Reguli de Formare:: Defini Ie Ț

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Present Simple (Prezentul Simple)

Present Simple exprim o actiune care se intampl n mod repetat, frecvent n prezent. Ac iunea
poate fi un hobby, un eveniment zilnic, un obicei sau ceva care se intampl deseori.


I play tennis.

She does not play tennis.

Does he play tennis?

Reguli de formare:
Present Simple Tense: Forme
Afirmativ :
Subiect + Verbul la infinitiv
Exceptie : La pers a III sg verbul se termina mereu in s sau es :
The boy wants a toy car for Christmas. Baiatul vrea o masina de jucarie pentru
1. Verbele care se termina in -y la pers a III sg, y se transforma in -ies:
I cry She cries.
I play He plays.
2. Verbele care se termina in o, -ss, -x, -sh, -ch primesc la pers a III sg - es
My mother usually goes to the market in the morning. Mama se duce de obicei
in piata dimineata.
Negativ :
Subiect+ do not/ does not + verb

She does not sing in the school chorus. Ea nu cnt in corul scolii.
Interogativ :
do not/ does not + Subiect + verb
Does she want to participate in the competition? - Vrea ea sa participe in competitie?

Present Simple Tense se foloseste pentru a exprima :

- Adevaruri general valabile :
The earth has 2 emispheres - Pamantul are 2 emisfere.

- Actiuni repetitive:
She takes piano lessons each day at 5 oclock. Ea ia lectii de pian in fiecare zi la ora 5.

- Actiuni de moment, terminate in momentul in care sunt savarsite :

Mark gets out of bed, goes to the bathroom and washes his teeth. Mark se da jos din pat,
se duce la baie si se spala pe dinti.

- Actiuni obisnuite :
My grandfather and Iusually look at the starts when the sky is clear. Bunicul meu si cu
mine, noi ne uitam de obicei la stele cand e senin.

- Actiuni planificate in viitor, obligatorii (cu verbe de miscare) :

The year ends with the 31st of December. Anul se termina cu 31 decembrie.

I. Use the present simple affirmative
1. I ________ (go) shopping with my brother.
2. We sometimes ________ (use) a dictionary in class.
3. My friends ________ (study) Italian at their school.
4. School ________ (finish) at three oclock.
5.You ________ (live) near me.
6. He ________(like) rap music.
7. She ________ (do) her homework before dinner.
8. We ________ (play) tennis in school on Wednesday afternoon.
9. I ________ (watch) TV in the evening.
10. My mother ________ (teach) art.

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