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The Colonization of


By: Kennedy Haskett, Maggie

Turcios, and Brigite Nikizaq



"In less than twenty years we have nearly swept them off the face of the
earth. We have shot them down like dogs. In the guise of friendship we
have issued corrosive sublimate in their damper and consigned whole
tribes to the agonies of an excruciating death. We have made them
drunkards, and infected them with diseases which have rotted the bones
of their adults, and made such few children as are born amongst them a
sorrow and a torture from the very instant of their birth. We have made
them outcasts on their own land, and are rapidly consigning them to entire
~Edward Wilson, Argus, 17th March 1856 (7)

What are we discussing?

Discussion of the indigenous people retreat
Who were the colonizers, and what were they benefiting?
Historical context
What happening now?
Original settlers from britain to Australia

Australian Indigenous Peoples

People from Africa navigated
their way through Asia and
reached the eastern coastal
islands where they created
primitive watercrafts and
most likely accidentally
sailed upon the continent of
Australia. While there, the
people learned to live on the
land and developed their
own sense of community
within tribes and from there
created traditions and rituals
unique to each group of

Who were the aborigines,

characteristics and

The Aborigines were the native people of

Australia, they were a darker skinned group of
people believed to be more closely related to
Africans than to asians or Europeans. They are
believed to be the first group of people to migrate
out of Africa over 60,000 years ago.
Aboriginal Australians were nomadic huntergathers. They roamed from place to place hunting
animals and gathering fruits, nuts, yams and insects
which they ate.
Interesting fact the Aborigines referred to the
beginning of the world as Dreamtime or The
Dreaming. This is when the Aborigine ancestors
and various animal spirits came together and
formed the world.

First Colonizers
The first colonizers of Australia
In 1770 Captain Cook claimed eastern Australia
for Britain and called it New South Wales
In 1788 the first Australian penal colony was
Penal colony- place where convicts were sent to
serve their sentences

Around the early 19th century, few new people

were sent to Australia during the wars with
France and the colony continued to grow.

The economic benefits of colonizing Australia

1. Relieve overcrowding in Great Britains
2. The British recognized the importance
of having its navy stationed in Australia
in the southern hemisphere.
3. The British viewed Australia as an
economic base to expand trade
4. The British government didnt want its
rivals, especially the French, to start a
colony on the Australian continent.
5. The availability of timber for ships masts

Australia Quickly get Colonized

In 1787, eleven ships carrying 1,450 passengers began
the voyage to colonize Australia.
Finally in 1788, British established its first penal colony
and called it Sidney.

Between 1788 and 1900, the Indigenous population of Australia was reduced by 90%. Because of this there are
approximately only 300,000 Aboriginals

Main reasons for decline:

Introduction of new diseases
Settler acquisition (gain) of indigenous lands
Direct and violent conflict with the colonisers

Flag &

Why haven't Australia changed their flag and removed

the British influence?
Inertia or Tradition
Most of the population of Australia are descended
from British immigrants

Commonwealth country
Reigned over by Queen Elizabeth II who lives in

Why didnt Western Australia become Independent

when Federation occurred,
the Swan River Colony had the largest reserves of
minerals to be discovered. The West was not
prosperous, so they decided to stick with the
richer East.


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