Hayt8e SM Ch2 PDF

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CHAPTER 2 2.1. Three point charges are positioned in the x-y plane as follows: 5nC at y = 5 em, -10 nC at y = —5 em, 15 nC at « = —5 em, Find the required r-y coordinates of a 20-nC fourth charge that will produce a zero electric field at the origin. With the charges thus configured, the electric field at the origin will be the superposition of the individual charge fields: nC/m a Lape Gee ore ~ Bea (5) The field, Fay, associated with the 20-nC charge (evaluated at the origin) must exactly cancel this field, so we wi va gk (3) mo = ah) om From this, we identify the distance from the origin: p = \/100/(8V2) = 4.85. The x and y coordinates of the 20-nC charge will both be equal in magnitude to 4.85//2 = 3.43. The coodinates of the 20-nC charge are then (3.43, ). 2.2, Point charges of nC and -2n€ are located at (0,0,0) and (1,1,1), respectively, in free space, Determine the veetor force acting on each charge. First, the electric field intensity associated with the InC charge, evalutated at the -2nC charge location is: 1 1 Eu= Raw (%) (artay+a.) nC/m in which the distance between charges is ¥3 m. The force on the -2nC charge is then -2 P= GBs = Sp (ae tay ba a BVIn0 ) The force on the InC charge at the origin is just the opposite of this result, or Fi 4, © 104 x69 ae tay 2.8, Point charges of 50nC cach are located at A(1,0,0), B(-1,0,0), C(O, 1,0), and D(0, —1,0) in free space. Find the total force on the charge at A. ‘The foree will be: _ (50x 0-8)? [| Re 4 trey [Real a, —ay, Roa =a, ay, and Ryq = 2a,, The magnitudes are [Real = |Rpal = v2, ‘= 2, Substituting these leads to _ (6010-8)? (ss F F 1.5an uN treo [2V2 where distances are in meters. 2.5. Let a point charge Qi = 25 nC be located at P; (4,-2.7) and a charge Qs = 60.nC beat Po(—3.4,—2).. a) Ife= ep, find E at P,(1,2,3): This field will be 10- [25Ras, | B= Fre [[Ris * asl? where Rys = —3ay + day — 4a, and Ras = 4a, —2ay+5a., Also, [Rs] = VAT and |Ras| = VB. So = IOP [25% (cas + day — das) | 00% (4s = Pay + 5a) © dreo, (aps (45)15 = 4.58a, —0.15ay + 5.5la b) At what point on the y axis is By = 0? Py is now at (0,y.0), 90 Ris = fas + (y-+2)ay ~ Tas and Ros = Sax + (y~ A)ay + 2a.. Also, [Ras] = 69 + (y+ 2) and [Rzs| = 13+ (= a. Now the x component of E at the new Ps will be: 1 [__25 x (-4) 60 x3 reco [BB+ (y+ BT BY (AS 2.5b (continued) ‘To obtain E. = 0, we quite the expression in the large brackets wo be zoto. ‘This ‘expression simplifies to the following quadratic: ‘otsy? + 15:92y-+7a10—0 Ep which yields the two wsiluse y= 6.80, ~99:11 2.6. Two point changes of equal magnitude @ are positioned at » = +d/2 4) find the electtie field everywhere on the = axis: haa as pate) ae {In the ease of two charges, we would therefore have — alr ~ 63) Ee eta 7a — Sapo peatige peek cpecale pe pene cnr the charge position vectors ist} = (d/2)m,, and r= ~(a/2)a, Therefore rary [s—(d/2)la.. roth = [s+ (d/2))a, then fee =(=(d2)P and je=ro —[e + a/2))* Subetitrte these resus into (1) to obtain: 4 {1 1 ha ens leat eee 'b) find the electric field everywhere on the x axis: We proceed ss in part a, except that now r = za, Eq. (1) becomes: —(d/2)a, aa, + (d/2)a. Potala ieee eae be wii = (d/2)ine| = fine + (a2)ae| = 2+ (4/27)? ‘Therefore (8) becomes 2gra, woe ) pia part wall la hear ate =f fem of ihe el egos vege: atte Woy eSinvageig the dg oF the eneenil vera (2) Ex()= a. Vim py fF et Er) ig [EWE FFU. i file trinsic; the Rell along ther xa bw fou roi (3) bycagguin chaaging, dae sign of the esti ven Te eal ts nln 2.7. A2 UC pomt charge is located at A(4,3,) in free space. Find Ep, Ey, and B. at P(8,12,2). Have Bp = 7% a a 2 cio ge | = Orta + 18st ~ a.ta. ‘Thea, at point P, p= V8"F 12? = 14.4, 9 = tan (12/8) = 56.3", and 2 = 2, Now, F, = Ep: ay = 65.9. + ay) + M8B(ay -a,) = 65.9 c0s(56.3°) + 148.3 sin(56.3°) = 159. and Eg = By Ay = 09.9(Mp- Ag) + MB3{ay +g) = ~05.9 sin{96.3°) + 148.3 005(55.3°) = 2T. Finally, £. = ~49.4 V/m 2.8. A crude device for measuring charge consists of two sinall insulating spheres of radius a, one of which is fixed in position, ‘The other is movable along the «r axis, and is subject to a restraining force kr, where k is a spring constant. The uncharged spheres are centered at x = 0 and a = d, the latter fixed. If the spheres are given equal and opposite charges of Q comlombs: a) Obtain the expression by which Q may be