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FS15 TE 407
Unit Plan Assignment
Unit Title: A title for your unit.
Redefining Our Stories
Unit Rationale:
. The units theme is Redefining Our Stories. In this four-five week unit plan is designed for tenth-twelfth graders
in primarily urban contexts but can be applicable to anywhere. The novel Purple Hibiscus is the primary text that will be
used. The novel tells the story of Kambili, a Nigerian girl coming to understand the world for herself. The first step is seeing
her father for who he really is, even if that means understanding that he is abusive and manipulative. Kambili and her brother
Jaja co
B. Students will focus on the developing courage, compassion, and an awareness of history & self to become a better
person. Students will also gain a deeper understanding of their own worldviews. Students will look for connections among
fact and fiction, past & present, their own lives & literature to make connections between their lives and he lives of Kambili
and Jaja and other characters in the book.
C. Human Development- Its a coming of age novel so I would work through the changes that are going on in
Kamibilis life to help guide reading & understand what is going on. Civic awareness- it helps students to identify with
current protest in the US and to relates to the justice system. The story also deals with freedom; different freedoms
Americans take for granted but are not given to people in other countries. We will talk about the democratic process and lack
thereof in the novel. We will discuss the place of protest in changing society today, for the better, especially the role of youth
in protest.
Inventory: Write a statement on how you will Inventory students prior knowledge as you design instruction, and why you have chosen
your inventory tool (see Smagorinsky, pp. 112-113). (One well-developed paragraph, 100-150 words.)
Character Bingo- Having students to create 16 or so squares with traits about a character in the novel. Each square would have
characteristics of a different character, only one repeat allowed. The students would then type this all up and hand it in so that
students in another English class could play bingo with it. This would help me assess the knowledge of character analysis and

whether or not the student read the novel. This will also help to look at the students writing skills based on the sentences used to
describe the characters in the novel.
As a wrap-up activity (or even in the middle of the book) I would have the students to write a letter to the younger self of any
character in the book after we listen to Adeles Hello. The plot twist of this activity is that the students have to write this as if they
were the characters. The letter would be to give advice or shine light on things to come and sort of help the character through the
times. I think that the letter would be helpful for me to see where they are as writers but to also get to know them a little bit more.
Character bingo- even having students in one class do it for another.. sort of like jeopardy thing but w/ bingo--- pre-reading (talking
about students connection to the text) post activity- students writing text as character about younger self
Unit Objectives:
Students will gather a sense of identity.
Students will be able to apply literary devices like symbolism to the novel and beyond.
Students will understand that difference does not mean deficit.
Unit Essential Question(s):

How might Adicihies difference affect the way WE read the book?
How could you compare/ contrast your experiences with that of the author?
In what ways did Adicihies difference help/hurt your understanding of the novel?
How might the author be using symbolism to convey a specific message?

Unit Materials:
Purple Hibiscus,
pens or pencils, paper
a computer or some type of internet connection
Overhead projector
Unit Assessment: A Unit Assessment that can help you determine if students have demonstrated how the Unit Objective has been met.

A compare & contrast essay

A multimedia project
Alternative form of assessment
Lesson Objectives:

Students will use their knowledge of the novel and debate procedures in order to persuade a body of their peers.
Students will identify symbolism in the novel and beyond.
Students will demonstrate knowledge of story elements (plot, setting, character analysis, etc.)
Students will explore themes and other issues raised throughout the novel through research.
Students will examine the role that themes play throughout the novel and how
Students will make connections between the novel and he world (currently, historically and futuristically).
Students will employ various strategies to appropriately communicate with different audiences.

Lesson Assessments:
Kahoot Quiz- quizzing students on what they should have read for the day and learned in class. Very informal because students can
take the quiz using their cellphones.
Padlet writing activity- A quick activity sharing
Turn & talk/ think pair, share
Venn diagram- to compare and contrast characters, setting, ideas, etc.
Plicker quiz
Google form (sort of like a quiz)
Go Soapbox

Unit Assessment

Redefining Our Stories:

The end of our unit is upon us and you all know what that means, a project.

Write a 4-5 page essay
Present a multimedia project (in the form of a prezi, video, PowerPoint, storyboard, etc)
Present another idea, must be approved by me 2 weeks before project is due.
Essays are to be double spaced, typed in 12-point font, with one-inch margins. Remember to put your name in the
top right hand corner. Page numbers should be listed
Presentations are to last 5-10 minutes. A hard copy of your presentation must be turned in.


Content- Knowledge of


Spelling and Grammar


Exemplary (4)
Included 5 or more
quotes, and facts that
display a developed
knowledge and analysis
of text. Displayed
knowledge of the novel.
Well organized. Text and
or graphics were easy to
read through.

Accomplished (3)
Included 4 or less
quotes, and facts that
display a developed
knowledge and analysis
of text.. Displayed
effective knowledge of
the novel.
Moderately organized.
Text and graphics were
easy to read through but
mistakes were
Commendable control of Effective control of
writing conventions.
standard writing
Approximately no
grammatical or spelling Approximately three
grammatical or spelling

Developing (2)
Included 3 or less
quotes, and facts that
display a developed
knowledge and analysis
of text.. Displayed
adequate knowledge of
the novel.
Slightly organized. Text
and graphics affected the
flow of the project,
audience finds it hard to
follow along.
Adequate control of
standard writing
Approximately four
grammatical or spelling

Beginning (1)
Included 2 or less
quotes, and facts that
display a developed
knowledge and analysis
of text. Displayed
limited knowledge of the
Not organized. Text and
graphics were all over
the place. Very hard to
Limited control of
standard writing
Approximately five or
more grammatical or
spelling errors.

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