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“Student Hondbook page number 37 Understanding Scene Work ‘When preparing a scene for class project tisimportant oof closing your teacher requested. For example, some! fully understand the context ofthe scene within the play from require students fo “drop” their heads aso sign that he which originated For example if you found Maggie the Cat's over Others require students o soy “scene.” fa famous speech from Tennessee Wiliams’ Cat on @ Hot Tin is completly believable its dificult to tell when itis over Roof in « monclog book, you might think itis just an angry out the assistance of lights or sound, so be sure fo ask speech from a jealous wife to her husband, However f you teacher how he or she withes you to end your scene read the ploy in its enely, you will dscover @ desperste One ofthe mos!importnt things your teacher hopes he ae woman clinging fo o love and a way of life that were never she will notnotice in your performance is memorization frou= really hers to begin with ble. When a scene is memorized fo perfection, the actor wil Be The scenes inthis ection, however are not from plays. They completely focused on the performance rather than on which are called lab scenes, which means they were wren silly line comes next Howeves when the actor is not one hundred from a “scientific” point of view. Each contains elements ofthe- percent confident in his or her memorization, that will be the are oF acing that will help introduce young actors to scene frst thing on his or her mind, Excellent memorization i the key work, ecting, and the sage without being loo overwhelming. 10 clearing he path to a good performance. Once you are comfortable with doing basic scenes ke these, you may then select more challenging scene, such os one 5 from ploy. Evaluation and Scene Work ‘As you study each scene, keep in mind the evaluation your teacher will use fo grade your performance. What kinds of | You just completed the section on Evaluation. elements will your teacher seek? He or she will look for you _ | Now it is time to put what you learned to work (ond your partner if you have one) to approach he perform- | by practicing and performing lab scenes. Use ‘once area enthusiasically and confdently Your introduction _| these clues to complete the list of elements your willbe well-prepared os wil your performance. He or she wil | teacher will seek in your performances.

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