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Assignment 4: Planning STEM Lessons - Final Draft

You will work in groups to plan an innovative way of integrating technology into
teaching STEM workshops in an after-school setting at the Boys and Girls Club of Long
Beach. As background information, you will visit the Boys and Girls Club on 5
occasions on 5 weeks.
Week 1: Orientation (1-2 hours) - June 17, 2:30 - 4
Week 2: Lesson One - Building the V2 Robot.
Students will learn to assemble the V2 Arduino Robot. They will learn various parts
and basic code to turn LED On and OFF using the following directions.
Week 3: Lesson Two - Making the Robot move. Coding Process to make robot go
forward, back, turn left and right.
Week 4: Lesson Three - Students will learn how to make the robot react based on
infrared and contact sensor. Scoop Robot Challenge, at end of class show remote
control function. Students will bring any materials and attach to the robots to work on
the challenge. The challenge is to have the robot scoop as many items as much as
Week 5 - What is the purpose of learning this and possible careers in the future with
these skills. Share and discuss videos about Robot Wars. Possible end of class activity
will be to create a Voicethread or Adobe Voice presentation/ reflection. What will the
students take away from the class?

I. Topic of the Lesson

Learning how to create and code a robot. Once this process is established,
implementing the functions of the robot for a competition among the groups of

II. EiE Unit or another source you plan to draw upon.

This lesson plan is based upon the website Robotics++ and Educational Kit
When students and teachers first access this website they will see a lesson plan
designed for a higher level, college appropriate course that could easily be completed
in one to two semesters. The program consists of three parts:
Step 1: Setup and Getting Started
Step 2: Hands-on experiments
Step 3: Lectures, Homework and Theory
For the level, time and commitment with the Boys and Girls Club this lesson was
simplified and adapted so that it was mostly Step 1 of building the robot and Step 2 of
programming the robot. If this were a semester or year long class more experiments from
Step 2 in addition to the Lectures, Homework and Theory from Step 3 would be included.
It was determined that given the short amount of time, building and programming were
the most active hands on activities that would spark an interest in STEm for the

III. Linkages to relevant Common Core and Next Generation Science

California Common Core State Standards Connections:
RST.11-12.7 - Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information
presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., quantitative data, video,
multimedia) in order
RST.11-12.8 - Evaluate the hypotheses, data, analysis, and conclusions in
a science or technical text, verifying the data when possible and
corroborating or challenging conclusions with other sources of
information. (HS-ETS1-1),(HS-ETS1-3)
RST.11-12.9 - Synthesize information from a range of sources (e.g., texts,
experiments, simulations) into a coherent understanding of a process,
phenomenon, or concept, resolving conflicting information when possible.

MP.2 - Reason abstractly and quantitatively. (HS-ETS1-1),(HS-ETS1-3),

MP.4 - Model with mathematics. (HS-ETS1-1),(HS-ETS1-2),(HSETS1-3),(HS-ETS1-4)address a question or solve a problem. (HSETS1-1),(HS-ETS1-3)


Design a solution to a complex real-world problem by breaking it down

into smaller, more manageable problems that can be solved through

IV. Learning objectives

Students will demonstrate how to follow complex multiple step instructions. Students
will be able to assemble, evaluate, and problem solve using a small Arduino robot to
a point where it is moveable and ready for programming. Students will manage and
plans steps necessary to create additions to the robot that will help it and them to
solve future challenges.
Differentiation strategies to meet diverse learner needs:
Students will work in pairs and have a facilitator available to assist for every pair.
Printed directions and digital directions will be provided. The iPad will allow for
directions to be selected and read aloud using the text to voice integrated software.

V. Technologically-based Pedagogies Incorporated

This lesson will be implemented in regards to the 5E lesson plan of: Engage, Explore,
Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate. This is based more on the constructivist approach to
learning in that students will use preconceived information to develop new ideas and

Beginning with the preprogrammed robot, the students will watch a demonstration of how

the robot runs a program. Immediately following this, students will be given the opportunity
to ask questions about the robotics challenge they will be working toward.
Do we get to work on our own? How does it move? Can we make adjustments to it to give
us an advantage in the challenge?

Students will be assembling a robot using tools and precut materials that come with the

kit. They will follow instructions and have a preassembled model to use as a guide.
Teachers will share examples of robots currently in use today, from exoskeleton
adaptations for the physically disabled to manufacturing tools to artificial intelligence. We
will discuss movie clips from past and recent movies.

The focus of the teachers is inquiry based. We are set on asking students questions to get

them to share ideas about how they might implement robotic technologies into their lives
and the lives of others. We have print and digital resources that will help students to
imagine possibilities. These include TED talks, Science and Tech magazines, and website
links that show robots in action.


