The 3 Minute Pull

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This is just one of Maxs top 10 Lay reports series.

are a special bonus to RSD Max Hotseat.
If youre reading this and you havent signed up yet, click here to check out this
premium live program

Partygirl is still going crazy from my thrusting, but then slowly turns right, notices the extra
penis that is unerringly approaching towards her direction... I experience this moment in
such a slow motion that it literally feels like a minute... "Yo, what up," I hear myself say... or
am I just thinking it?
January 2014 just 7 weeks before I started my all-changing assistantship with Tyler. I had
already quit college, been pimping, pumping and playing Poker exclusively and excessively
over the past 2 months. The Viennese community has been built up (by me) from literally
ZERO to over 400 members in January. One of the biggest, most active Inner Circles in the
world now. Amazingly cool guys, so happy about those times we shared!
I kept these stories as pure and unedited as possible. - just like I wrote them back then. About
some of it my opinions differ now, some of it I would do differently now but I kept it to
depict my inner change accurately.
Additional comments that I added now are kept in brackets []

The 3 Minute Pull

How Tytan and Me Fucked the Same Chick... and Both Fell In
This is by far the craziest night I've ever had. [So far - there's way waaaay crazier shit that
happened ever since then RSD instructors live dangerously lol. But this is still pretty
fucking epic so why not sharing it?]
# Met her in the club, got her ready to fuck within 3 minutes
# Made her fuck my friend too
# Fell in love with her
# Killer Instinct
# Super Speed Escalation
# No Compromise Pull
# Maximum Freedom From Outcome
# Lucky Luke

So much to say, so much to love, so much to tell you guys. This evening was brilliant. Big,
big probz to my homeboy Stephan aka Tytan, without whom it would've never happened. The
whole adventure would've never worked with anyone else. So thanks bro, it was an honor,
It's some sort of College-Party-themed party here in Vienna. Cool theme, cool people, cool
party. "You gotta represent" is what I think so I wear my George Washington University tank
top that I got from studying abroad in DC + some American sports shorts... actually couldn't
be more cozy.
On my way to the venue I open a girl who's with some guy. We're on the tram, both of them
are cool and we vibe well.
The Party
Tytan et ego club intramus. It's around midnight already and the party is hot. Some dancing,
outside area, vibing, I run into Thomas, who has been a really good bro but had to move to
Germany for his PhD. It's sick to see the progress he's made through that journey. He's on fire,
approaches everything, is self-amused, confident as fuck, in the zone. On this evening his
game is so much better than mine...
I have fun with the community bros and get tons of blow outs. Dancing, vibing, singing along,
befriending hot girl from England and some guy friend of hers, both invite me to have shots
with them, we talk shit, more dancing, blow outs, hook a cute blondie, isolate her, bro Fritz
passes by and reminds me that she does have a boyfriend - lol thought it wouldn't be
necessary to screen, haha. Say ciao to Blondie, more partying, awesome DJ, awesome songs,
we're hooligans of love.
People touch each other, kiss each other. Next to me there's a tall, slim girl, wearing one of
these super-long basketball tank tops... she is so fucking HOT! She's having a cigarette
between her fingers, which makes me feel annoyed so I just snap it out of her hand and burn
myself, haha. She thinks it's funny, dances with some dude and parties just like us... nice.
It's getting late, just after 3am, I have my jacket in Tytan's car, he wants to bounce in order to
do some late night gym session. I don't really like the idea but fair enough, I have to join him
to his car anyway. "Ey let's just do some more approaches before we leave, TAKE MASSIVE
ACTION!" I'm yelling after him while he's digging his way through the dance floor crowd.
The Approach
2 more blow outs, we're 10 feet from the exit. And here she comes. Lean, tall, perfect body,
long hair, stylish tank top, she almost passes by me. I extend my arm, touch her lower arm
tenderly, grab her by the hand, pull her close gently: "Who are you?" We exchange names and
I start the calibration:
Note: Calibration is everything. Seriously everything. The excessive going out and massive
action enable me to calibrate pretty much any case. At this, I usually try to immediately screen

