Ela Food Trucks

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* Jacks Steakhouse and Saloon: 1201 S 12th St.

Bismarck, ND 58504
* University of Mary Emerging Leaders Academy- 5K event fundraiser for a school in Peru
called San Juan Apostol for books, supplies, and renovations

April 16th
Registration: begins at 9:30 am
5K starts at 10:30 am
Time for trucks to be there: We would recommend to be prepared to serve food from
10:00-12:30. If you want to avoid traffic, people will start coming around 9:30 am.
e. Location: Cottonwood Park, across from the Bismarck airport- we will let you know
closer to the event where at the park to park your food truck
* two food trucks to offer a variety of food and help reach our fundraising goal: LaVonnes
Cheesebutton Factory and Jacks Steakhouse and Saloon
* donate 10% of profits- either cash or check at the end of the day before leaving, or we can
come pick it up a few days later- in return, we will include your name on advertising posters
and in the press release
* people will register in advance for the run, so we should know about 2 weeks before how
many people there will be- we assume at least 50 to 100 runners, plus their families and
* At Cottonwood Park, they are on a contract to serve Pepsi beverages only. The man the food
trucks will have to order beverages from is Kevin Klemmer. His number is 701-663-0431.
* preferred method of contact? Phone: _________________
Email: __________________________
* would you like an email with the details? Yes or


Megan Hotten: Email- mrhotten1@umary.edu Phone- 701-220-0005
Veronica Dvorak: Email- vtdorak1@umary.edu Phone- 701-290-4563
Amanda Hillstrom: Email- amhillstrom1@umary.edu Phone- 701-390-3275

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