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11, 2 13, 17, 18, 19, 20. 21. 22, 23, Contents ‘Sangam Period The Gupta and Post Gupta Period Early Medieval india Miscellaneous History Ancient History PrebistoricPeriod 136. Harappan Civlzation 410 7 The Vedic Era 11a. Religious Movements 19259, The MauryanandPostMauryanEmpire 26-37 Medieval History DelhiSultanate 66-74 Vijaynagar and Bahmani kingdoms 75-79 Religious Movements 80-85, The Mughal Empire 86.98 14, 15, 16. The Maratha Empire Rise of Regional States, Miscellaneous Modern History ‘Advent ofthe Europeans 110-114 24, Indian National Movernent (i Expansion and Establishmentsof 25. Indian National Movement (i) Gandhian Era British Paramountacy 115-122 26. Indian National movement ii) Quit India The Company Rule, Governor-Generals Movement, PartitiontoIndependence and Acts 123-133 27, Revolutionary Trendsin india Impact of British Rule 134138 28, Miscellaneous Revolt of 1857 139-142 (Personalitiesin Modern India) Peasants, Tribal, Caste and Trade 29. World History Union Movements 143-147 39, ArtandCulturein India Socio- Religious and Cultural Reforms in 49th-20th Century 148-156 Geography World Geography Physical Geography 223-228 5. Bio-Geography Geomorphology 229-242 6. Economic Geography Climatology 243-256 7. HumanGeography Oceanography 257-263 8. Continental Geography 38-40 4151 52-62 63-65, 99-102 103-106 107-109 157-168 169-185 186-194 195-198 199-205 206-212 213-222 264-268 269-278 279-284 285-295 10. 11, 2 13, 14, 20. 21. Indian Physical Geography Drainage Climate Forestand Wildlife Soils Agriculture Indian Geography 296-304 305-312 313-317 318-323 324-325 326-333 415, Resources 16. Industries 17, Transport 418, Human Resources 19, Miscellaneous Environment, Ecology and Biodiversity Ecologyand Ecosystem Environment Degradation Indian Constitution Features of Indian Constitution Parts, Articles and Schedules National insignia and Order of Precedence The Preamble Union and Its Territory Citizenship Fundamental Rights Directive Principles Fundamental Duties The Union Executive The Union Legislature 363-367 368.373 22. Global Warming and Climate Change 23. Biodiversity Indian Polity 385-389 390.393 394.396 397-398 399-400 401-402 403-404 405-413 414-416 417-418 419-426 427-440 13. The Union Judiciary: Supreme Court 14, The State Executive 15, Thestate Legislature 16, TheStateludiciary 17. LocalGovernment 18, Centre-State Relations 419, Emergency Provisions 20. Elections 21, Constitutional Amendments 22, Commissions Under The Constitution 23. OfficesUnderthe Constitution 24, Official Language and|ssues 25. Miscellaneous Indian Economy Structureof Indian Economy Infrastructure of Indian Economy Planningand Economic Development inindia Agriculture Sector of indian Economy Industrial Sector in Indian Economy Services Sector in Indian Economy Poverty, Unemploymentand Rural Development Programmes 489-492 493.497 498-502 903-510 511-516 517-519 520-533 8, India's Foreign Trade 9, Reserve Bankof Indiaand indian Currency System 10, Indian Commercial Banking Systems 411. Indian Capital Financial Markets and Development, Financial institutions 412, Indian Public Finance 13, Inflation, Subsidies and indian Economy 334-340 341-345 346-350 351-354 355-362 374.376 377-384 441-445 446-449 450-451 452-454 455-458 459-466 467-470, 4ananr 473-474 475-480 481-482 483-485 486-488 534-541 542-548, 549.554 555-561 563-567 568-570 General Science Physics 41. Mechanies 571-581 5, Optics 2. General Properties of Matter 582587 6. Electricityand Magnetism 3. Waves 588-5927. ModernPhysics 4. Heat 593.597 Chemistry 1. Statesof Matter 613-616 @, Electrochemistry 2, Atomiestructure 617-620 9. PeriodieClassfication of elements 3. Radioactivity 621-624 10, MetalsandTheir Compounds 4. Chemical Bonding 625-627 11. Non-MetalsandTTheir Compounds 5. SolutionsandSurface Chemistry 628-630 12. Hydrocarbon and ts Derivatives 6. Chemical Kinetics, Catalysis Physical 13, Acids, Bases, Saltsand Redox Reactions and Chemical Change 631-632 14. Biomolecules 7. Thermochemistry 633-634 15. ChemistryinEverydaylife Biology 4. Biology and Its Branches 665-667 7. Taxonomy and Morphology of Plant 2. Cell Biology 668-671. Genetics 3, Tissue System 672-675 9, Ecology 4. Evolution 676-678 10. Economic Botany 55, The Living World and Pathology 679-689 11. Biotechnology 6. Plant and Animal Physiology 690-702 12. Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Computer & IT 1. Computer Basics 731-7336, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics 2, Computer Languages 734-736 7. Computer and Communication 3. Computer Architecture 737-7408. Wireless Telecommunication 4. Computer Graphics 741-742 9, Television and Display Types 5. Computer Worm and Viruses 743-744 General Knowledge 1. Awards 757-762 8 Government Programmes 2, Personalities 763-767 9. Committees and Commissions 43. Books and Authors 768-771 10. Organisations 4, Places 7716 11. Dates & Days 5. India and The World TIT-TI9 12. Abbreviations 6. Defence 780-785 13. Sports 7. Space 786-788 14. Artand Culture Current Affairs 598-602 603-607 609-612 635-636 637-638 639-643 640-647 648-654 655-656 657-658 659-664 703-705 706-710 74-715 716-717 718-720 721-730 745-746 747-748 749-753 754-756 789-794 795-798 799-805 806-809 810-812 813-820, 821-824 132

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