Vocabulary development is introduced during the assembly of the robot with words like

Servos, calibrate, Arduino, sensor, switches, feelers, syntax, etc. being explained and
discussed throughout the lessons.
Students can apply this knowledge to nearly every aspect of their lives. This is a
background experience that can be drawn upon as life skills and as 21st century learning


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to tell us how far they have gotten on their

robot assembly. In this description they will be able to evaluate issues that arose from the
assembly and within the instructions. They will be able to plan ahead for their next steps
including adding on to the robot for the future challenges. They will add photos and
descriptions to a portfolio folder as well as create some type of video presentation.

VI. SAMR levels

This lesson is R, redefinition in that the technology allows the creation of building and
programming a robot. This lesson is more hands-on and applicable to real life

VII. Lesson Plans written with a level of clarity that another teacher
could follow them.
Step 1 / Lesson 1 Look at all the parts, assemble the robot according to the
downloadable instructions, and download the Arduino program onto a computer for
programming the robot.
1A - Downloadable file to make sure all the parts are there for building the robot.
Very Important! Make sure all the materials are there before your first lesson and
start building the robot
1B - Downloadable file showing how to build the robot. Again, a good idea is to try
and build the robot before presenting to students. If needed, have some parts
already attached, or separated into smaller bags to speed up the process of
1C - Finally, make sure the Arduino Programming Environment is downloaded onto a
computer so that you can begin programming the robot once it is completed. This is
for PC, there is another link for Mac and Linux
Arduino Programming Environment: Download this
program by right-clicking on top of the Download File link
and select Save Target As or Save Link As. This is the free
open source software from Arduino we will use to program
this robot. Installation instructions are included in
Experiment 1 Instructions. All Experiments have been
tested on ver 1.0.5 R2


Download File

Step 2/ Lesson 2 and 3: Hands-on experiments

From the website, there is a list of experiments labeled 1 - 7. Each experiment has a
downloadable file with instructions to program the robot. For example Experiment 1
The purpose of this experiment is to help you install and run the Arduino software, test your
robot and create your very first programs. You will learn programming basics, making the robot
move, motor control and sound.

Although there are 7 experiments, the goal of our lessons with the Boys and Girls Club
is to get a basic lesson of turning on and off the LED light functions, then proceed to
the Experiment 1 of making the robot move. Once students are comfortable
programming, then they can vary the movements to work toward the next lessons
goal, which is Experiment 2, introductions to sensors and Experiment 3, sonar sensors
and autonomous navigation.
For the Week 3/ Lesson 3 the students will program the robots to perform the Scoop
Robot Challenge. During the previous week students will be told to bring any
materials and attach to the robots to work on the challenge. The challenge is to have
the robot scoop as many items as much as possible.

Step 4/ Lesson 4
End of class activity will be to create a Voicethread or Adobe Voice presentation/
reflection about what they have learned and accomplished in building and
programming a robot. Students will first take pictures or videos with ipads and write
down information and ideas learned from these activities. They will then storyboard
their ideas in a way that conveys 4 or 5 significant lessons learned. In closing the
lesson will be a presentation of all groups explaining what they learned from the
Robotics STEM lessons.

VIII. Description of careers that your topic links to, and how you will
convey that in your lessons.
Our lessons are set up as design challenges and act as introductions to real world
tasks. In general robotics engineers will be designing and maintaining robots,
including the operational software and hardware, and finishing new way to implement
them. Students that learn to build, program, and troubleshoot robots could find
themselves working

In the manufacturing industry,

for NASA as
a robotics engineer or
rover pilot or
satellite engineer, or
for private companies like Space X
government defense programs as drone engineers
surveillance engineers or contractors like Persistent Surveillance Systems
Here are some links that share the impacts and types of jobs that could come from
studying robotics. Most jobs that are found in these links would be available at the
time these high school students graduate. Their careers may be far different as the
job market grows due to technological advancements. In todays job climate its
possible they could start their own innovative company. The job descriptions from
engineering job finders states that creativity and a knack for invention and thinking
outside the box can give an engineer a significant advantage in this profession.

When we

help students get an early start on creative problem solving, we are helping build an
advantage in this profession, and in any other profession they choose. Either way jobs
that stem, no pun intended, from learning robotics are bound to be plentiful.

Robotics and coding skills will be learned and can be used in the future for careers in
various fields of engineering such as robotics, mechanical and electrical engineering,
as well as computer engineering careers.

IX. Assessment methods

Students will design a multimedia presentation that shows what they have learned
and how they will apply the skills to future careers. This video will serve as a learning
Should a rubric be needed for further assessment, this example from the website K-12
Robotics might provide some needed feedback for grading purposes.

From the pdf file -

Modifications can be made for pairs, or larger groups, but the focus on development
of teamwork and logical thought processing is what is evaluated in this rubric.

Engineering is Everywhere
NASA Education
NOAA Education Resources
Classroom Learning 2.0
The Beginners Guide to 21st Century Teaching and Learning

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