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Jensen Ackles is James Munro, Scarlets popular on and off

again boyfriend and Marks step-brother.

Ariana Grande is Izzie Jackson, a happy-go-lucky teen who

doesnt let what people say change her.

Leonardo Dicaprio is Mark Bayle, a good friend that hangs out with Eric and James that tries to
ask Izzie out.

Leon Thomas 3 is Eric Powell, a guy that goes to talk to Hope to

see what Izzie would act like when he would tell her, and really cares about her, and doesnt
want her to get hurt.

Lucy Hale is Scarlet Williams, a girl that cares about herself,

and likes to think she is helping but really she just makes things worse.

Vanessa Marano is Bay Nesly, a girl that has a crush on Peter.

She has known him since 1st Grade and they hooked up for a little bit and stopped and did it

Adam Levine is Adam Mcknight, he is a guy that every girl

has a crush on but people think hes a player when in reality he is a really sweet guy who cares
about how people feel.

Avan Jogia is Peter Weaver, he cares about this girl named

Bay. He has known her since 1st grade he makes sure that they were still close to each other.
They are dating, they have to been together 1 year.

Beyonce is Hope Mcknight, she is Adams sister and

she likes to believe she is better than everyone just because her parents have money.

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