Karongwe January 16 Monthly Achievement

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Achievement Report Karongwe January 2016

Report Title
Hyena Collar

Passion and Purpose: Fundraising for a hyena collar in order to gain knowledge on hyena movement
patterns, feeding ecology and behaviour on the reserve.

Over the past few months we have been fund raising for a hyena collar by playing mini sport
tournaments, doing a fun run and encouraging GVI friends and family to support this research cause.

For a few months now we have set up fun challenges as well as a charity fun run to raise money for a
hyena collar. The small challenges included activities such as volley ball tournaments, quiz games
and other fun games. During our run for research all the volunteers and interns got involved and
we ran 15km along the Eastern fenceline of the reserve. This was also a dress-up run, where some of
the staff portrayed hyenas by painting themselves for the run.

These activities, combined with shared facebook posts allowed us to raise enough money to buy a
hyena collar and also finance the veterinary costs that will be involved in fixing the collar. This
initiative was driven by the cautious nature of hyenas, resulting in little knowledge of their
movement and breeding patterns, group structure and feeding ecology. Collaring a hyena will allow
us to provide more research for the reserve as well as aiding in better reserve management.

Being able to follow a collared hyena will add onto the programme and what we can provide for our
volunteers. From a teaching perspective we will have a whole new subject on which we can focus
and elaborate as this opportunity allows for potential ad-hoc projects we can include in our
internship and get the volunteers involved as well. From a research perspective, we will be able to
provide valuable information on hyenas which ties in with reserve management and our ultimate
goals and responsibilities here on Karongwe as a research entity.

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