found as a function of z: The spheres will attract, and so the movable sphere at «r = 0 will move toward the other until the spring and Coulomb forces balance. This will occur at location x for the movable sphere. With equal and oppesite forces, wwe have e ke from which @ = 2(d~ x) vmeoke. b) Determine the maximum charge that can be measured in terms of ¢, k, and d, and state the separation of the spheres then: With increasing charge, the spheres move toward each other until they just touch at 2a 20. Using the part a result, we find the maximum measurable charge: Qnar = 4ay/negk(E— 2a). Presumably some for 1 =2;aqe to prevent the spheres from actually touching, of stop mechanism is placed at ©) What happens if a larger charge is applied? No further motion is possible, so nothing happens. 2.9. A100 nC point charge is located at A(—1, 1,3) in free space. 2) Find the locts of all points P(e.) at which E, ~ 500 V/ms The total field at P will bo: 100 x 10" Rap Ep Ror Areg Rapls where Rap = (r+1)a,+(y—1)a,+(2—3)az, and where [Rap| = [(r+1)2+ (y—1)? + ‘The x component of the field will be ae. E:= = 500 V/m 100 x 10° (z+) dren [+1 4-1? + —3)75 And so our condition becomes: (e+) = 0.56 (0 +1)? +(y— 1)? 42-3)" 15 2.9b) Find y: if P{-2.1,8) lies on that locus: At point P, the condition of part a becomes: 39 = [14-15] from which (yi: — 1)? = 0.47, or yx = 1.69 or 0.31 2.11. A charge Qy located at the origin in free space produces a field for which FE, = 1 kV/m at point P(-2.1,-1). a) Find Qy: The field at P will be 5, - Mo. [=2ae+ ay ~ a: BP Ce [ oe Since the z component is of value L KV/m, we find Qo = —dmeg6" x 10 b) Find Bat M(1,6,5) In cartesian coordinates: This field will be =1.63 x 10° fa, + Gay + 5 e364 95% By — w re or Eqy = ~30.11a, ~ 180.68a, ~ 150.53a.. (1, 6,4) in cylindrical coordinates: At M, p= VT-¥30 = 6.08, @ = tan-"(6/1) = 5. Now ©) Find Ban M( 80.54", a By = Byy-a, = —30.11 cos — 180.63sin @ = 183.12 Ey, = By ag = ~30.11(—sin p) — 180.630089 = 0. (a9 expected) so that Ey ~ —183.12ay ~ 150.53a.. 4) Find E at M(1, 6,5) in spherical coordinates: At M, r = VIF 80425 = 7.87, 9 = 80.54" (as before), and 9 = cos~!(5/7.87) = 50.58°. Now, since the charge is at the origin, we expect to obtain only a radial component of Exy. This will be: By = Buy: ay = —80.11sin # cos — 180.63 sin Asin ¢ ~ 150.5008 16 2.12. Blectrons are in random motion in a fixed region in space. During any 1jis interval, the probability of finding an electron in a subregion of volume 10-19 m2 is 0.27. What volume charge density, appropriate for such time durations, should be assigned to that subregion? ‘The finite probabilty effectively reduces the net charge quantity by the probability fraction. With € = =1.602 x 10" C, the density becomes 0.27 x 1.61 a w/in? 2.13. A unifor from r volume charge density of 0.2 4G/in® is present throughout the spherical shell extending, cm tor=5 cm, If py =0 elsewhere: 4) find the total charge present throughout the shell: This will be @ [° [ [2 02 esine an aoas [ies a b) find ry if half the total charge is located in the region Siem 3x 10m, a) Find the total charge per meter along the length of the beam: We integrate the charge density over the cylindrical velume having radius 3 x 10-4 m, and length Ln. LL srt From integral tables, this evaluates as 4 ~oan (5 me +10" pe b) if the electron velocity is 5 x 107 m/s, and with one ampere defined as 1C/s, find the beam current: Current = charge/i x v = 0.23r [pC/m] x 5 x 107 [m/s] = 11.57 x 10° jpC/s] = 2.15. A spherical volume having a 2 jrm radius contains a uniform volume charge density of 10° C/m’, a) What total charge is enclosed in the spherical volume? ‘This will be Q = (4/3)r(2 x 10-8) x 10! = 3.85 x 10°? C. b) Now assume that a large region contains one of these little spheres at every comer of a cubical grid 3mm on a side, and that there is no charge between spheres. What is the average volune charge density throughout this large region? Each cube will contain the equivalent of one little sphere. Neglecting the little sphere volume, the average density becomes >, 3.35 x 107? Pears = a g03 24 x 10" C/ui* 2.17. A uniform line charge of 16 nC/m is located along the line defined by y= —2, 2 The= 6) a) Find Eat P(1,2,3): This will be w _Re 2x9 [Ref where Rp = (1,2,3) — (1, -2,5) = (0,4, -2), and [Rpl? So. 16x 10"? [4ay — 2a, pm OE | yee | 57.5 ia, V/m Er [ m | 57.5ay ~ 28.80: V/i }) Find E at that point in the z= 0 plane where the direction of B is given by (1/3)ay — (2/3)a. With 2 =0, the general field will be _v_[ (y+ 2)ay—Saz reg | (y+ 2)? 