how far I can take it with the girl. Gawd, calibration is the most important thing one can learn
with pick up. THIS is why it's so important to gather as much experience as possible.
I touch her amazing back, she leans into my arm slightly, but decides to leave: "Hey, I
actually have to go on," she points towards the dance floor and leaves.
Killer Instinct, duration of interaction: 20 seconds. She's already 2 steps away from me. Killer
I do a big step after her, take her hand and pull her back. Calibration, physicality, she responds
with physicality. "Where do you have to go?" I ask. "To join my friends..." she responds. "Do
you have a nice ass?" I ask rhetorically, spin her around and look at it myself. What a nice
piece, I smack it with my hand. We talk 2 more sentences. I look at her and notice that she's
ready for a make out. I kiss her. Calibration, she kisses really well and very passionately, I
pull her close to my body, she pressers herself against me. Calibration. I let go of her, look her
in the eyes and say: "I love you." She smiles back. BUUUT wants to leave again - just like
many girls do it... and here comes something important:
Note: Especially after super fast make outs girls often show flight reactions. Why? They don't
wanna come across as easy girls and/or they're overwhelmed themselves and don't know what
to do. Now, YOU, dear reader have to decide for yourself what you actually want from the
girl: Just partying and having a fun make out? Let her go, no problem. More from her +
pulling? Don't let her go and keep the conversation going.
"I have to go find my friends now." Duration of the interaction: Around 90 seconds. I turn her
away from the direction she wants to head. Killer Instinct. "Fuck your friends" I smile at her.
Freedom From Outcome: 100%. I just love that line, have I said it in DC so many times.
"We're going to my place..." Hug, "... but only if you're a nice girl..." Her: "Okay." Me:
"Cool." I take her by the hand and off we go.
The Pull - Obstacles
One of our more experienced community members grabs me by the hand and I thank him for
the awesome party he was hosting. "Nice escalation, man!" is what he responds smilingly,
haha. I don't see Tytan anywhere, but I know he has to be somewhere close by... as a perfect
wingman he knows that he should be close, just in case there's gonna be cockblocks or any
other kinds of obstacles.
There's always obstacles. Number one lesson I've learned when it comes to pulling. And even
for this apparently "smooth" pull, there's at least some. We reach the coat check and get to
know that she lost the ticket for her coat... Oh Jimmy... losing one's coat is always bitter and I
see the pull fading away in front of my eyes. However, I remain chill and just tell myself:
"Dude, you haven't invested shit in this girl, you've only been knowing her for some 2 and a
half minutes, there's barely less work you could have put into it, haha. But she is - like we will
get to know more in the course of this evening - one of the coolest girls I ever had the pleasure
to meet. She takes it easy and the totally stoned coat check guy just tells her to pass by later...
at 7am... to check if it has been found. No fucks given, haha.

Partygirl laughs with me, I hug her and use it to build some connection: "Look, now neither of
us has a jacket, haha... warm me!" Hug, she tells me where she's from and it turns out we
actually speak the same fucked-up Austrian dialect (The Austrian variety of the German
language has tons of different dialects). I now get out the entirety of my accent, something I
have barely ever done before... it feels kinda weird, but also very familiar. Up until now I've
always avoided speaking in my home dialect... as I've always associated it with my old chode
life. But now I speak it freely, cool. I text Tytan, notice he's actually standing behind us
anyway. I introduce the two of them to each other and tell them I wanna go get my jacket
from Tytan's car. Off we go.
We get out the venue, suddenly there's a dude she seems to know. He's tall and good-looking,
calls after her, she turns around and walks over to him... ah damn it, this is gonna be a close
thing. I ask Tytan to go amog him real quick while I'll start heading towards the parking lot.
He walks around the corner to Partygirl and the guy and barely 10 seconds later Partygirl
rejoins me - thumbs up - Tytan right behind her.
It's cold and Partygirl suggests "how about we just run to the car", we do, haha, great girl. At
the car I give her my jacket as she's barely wearing anything and the winter night is cold, she
loves me for it. I get in the car, she hesitates, has a little "freak out" look on her pretty face.
Getting into a stranger's car can - understandably - create discomfort. I remain chill and
explain her that Tytan is my bro and will bring us home safely... she gets in. Duration of the
interaction: Something between 3 and 4 minutes.
Suddenly her phone starts ringing, she's getting texts from her friends who apparently have
already bounced to another club and want her to join them. Damn it, again a (little) obstacle.
But Partygirl couldn't be cooler and just texts back: "Can't, having a hook up" - no fucks
given, haha. I'm already in love with her.
We vibe, have fun in the car and I make out with her a little... just to keep her aroused. Not
until now the idea comes into my mind: Tytan is here, I'm here, the two of us have tried to
pull and fuck a girl at the same time a couple times already - always failed so close... but
Partygirl seems to be the right choice this time, so I text him while he's driving:
"Threeeesome! Just enter the apartment with us and chill in the other room until you hear me
yell 'yehaw'... then just come in and we go for it ;)"
For this I decide to give him a little DHV, just to show Partygirl that he also is a great guy and
sex material... so I include him in our conversation... being well aware that he can build up
attraction in just a few sentences... which is what he does. The three of us vibe super well in
the car and reach the LJ25 (my place).
The Escalation
Tytan is smooth as fuck and disappears immediately. Again, I wanna emphasize how
awesome his wingman skills are. I take Partygirl to my room, offer drinks, she wants wine...
oh well...
Good thing I always have some alcohol at my place, even though I myself don't drink.

