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Dakota State University

College of Education
Name: Jordan Maurice
Grade Level: _____5th _and 6th _____________
School: ________Elkton _____________
Date: ___________
Time: _____
Reflection from prior lesson:
Students love this town
o I want them to be part of this town forever
Lesson Goal(s) / Standards:

Come to discussions prepared, having read or studied required material;

explicitly draw on that preparation and other information known about the
topic to explore ideas under discussion.


Report on a topic or text or present an opinion, sequencing ideas logically

and using appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details to support
main ideas or themes; speak clearly at an understandable pace.
Lesson Objectives:

To establish the students to be part of their community

To present their findings/beliefs of what they think of this town
To report on what they made for their town

Materials Needed:

Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics:

Lesson 1:
A. The Lesson
1. Introduction (5-10 minutes)
Where is everyone from?
o Make a tally on who lives in town and who lives in another town
Who lives in the town and who lives in the country?
o Make a tally

2. Content Delivery (25 minutes)

Split up into groups
o 2 groups (half the class)
One group will discuss about what they would like to change about their town
The other group will discuss about what they love about their town
o Have 1 person record
o The rest discuss
15 minutes later
o Bring back the class
o Have 1 group give the examples
Write them on the board/projector
Once done
Ask the other group if they agree or would add 1 more thing
o Other group gives their examples
Write them on the board/projector
Once done
Ask the other group if they agree or would add 1 more thing
3. Closure (5-10 minutes)

Write on a piece of paper

o Something you like about this town
o What you would change
Students came up with some great ideas
o I learned a lot from this town personally
On a great start
Lesson 2
B. The Lesson
1. Introduction (5-10 minutes)
Take out the piece of paper from yesterday
o On your laptop give me reasons why you wrote that
2. Content Delivery (25 minutes)
For example,
o I would like to change the abandon gas station to a gaming center
For each part give me at least 2 paragraphs
o what you would change/keep the same
o why you would
3. Closure (5-10 minutes)
bring up a paper I wrote on Brookings, SD

students have gotten a great start on this but will probably need another day till
we move on
2 day lesson

Lesson 4
C. The Lesson
1. Introduction (5-10 minutes)
now we have talked about what we would change and what you like
here/your own town
o now we are actually go to build this replacement/ what you like about
this town
2. Content Delivery (25 minutes)
go to
o have the students go through build academy
do at least 3 mastery
3. Closure (5-10 minutes)

if students finish these have them explore the universe

students were hesitant to use this program at first
o the end
they love it
are asking questions on how to expand
Lesson 5
D. The Lesson
1. Introduction (5-10 minutes)
you have had some training on the academy and know some styles of this program
now we are going to build in Elkton, SD
bring out your laptops
2. Content Delivery (25 minutes)
pull up projector and go along with them
o go to explore buildings
o type in your address
o find a plot of land
o click on it
o sign in
o start building
show a few examples of others
even make one yourself
3. Closure (5-10 minutes)

do not publish unless finished

great start on it
o will probably need a few days to finish it
o trial and error

Lesson 6
E. The Lesson
1. Introduction (5-10 minutes)

pull up projector
students pull up your paper about what you would change/what you would

2. Content Delivery (25 minutes)

ask for volunteers

o show their building
o read what they wrote and why they did this
pull from the sticks who will go next

3. Closure (10-15 minutes)

How have you changed this community?

Great presentations
o Will need another day to finish
F. Assessments Used
o Conversations about themselves and community
o Their essays
o Practice building
o Presentation
G. Differentiated Instruction
o Have some words in Spanish
o Make their house/farm
o Work close by to those who need help choosing the work

H. Resources

I. Back Pocket Ideas

Have students go to the school board/ town committee and present
o As practice or for real

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