May 04 2016

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam May 04, 2016

What is the purpose of the descent of an Avatar? What lesson must we learn
from it? Bhagawan highlights this key fact today.

God descends and takes on the human form only to change

the lives of humans by His own example. Only humans
descend to the depths of degradation by their utter disregard of
their dharma (code of conduct) and Divinity. Birds and beasts
firmly adhere to their own respective dharmas. There is no
need for the Avatar to arise amongst birds and beasts
since dharma has not declined in them. Lord Krishna declared,
I come down for the protection of the good (Paritranaya
sadhunam). God always protects the virtuous. There is no use
merely lisping Ramas name. Emulate Rama and transform
yourselves by following the path of Love. However deep and
great your scholastic eminence may be, one cannot achieve
anything without undergoing the transformation of the mind.
- Summer Showers in Brindavan 1996, Ch 2.

All are One, Be alike to Everyone! Baba

04 meI ,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:Avqwr dw,ies DrqI qy jnm lYx dw kI mnorQ hY?swnUM,ies qoN kI
sbk is`Kxw cwhIdw hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ies bwry ivsqwr nwl s`sdy hn[
au`qr: Bgvwn,ies DrqI qy,mnu`K dy rUp iv`c qW jnm lYNdy hn qW jo
auh,AwpxI audwhrx dy ky,mnu`KW dw jIvn bdl skx[ieh kyvl mnu`K hI hn
ijhVy Awpxy Drm Aqy idvAqw dI prvwh kIqy ibnW,Awpxw jIvn nrk

bxwauNdy hn[pkSI Aqy jwnvr hI,auh jIv hn ijhVy Awpxy Drm dI pwlxw
krdy hn[Avqwr nUM,pSU Aqy pMCIAW dy rUp iv`c jnm lYx dI koeI loV nhIN
ikauN jo auh,Awpxy Drm qoN nIcy nhIN ifgdy[Bgvwn ikRSn ny ikhw sI ik
auh,A`CweI dI r`kSw krn leI hI, Avqwr lYNdy hn[Bgvwn
hmySw,DrmwqmwvW dI r`kSw krdy hn[rwm dy nW nUM kyvl quqlw ky bolx dw
koeI lwB nhIN huMdw[rwm dw Anukrx(rIs) kro Aqy ipAwr dy rsqy dI mdd
nwl,Awpxy jIvn nUM sdwcwrI bxwaou[quhwfI ij`nI mrzI gUVHI Aqy mhwn
ividAk mShUrI hovy,mn dI Su`DI kIqy ibnW,quhwnUM,koeI vI lwB nhIN hox
vwlw[(smr Swvrz ien ibRMdwvn 1996,A`iDAwey do)[
swry jIv,iek hn[ies leI,hr ie`k nwl,iek ijhw ivvhwr kro[(bwbw)[

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