In the room, put on music, make out.

I deliberately chill and take things slower, she shouldn't feel too dirty because of the super fast
pull. So it's all about make out, make her horny, press her against me, let go of her, doing
some rapport, repeat.
I start undressing her, gawd, that belly couldn't be flatter! She mentioned earlier that she's a
dancer... and I hope you know, dear reader, how much I fucking love dancers! I squeeze her
closer to me and we make out passionately, off with her shirt. I grab her dime-ass, take off
more clothes, she's wearing a g-string and my boner couldn't be harder, I just fucking love
asses... haha. I'm pretty much done the moment she lets go of me just to show me that she can
do a perfect split... Oh Jimmy...
Shortly after she's lying in my bed, me on her, both naked, I start fingering her. Here and there
a quick "You're killing me", "Gawd, look how hot you are!" from me... I get off her and grab
a condom. She compliments me and tells me it's great I'm thinking of protection (dafuq, seems
like not every guy does that... morons).
Note: ALWAYS use condoms. ALWAYS. Fucking always. What the hell!
I penetrate her and BOY is she tight, holy shit.
The Sex
Right from the start I give it to her hard and fast, pull her legs up and fuck the shit out of her.
Her body is fucking awesome, too bad that her tits are only A-cups... at least B-cups would
have been nice, but that's complaining on a very high level haha, her ass is da bomb!
Sergeant Halfmast
Yeah, even this guy apparently feels obligated to have an appearance in this story -.- Those
who know my older (pre-meditation) lay reports, know who I'm talking about. In addition, I
had some red wine and I really suck at fucking when I drank alcohol, even if it's only a little,
haha. But all in all this is how it goes: I fuck her, she loves it and that's when I think of Tytan,
who's still waiting for my "yehaw" in the other room. All of a sudden I'm pressuring myself
(completely unnecessarily), getting nervous and bam there he is... Sergeant Halfmast, in all
his glory, haha. My dick gets limp.
I decide to stop fucking her for a moment, finger her, breathe easily, chill and just call Tytan
as soon as I'm hard again. So I give her some G-Spot Action (and notice that my ring almost
disappears in her tight little pussy - hola, that was close!). She goes crazy and is about to cum,
but she can't let loose enough, oh well...
At some point Sergeant Halfmast decides to quit his service and my dick gets hard again. I let
her show me her beautiful ass. It's Doggy Pounding Time and boy now is the time for a really
nice, really hard fuck. Bangarang, the bed starts slithering across my room, haha.
The Threesome - Now It's Getting Crazy!

I don't know but for some reason a "yehaw" doesn't seem that appropriate to me, so I decide to
just text Tytan. Phone is too far away and I have to pull out to get to my desk. She asks "Ey,
what do you need your phone for?" Me: "Nah, just texting a bro real quick..."
She looks at me with questioning eyes - WTF look included. Any other girl would've probably
protested, rolled her eyes and started bitching... not Partygirl, she's cool, just looks at me for a
second and says: "Take your time..."
I ask her to pound her dime piece of ass against my dick while I'm texting Tytan: "Take off
your cloths abd come in gogogi 4" as well as I could error-free.
Seconds feel like minutes. While I'm fucking her from behind I expect that motherfucker
walking into the door to my right any second. Funny feeling somehow... knowing what's
about to happen, waiting for the door to open up slowly... wondering how the girl might
react... how you, yourself might react... heart's pounding.
Moments later. The door opens up. In comes a completely naked Tytan... I do my best to
avoid eye contact with his face as well as eye contact with his Dong - really awkward actually
- I'm just somehow squinting in his direction while I'm still thrusting my dick into Partygirl.
Afterwards I'm told that Tytan - bad boy as he is - is already wearing a condom over his dick,
Partygirl is still going crazy from my thrusting, but then slowly turns right, notices the extra
penis that is unerringly approaching towards her direction... I experience this moment in such
a slow motion that it literally feels like a minute... "Yo, what up," I hear myself say... or am I
just thinking it?
"What the fuck?" I hear Partygirl yell in shock. Suddenly it shoots into my mind "Chicksharing" a short appendix of a Pick Up lecture I had visited 3 years ago... Back then the
guy said something like "The guy who's fucking has to lead the situation by inviting the
second fucker. This way he shows that it's okay and the girl will comply..."
Fair enough, so I have to lead: "Ey bro, come, join us!" The supposedly casual-sounding
sentence couldn't sound more scripted... and deep dow inside I'm already laughing my ass off.

