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Legal Research
Opinion and Bias
Opinion and bias - as defined by Merriam-Webster is a belief, judgment, or way of thinking
about something, Opinion can sometimes alter writings on controversial works, and often can
lead to opinion affecting factual descriptions of works, this bias is to be avoided, as factual
programs are - by design - factual, and should not be affected by any personal opinion.
The BBCs own guidelines state that;
4.2.2 - News in whatever form must be treated with due impartiality,
giving due weight to events, opinion and main strands of argument.

To ensure no bias in my own work, i will be taking into careful consideration both the the
opinions of the articles researched, and gain opinions on multiple sides - so as to give a varied
result; i will also strive to deliver an unbiased piece on my subject matter, and deliver on factual
and documentative information in my work.
Accuracy is the key figure in creating a factual program; it is literally in the name to keep to a
standard of accuracy and representation that allows for informative works. But that work can
sometimes be compromised by false information in things such as research or personal
The BBC defines their stance on accuracy in their factual works as;
3.2.2 - All BBC output, as appropriate to its subject and nature, must be well sourced, based on sound
evidence, thoroughly tested and presented in clear, precise language. We should be honest and open
about what we don't know and avoid unfounded speculation. Claims, allegations, material facts and other
content that cannot be corroborated should normally be attributed.

I believe that this standard of research is applicable to my own work, and should be applied to it
too. This standard of referral and referencing will help my work present accurate information,
sourced from a variety of reliable and supported materials.
Balance and Impartiality

Merriam-Webster defines Impartiality as treating all people and groups equally : not partial or
biased. By following this definition, the script and story may be represented in a far more
impartial form (especially important considering the potential controversy of the piece.)
BBC defines its guidelines on Impartiality as;
4.2.1 - We must do all we can to ensure that 'controversial subjects'
are treated with due impartiality in all our output.

4.2.2 - News in whatever form must be treated with due impartiality,
giving due weight to events, opinion and main strands of argument.

Take note of the use of the word due in the statement, as presenting every single solitary fact
and figure as impartial on a constant basis is simply unnecessary for a production such as this;
rather focusing on impartiality on controversial topics.
Objectivity and Subjectivity
based on facts rather than feelings or opinions : not influenced by feelings is the dictionary
definition; and using this terminology for the word its easy to surmount a basis for the treatment
of factual evidence, along with its counterpart, subjectivity; relating to the way a person
experiences things in his or her own mind : based on feelings or opinions rather than facts.
The BBC defines their stance on the matter as;
4.4.26 - On long-running or continuous output (such as general daily magazine programmes, the News
Channel, Online, etc.) due impartiality may be achieved over time by the consistent application of editorial
judgement in relevant subject areas. For instance, it is not usually required for an appearance by a
politician, or other contributor with partial views, to be balanced on each occasion by those taking a
contrary view, although it may sometimes be necessary to offer a right of reply.

I like this stance on the matter, as by applying a basic rule of presenting both arguments for
interpretation allows audiences to gather enough information to understand the story
Representation is important for both people and fact. As defined by Merriam-Webster; a person
or group that speaks or acts for or in support of another person or group. Representation such

as this is integral to objectivity and impartiality, as without equal representation certain parties
may be undermined.
To keep representation unbiased and fair, equal time will be given to sides of the story and no
protagonist or other dramatic techniques will be used to alter or twist events in any partys
Access and Privacy
freedom from unauthorized intrusion : state of being let alone and able to keep certain esp.
personal matters to oneself (As defined by Merriam-Webster.)
Privacy is an issue in many human interest stories, and many media stations have infringed on
the privacy of individuals. However, i feel it is important to at least disclose any and all acts that
may affect individuals during the production of my documentary, following in similar suit to the
BBCs guidelines;
7.2.1 - The BBC must balance the public interest in freedom of expression with the legitimate
expectation of privacy by individuals. Any infringement of a legitimate expectation of privacy in the
gathering of material, including secret recording and doorstepping, must be justifiable as proportionate in
the particular circumstances of the case.

Whilst it doesnt much fit for my own production, it is important to define these rules for any
Contract with the Viewer
I hope to deliver to my audience a factual and informative piece on current legal debate
surrounding youtubes copyright policies; and by using well sourced and defined evidence,
present a factual and engaging story that my main audience of teen to young adult viewer would
be interested in.
I promise to at the very least be factual and well versed with informed and accurate opinions.
Providing informations sources and crediting works for their original owners. No privacy shall be

Legal and Ethical consideration

Public Filming
I will be filming in studio areas on school grounds - more specifically in the Rotherfield Studio
room. I will be asking permission from the teachers as to access its facilities.
I will be asking for permission via email, which will be included as a part of my future preproduction.
Archival Footage
As a story about the internet and other visual media, said media will be shown and explored; as
such several Youtube videos will be included within the documentary.
To protect from any legal issues i will email each youtuber about using their content, and will be
posting said responses in the future pre-production.
Secretive Filming
There will be no secretive or undisclosed filming of individuals, i believe this to be both invasive
of said individuals privacy, and unnecessary for my production.
As such no filming will be done without direct involvement and participation of said individuals.
Offence and Slander
The production is designed to be a fair and equal argument about the legal and ethical events
surrounding a game and the online videos produced about it. Whilst there may be some initial
opinion pieces, i do plan to offer a fair and equal argument and documentation of the two sides.
The video will include discussion of some more offensive or potentially hurtful topics, including
child death and discussions of cancers and terminal illness; as such these topics will be
considered and presented with kindness and care.
Legally speaking, in order to defend from potential liability from defamation, i will be speaking
with and open minded form of discussion, and will be making sure as to not present alleged
reports as official evidence.

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