Curriculumunit Finalproject

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Student Name: ___________________

Case Study Tribe: ___________________________________________

Directions: In this Case Study, you will select a Native Indian tribe that currently (or once
did) resides in our beautiful State of New York. For this project, you will do research at home
and in school and become experts on the tribe. On October 27th, we will listen to each others
presentations and learn more about all the different tribes! When doing your research, make
sure your sources are accurate and think about the ways the tribes are being represented we
will talk more about this!
For your project, be sure to include the following tribal information:
Location (then and now has it changed?)
What was life like for the members of the tribe?
How did they use the natural resources available to them?
What were some aspects of their culture? (traditions, art, games, legends, etc.)
How did the members of this tribe survive? (eat, sleep, etc.)
Where are the members of this tribe today?
What is life like for the members of this tribe?
How, if at all, have the lifestyles of this tribes members changed over time?
...Come up with your own, too!
Tribes to choose from:
u Seneca tribe
u Poospatuck/Unkechang
u Tuscarora tribe
u Abenaki tribe
u Cayuga tribe
u Erie tribe
u Mohawk tribe


Mohican tribe (including Wappingers)

Mohegan tribe (including Montauk and Shinnecock)
Munsee Delaware tribe (including Lenni Lenape)
Oneida tribe
Onondaga tribe
Laurentian tribes (including Stadaconan)

To choose your tribe, we will learn read short blurbs about each tribe and then you will list
your preferences in order. There will be about 2-3 students who are studying each tribe, but
you are to do your own projects! You can absolutely work on research together but each
student must hand in his or her own work. Have fun, be creative and become experts on your
tribe I cant wait to hear more about these Native Indian tribes of New York State! J

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