But Partygirl suddenly doesn't seem "party" any more at all and decides to just switch into
freak-out mode:
She now stats yelling loose syllables in a very uncontrolled manner. "What the... are you
crazy... what the... shit...!!!!!" I'm still inside her, but she gets up, proceeds to scream, her eyes
wide open, she grabs the blanked to protect her naked body from our lustful looks. More
freaking out... but slowly there's slight compliance within the initial shock.
"Dude, I mean... cool, wow... I mean... you guys could've warned me... dude... what the,
what's wrong?!" Tytan and me are lacking words, haha. I have no idea how long that
brilliantchaotic moment actually lasts but at some point she asks for some privacy and I send

Tytan out of the room to calm her down... she barely knows him, has only spoken 2 sentences
to him in the car.
I laugh, she laughs, I'm being physical, calm her down. She asks for "that guy's" name and
wants to know if it was him who I've been texting earlier? I answer everything with honesty.
She slaps my face. We both laugh, she apologizes and just says that we're the craziest guys
she's ever met.
We chat some more and she tells me she has to "take another look at the friend." She walks
into the other room and the two of them chat. Crazy shit...
Calibration, I Love You
The three of us take some steps back and slow the whole thing down. We're chilling together
in my room, fool around, I jam on one of my guitars, Partygirl smokes out of my window,
only wearing a blanket. We laugh our asses off about the weird situation, about her reaction,
about Tytan's reacion towards my "smooth" fuck invitation. We're like 3 BFFs and damn, it
really feels great actually.
Partygirl couldn't be cooler with it and Tytan and me both notice how her reaction rather was
shock than it was reluctance. She's showing IOIs for both of us, is vibing super well. Sun's
already coming up and crazy as she is, she jumps out of the window (ground floor) and runs
around in the street, yelling at cars... only covered in a thin blanket.
Back through the window into my room, she grabs the pages that include my frames which
(damn it, my discretion) just happen to lie around on my desk... "I do everything I can to
become better with girls" she reads out loud. "What the fuck is this shit?!" Omg, Tytan and
me crack up laughing, too funny.
We all get along with each other brilliantly. Tytan at some point starts a pillow fight with
Partygirl. She's lying in bed giggling, giving him the Anime Eyes. I know now it's time for me
to leave them alone, so I leave my room and chill in the other room...
I know she just has to spend enough time with him alone until he bangs her. Attraction has
been there, connection is being built right now. The night itself has been crazy enough and
we've been mentioning and projecting that sex is something completely natural for us
throughout our entire time together.
Note: Whenever you want a girl to let loose and open herself up - be it with a threesome, or
other "dirty" things, it is absolutely crucial to communicate that you would never ever judge
her for anything.
In our case, Tytan and me just compliment the shit out of her openness and spontaneity.
IMHO this was a big reason why she eventually complied to so much.
So I chill in the other room and wait for two things. 1) No more conversation in the other
room: No talking means that Tytan is probably escalating. And 2) Bang noises:

