody
was well suited in our piece. There was times where we would hit a stump and not be
able to create anything. If these were to happen, we would take the day to clean the
piece, and hopefully think of something. I have enjoyed the process, and I feel like I have
learned a lot by working with them and the choreography that we all helped create. Most
of us tweaked the choreography so that we all had something that we all really liked.
Overall the creation process was very enlightening, I wish we could of been in another
dance all together. It was a great experience.

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