425 We require |B. —[28,|, s0 2(y +2) =5. Thus y = 1/2, and the field becomes: 2.18. a) Find E in the plane 2 = 0 that is produced by a uniform line charge, p,, extending along the z axis over the range —L < > < Lin a cylindrical coordinate system: We find B through puter —1') fee ‘where the observation point position veetor is r = pay (anywhere in the a-y plane}, and where the position vector that locates any differential charge element on the z axis is 7 = za.. So rr pay — 282, and |e —¥"| = (2 + 22)". These relations are substituted into the integral to yield: 1 prdz|pay — 2a:) _ PLPAp dz E= npae fe _ na L. ‘Arey Lea ve Areo(p? + 27)8/? Note that the second term in the left-hand integral (involving a.) has effectively vanished because it produces equal and opposite sign contributions when the integral is taken over symmetric limits (odd parity). Evaluating the integral results in pa ee ime me 0 dreg ppp atl-t Qeop p+ L? Aeop J1+ (p/LP Note that as L — oo, the expression reduces to the expected field of the infinite line charge in free space, py /(27¢0p). b) if the finite line charge is approximated by an infinite line charge (L— 00), by what percentage is Ep in error if p = 0.5L? The percent error in this situation will be For p = 051, this becomes % error = 10.6% ¢) repeat 6 with p = 0.1L. For this value, obtain %error = 0.496% 2.19. A uniform line charge of 2 C/m is located on the = axis, Find E in rectangular coordinates at P(1,2,3) if the charge extends from a) -o0 << oo: With the infinite line, we know that the field will have only « radial component in cylindrical coordinates (or « and y components in cartesian). ‘The field from an infinite line on the 2 axis is generally E = [p1/(2réop)]ap. Therefore, at point P: ee Rep _ (2x10) ap + 2ay = fb Rep _ (2x) May EV) 2nep [Rep FP rea 5 ~ where Rep is the vector that extends from the line charge to point P, and is perpendicular to the 2 axis; Le., Rep = (1,2,3) ~ (0,0,3) = (1,2,0) b) ~4S 2S 4: Here we use the general relation we [SS 19 2.19b (continued) where r=ay + 2ay + 3a. and r’ = 2a., So the integral becomes 2x10) f* ay + 2a, +(3 ee (B+ (3— 25 Ep Using integral tables, we obtain: (a+ 2ay)(~ 3) +50, Br = 8507) bee Hd) 4 | V/m = 49a, + 98a, +49a, kV/m a4 ee The student is invited to verify that when evaluating the above expression over the limits —00 <2 < ©, the 2 component vanishes and the « and y components hecome those found in part a 2.20. A line charge of uniform charge density pp C/m and of length €, is oriented along the 2 axis at Hef2< 2 axis field reduces to that of a point charge at large values of =: The development is as follows: fefp 2eo [1+ (1/2)(0.08)/2? where the last approximation is valid if 2 >> .04, Contimaing: 0.049. _ 1(0.2)*o, be » 2 da = fh G/2)(0.08)/2") deg? Area: ‘This the point charge field, where we identify now looks like a point} 17(0.2)%p, as the total charge on the disk (which 2 2.24, a) Find the electric field on the 2 axis produced by an annular ring of uniform surface charge density pa in free space. The ring occupies the region 2 = 0, a < p > d. Using rectangular coordinates, determine expressions for the vector foree on a point charge of magnitude a) at (0,0, 2): Here, 2, Therefore 0, a, =a,, and b) at (0,440): Here, # = 90°, a, 2.29. IF E = 206-°Y (cosas a) |B) at P(x/6,0.1,2): Substituting this point, we obtain Ep — —10.6a, ~ 6.la,, and so |Ep| 12.2. D) @ unit vector in the direction of Ep: The unit vector associated with E is (cos Sura ~ sin Saray), which evaluated at P becomes ap = —0.87a, —0.5lay. n Tine passing through P: Use 1 of the direct ) the equat dy tan Sede tandr dy "Dhns y = bIncosr-+C. Evaluating at P, we find C= 0.13, and so Incos 5x +013 1 wr 5 2.30. For fields that do not vary with = in eylindrical coordinates, the equations of the streamlines are obtained by solving the differential equation F,,/ Fg =dp(pdo). Find the equation of the line passing, through the point (2, 30°, 0) for the field E = peos 2 ay — psin2bag: By de BE, pde Integrate to obtain ? 2Inp=Insin2g +InC = | sin 2d c = 26. sin 69" = 2V5. Finally, the equation for At the given point, we have 4 = C/sin(60") = C the streamline is p? = 2V/3/ sin 20, a

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