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The given paper deals with design of Reverse Flat Plate Collector (RFPC)
which increases the efficiency of solar water heating system. Normal flat plate
collector which is available in market has less efficiency due to various losses.
Major losses being convection losses from absorber plate to glass which is 20 to 30
%. RFPC eliminates this loss and also we have used the same area for producing
electricity using the solar voltaic plate. Experimental result is found to be that
RFPC is better in efficiency.

As the whole world is trying to reduce the carbon content in the environment
due to climate change. Green energy is one of most sorts to fulfill the energy need
for world. Heating of water needs lots of energy. As abundance amount solar heat
is available, this energy is utilized for heating water. Flat plate collector is available
in market but heat losses in most commercial flat plate collector are around 33 to
50%. Due to convective 22 to 30%, due to radiative losses from absorber surfaces
5 to 7% and radiative losses from back surface 5 to 10%. In order to improve the
collector efficiency convective and radiative losses from front and back surface has
to be eliminated. Convective losses in flat plate collector are strong function of
geometrical parameter. Reverse flat plate collector reduces these convective losses

from front surface by reversing the flat plate collector and designing the reflector is
one of major part of this project. Experimental result has shown that RFPC is
efficient than the flat plate collector.
A solar ray from sun which is time dependent varies from 45degree to 90
degree. This solar ray strikes the reflector which in turn reflects it to the RFPC (as
shown in fig). All the rays from 900 hours to1800 hours will strike the RFPC. This
ray will transfer through glass, (glass allows light to pass through but does not
allow heat to come out of it). This trapped heat heats the copper plate.
The Copper plate which is painted in matt black to improve the absorptivity
of solar energy. Copper plate being good conductor of heat absorbs the heat and
transmits to water. Above the glass wool is solar voltaic plate. This plate converts
the energy of light in to electricity. This electricity has to be stored in battery.

Low Cost system.
This project is non-conventional project
Maintenance is less.

Initial cost of the project is high.

For automobile application.
Industrial application.

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