Film Review

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Mohammed Alnemer
C. Douglas
English 112-58
26 April, 2016
Struggles of the Integrating Immigrant
Crash (2004) is a film with high amounts of stereotypical content that deals with
culture, race, and political issues in different contexts. The movie contains stories that
connect with each other, in which whites, African Americans, Latinos, Koreans, Iranians,
police officers and gangsters, the rich and poor people, the capable and weak, are all
categorized somehow by racism. The story of the movie is located in Los Angles, California,
which is one of the wildest cities in America. Daniel Ruiz is a Hispanic locksmith who is a
person with ambition that tries to reach the American Dream by doing hard work to get a
better future for his baby girl. However, change of address is not enough to protect him from
the harsh realities that can stem from racism. Or it might simply follow him and risk affecting
his loved ones
A bullet shot went through the window of Ruizs little girls room which encourage
them to move to a better area. Ruiz is scared about his daughters life. He wants to make sure
at least she protected. One day, he got home after a long day full of working to see his
daughter. Lara, scared and hiding because she is hearing gunshots outside. In order to get her
calmed, he gives an invisible cloak of protection. She believed because children are always
innocent. Several immigrant families are having a difficult way adapting to the new societies.
They often live in affordable areas comparing to the safety of their homes.


According to the Center for Immigration Studies, most immigrants coming from
Hispanic countries face a poverty rate of anywhere between twenty to thirty per cent, with
their United States. born-children facing similar, sometimes even higher, rates. According to
The Center of Immigration Studies, that rate doubles when considering immigrants and their
U.S. born children near poverty. A consequence of this is that people that are trying to keep
up the hard work they are doing to sustain their families are being affected by others that have
a dangerous lifestyle. Some of those people, who own guns or are part of gangs, do not
measure the consequences of their acts and end up involving and hurting innocent people.
Therefore, is easy to see why the baby girls safety is such an important issue for Daniel
because he understands the risks that people that live under those conditions are exposed to.
Integrating with a new home takes time and needs patience. Many immigrants can get with
the community, but they are still having issues with racisms, including different kinds of
aggression between people.
Farhad is a Persian immigrant who owns convenience store that got robbed because of
a problem in the stores door lock. The door supposed to be fixed by Ruiz, the insurance
company did not cover repairing the store because the door is not fixed well. Moreover, Ruiz
told Farhad that the door has to be changes but he told him just to fix it because he thought
that Ruiz is trying to get more money from him. Although some thieves took that opportunity
to steal what in the store. Farhad lost his mind not only because the insurance company is not
paying him for the damage that happened to his store, but also because he does not have
enough money to fix his store which is the only income he gets. He threw some racist
offenses then swore to revenge against Ruiz. Farhad and Ruiz have a lot in common, they are
both immigrants and racism victims who try save a dollar with other one to provide a better
life for their families. Even for the similarities they have in common, Farhad sill blame Ruiz
for his anger toward the bureaucratic system. Maybe a portion of it is because of his


immature adaption and not having the ability to handle himself professionally by Western
guidelines; however, quite a bit of it is likewise from the harming power that stereotypes can
have. Rather than living in the melting pot that America is so known for, a place where all
cultures are able to mix, he lives in a salad bowl, a place where many cultures may be
juxtaposed, but just how much are they really mixing? American society does a great deal of
work to unconsciously make people aware of how different they are from each other; black or
white, Rich or poor, English-speaking or otherwise, These differences are magnified on a
colossal scale in everyday life, and combined with broad assumptions about entire races, it
takes two people that have worlds in common with each other and turns one against the other.
It was easy for Farhad to buy a gun, and he did it in order to make his store safe, but
he misused it by waiting outside of Ruizs house to trap him. Farhad bought the gun with the
idea of defend himself and his store, but he had a lot of mixed feelings and easy access to a
gun, which increased the temptation to use it to injure someone else, instead of defending
Upon Ruizs arrival from work, Farhad shows up yelling with a gun and let him know
that hes upset. Lara felt that her dad is in danger so she runs outside trying to protect her
father by having Farhad point and shoot her in the back. After a quiet seconds, Lara appears
to be fine and unharmed, and her dad runs to the home carrying her. Farhad is really shocked
by what he has done. After a while of overthinking about it, he knew that he had done such a
horrible action and understood that Lara is the guardian angel that made him change. Ruizs
family moved in order to escape the violence but violence was still making its way to them.
The solution to this problem does not come by changing an address or a phone
number. Racism is not limited to a class basis. It does not recognize the weakness of human
being. It makes humans identity turn to nothing but their color. Racism is extremely


dangerous and counterproductive to a dynamic and educated society. As a global society,

people have to fight this issue before it fights them and make them go years back in time.
Hating someone for features they did not have a choice over like their color is not going to
help society get better.

Doherty, Brian. "You know less than you think about guns: the misleading uses, flagrant
abuses, and shoddy statistics of social science about gun violence." Reason Feb. 2016:
32+. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 15 Feb. 2016.
Crash. Dir. Paul Haggis. Pathe!, 2005.
Immigrants in the United States: A Profile of America's Foreign-Born Population." Center
for Immigration Studies. CIS, n.d. Web. 12 Feb. 2016.
Sanchez, Ray. "Death and Guns in the USA -" CNN. Cable News Network, 3 Oct.
2015. Web. 15 Feb. 2016. <>.
"The fight over guns in America." Junior Scholastic/Current Events 8 Feb. 2016: 12+.
Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 15 Feb. 2016.

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