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Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome)

2. Definition of disease
a. The body will have weak muscle tone, a shorter stature, and a flattened
facial profile
b. Down syndrome could generally affect any organ but most noticeably the
facial structure
3. Symptoms
a. Delayed development, short stature, lazy eyes, speech delay, a learning
disability, etc.
4. Cause of disorder
a. An extra copy of the 21st chromosomes
b. What happens is there is an error in cell division called nondisjunction
leaving the sperm or egg with an extra chromosome
5. Inheritance
a. Most cases of Down syndrome cant or arent inherited
6. How many and what type of people are likely to have the disorder?
a. There isnt a certain type of people more likely to get Down syndrome
b. It is fairly common with a 1 in 700 (or 6,000 a year) chance of a baby

born this defect

7. Any other interesting information about the disorder
a. Three types of Down syndrome
- Trisomy 21 (nondisjunction)
- Translocation
- Mosaicism
b. They have increased risk in other medical conditions

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