Pe Syllabus

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Shepherd Hill Regional High School

Physical Education, Health and Family & Consumer Science Department

Course: Physical Education

Grade Level: 9 - 12

Teacher: Mr. Skermont, Mr. Lindstrom, Miss. Garneau

Credit: 1/4
Course Description : A program of activities with emphasis on cooperative games, individual /
team sports, adventure education, lifetime/leisure activities and personal fitness. The sequence
of experiences is designed to fulfill the physical growth, social development and behavioral
needs of each student. The class meets every other day for the full year.
Course Objectives:
To learn skills and behaviors that will contribute to a healthy lifestyle.
To establish an appreciation for the value of life long physical activity.
Student Learning Expectations:
# 6 The SHRHS student understands and applies personal wellness skills.
Change of clothes, which includes appropriate sneakers, shorts or athletic pants, T-shirt.
with sleeves, jacket / sweatshirt. NO JEANS.
Students are not allowed to participate in class unless they have the proper change of
clothes including sneakers.
There is no text book for this course.
Assessment/Grading Policy:
50% Participation: Involvement in class activities
50% Effort: Doing your personal best
Effort and Participation Rubric:
4. The student will always exert oneself to his/her fullest. Always gives 100% in warm
ups / running / skill work and game play.
3. The student will frequently exert oneself to their fullest, usually gives a lot to warm up/
running / class activities.
2. The student will sometimes exert oneself, but not to their fullest, occasionally tries but
could do more.
1. The student will seldom exert oneself, does not try to become involved in activities or
doesnt do warm ups or running completely.
Students are required to participate in physical education under Massachusetts Stature, (Ch. 71,
Sec. 3) and Dudley / Charlton District School Policy.

. . . committed to excellence with pride and unity.

To be eligible for a term grade, the student must participate in 60% of total class meetings during
a marking period. To receive a final grade, the student must have earned three (3) term grades
during the year.
Non-participation in class activity will result in a daily grade of a zero. The quarter grade for
each student will be determined by averaging the grade from each selective unit and fitness
testing during that quarter. Zeros can be made up only after school. Please check with your
teachers on the days of availability after school. A maximum of three zeros per quarter can be
made up. Each zero will significantly hurt ones grade because the class only meets on an every
other day basis.
Medical waivers by physicians are given to the school nurse and a study hall is assigned until a
return authorization is received.
Fitness testing occurs continuously throughout the school year. This does include doing a 1 mile
run one time in the fall and one time in the spring. Fitness scores are based on an individuals
effort and not specifically on times or scores.
Units usually offered include: Speedball, Soccer, Basketball, Ultimate Frisbee, Lacrosse, Field
Hockey, Softball, Football, Volleyball, Badminton, Ping Pong, Tennis, Pickleball, Disc Golf,
Golf, Floor Hockey, Adventure Ropes Course, Rock Wall, Weight Room and many others.
Behavioral Expectations:
Be Respectful and Cooperative: Contribute to a positive atmosphere. Use language appropriate
for the school setting. Care for and return PE equipment appropriately. Treat others how you
would like to be treated
Be Responsible and Productive: Lock up your valuables or do not bring them. If you have
something valuable lock it up in the teachers office. Remain active throughout the class period.
Strive for self improvement and your Personal Best. Be aware of your actions and
consequences. Be prepared with proper attire.
Teacher Expectations and School Rules: Follow instructions and remain active throughout the
entire class. Participate to your full ability. Remain in the locker room until the bell rings to
dismiss the class.
Student Responsibilities Include:
Follow department safety procedures, Report lost or stolen items. Be on time, Use the gym only when
supervised, Report all injuries, No food or drinks allowed in the gym, no academic class work allowed in
gym, no headphones, electronic devices (Ipods) or cell phones in gym.
___________________________________________ cut here _____________________________________

Student Signature:


Parent/Guardian Signature:


*Signature indicates receipt and understanding of course syllabus.

. . . committed to excellence with pride and unity.

Parents Email Address:


*Including your email will allow us to correspond with you.

. . . committed to excellence with pride and unity.

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