Too bad I forgot my phone in my room and now just have to get around with simple waiting. I
fall asleep for a while and when I wake up I don't hear any talking any more. Nice. However, I
still wait for bang noises, so I don't run in on them escalating. Minutes later I hear Partygirl
moaning and the bed moving. Damn, sounds like he's been banging her for a while already!
Threesome Reloaded
"It's showtime!!!" I hear my thoughts loudly... almost as if I'm actually yelling them. Off with
the socks, shorts will remain on yet, I wanna be a little more discrete than Tytan - Mr. condom
already put on - Hahaha.
I strut into the room and spot the two. Tytan over her, fucking her hard in missionary, I'm just
thinking "niiiice, but it's not really a nice position for a threesome..." so I just say: "Yooo,
what's uuuuup, turn her around."
But she's just like: "Noo, we can't do that right now... it's too late already... Tytan just came..."
Nooooo, what the fuck, maaan! 10 seconds too late and again we can't fuck the girl at the
same time... ah man...
But well, it's actually not that bad, at least we could both fuck her and that's what this kind of
threesome is about anyway... Action together with another dude isn't something I favor
anyway, haha, focus should clearly be on the girl... So I think "fair enough, then let's just
While Tytan is getting off her, I walk over to her, pull her face close to my crotch, she's all
ready and starts opening my pants... I'm so looking forward to the nice blow job, as I haven't
had the opportunity to cum yet. But now it's actually getting even fucking crazier...
Oh Shit
Tytan: "Say... are you on birth control?" Partygirl negates. "Well... cause the condom just
broke..." Oh my gawd. She starts freaking out, HE starts freaking out and I'm just standing
there with a boner, wanting to get a blow job...
Partygirl actually calms down surprisingly quickly, but I can see it in Tytan's panic look that
the situation really doesn't do him any good... understandably, I would freak out at least just
as much. Plan B pill it has to be then. Tytan rushes out of the room and (LITERALLY) comes
back 10 seconds later, fully dressed, shoes on, jacked on, ready to go... hahaha. He takes his
car to the next drug store, it's already 8am anyway.
Despite the shock moment, I decide to fuck Partygirl one more time. She's still horny and
starts blowing me - during that she actually bites my cock... what the fuck?! Nevermind, I
make her horny and she wants to make out, but I quickly realize that she's had both our dicks
in her mouth so I'm not really down for kissing. Just fucking ;) But my kiss-rejection makes
her even hornier and I'm looking forward to an even dirtier fuck... but then...
BOOM BOOM BOOM! There's aggressive knocking at the window, and Tytan is back.

He waves the small plan-b-pill package in my face, wants to jump in through the window
right away. "Every second counts, bro!" The fact that Partygirl is naked again and all ready to
fuck is being ignored. I want to keep him outside for 5 more minutes, I'm horny as fuck, just
wanna cum but noooo, he needs to hop inside NOW. Oh well...
Pick Up Lifestyle
Partygirl takes the pill, we all start calming down again and we think about the fun night
we've been experiencing within the last hours... what a crazy night... from the super fast pull
to the infamous "Ey bro, come, join us!", to the second threesome attempt, to the plan-b story
and my bitten cock... oh man... I just love this intense feeling of Pick Up Lifestyle.
A good hour later we're chilling in my bed, eating pizza we just ordered (it's 10am) and watch
the movie 300. Tytan and me brofist and watch Leonidas in awe, as he's leading his legendary
army. We heap compliments on Partygirl and engage in funny future scenarios in which she's
married to both of us, bringing home the cash while we are her Trophy Husbands...
We get tired... Partygirl is holding my biceps and falls asleep on my shoulder, while she's
cuddling her ass towards Tytan... at some point the lights go out and we fall asleep... smiling...
Killer Instinct for the win... in combination with good calibration and the tons of experience
from last months have resulted in a pretty epic night. Months ago I would simply not have had
the balls and the calibration for the whole undertaking. Tytan could've pulled as fast - his
skills are sufficient, no doubt... which is basically why he eventually fucked her too, haha.
The fact that we both fucked her that same night is mostly due to the mindset we
communicated the entire time.
Note: For threesomes of any kind it is absolutely crucial that the girl doesn't sense any
judgment. For us sex is just something completely natural and there's absolutely no sluts in
our world. Everybody likes sex, loves sex, has sex... everybody should have sex as much as
he/she wants ;)
I now wanna end this quite entertaining story with a little burner: Partygirl was actually just
about to be pulled by another guy (the guy who we ran into while exiting the club - "tall and
good-looking"). After hours of working on her (I actually ran into them on the dance floor the girl with the cigarette, remember?) he finally got her out the venue, but didn't have
condoms with him. She decides to head back into the club to get condoms and BAM runs into
me, gets approached and pulled. When he tried to talk to her outside the club, she just
randomly blows him off and says "Aaaah, I'm not in control of myself now, I can't come with
you..." and off she goes with us into the sunrise...
This is just one of Maxs top 10 Lay reports series.
These are a special bonus to RSD Max Hotseat.
If youre reading this and you havent signed up yet, click here to check out this

premium live program


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