Lesson Plan Template: Learning Goal: Understand

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Lesson Plan Template

Candidate: Hannah

Course: T&L1

Date: 4-24-15


Subject: science

Grade level: K


(Highlight content-nouns and skills-verbs)


Predator and Prey

Learning Goal:

The students will be able to understand where penguins fall on the food chain.

science) K-LS1-1. Use observations to describe patterns of what plants and animals (including humans)
need to survive. [Clarification Statement: Examples of patterns could include that animals need to take in
food but plants do not; the different kinds of food needed by different types of animals; the requirement of
plants to have light; and that all living things need water.]

(Big Idea, title, enduring


Critical Content:

What the food chain is.

Understand what predator and prey is.

Essential Question:

Describe what penguins eat.

Describe what eats penguins.

What is a food chain?

Objectives/Target/I can statement:



Identify the verb, is it measurable?

The condition (if any) under which it will occur
The criterion of acceptable performance.

The student will be able to describe where penguins fall

on the food chain

Assessment Plan
Sentence Stem:
Formative/Summative: Students will... Teacher will...

Summative: students will describe what their food chains mean

Formative: students will find pictures of animals to make their own food
chain with them as the main part.

Integration of
(Reading, Writing,
Listening, Speaking,
Viewing, Visual

Reading: we will read Who

Eats What?: Food Chains
and Food Webs by Patricia
Lauber, Holly Keller
Writing: students will learn
how to write eat with an
arrow to make their own
food chain.
Listening: students will
listen to each other while
arranging the food chain
speaking: Work in partners
to arrange the food chain
Viewing: looking at
examples of food chain
Visual representation: food



Language Objectives:
Includes either the academic language you
will be teaching or the language processes
you will expect the students to use during the
lesson. Ex: Ask and answer questions.
Orally defend a position.

The students will

be able to
discuss food
chains and how
they work.


Technology Standards (NETS)

ITSE: creativity and innovation- apply existing knowledge to generate new

ideas, products, or processes. Use models and simulations to explore complex
systems and issues.

Innovative Materials & Technology Tools:

Ex: Google Docs: Modification, Teacher will have students use a google doc to sign up for performance

(Tool: Label SAMR Level, Describe)

I will have the students use crayons and scissors to color and cut out their food chain pictures.
Students will use Kiddle.com to search for pictures of animals that they can use for their own personal food

Responsive Teaching/Differentiation:

What will I do if they dont get it? How will you remediate?
What will I do if they get it? How will you extend?
How will you include all learners?

Sentence stem: Differentiated the (process, product, content, environment) by _(name the strategy)_ based
on student (ability, interest, readiness).

Kinesthetic tactile: the students will be getting up and actually placing pictures
on a flow chart on the ground to make a food chain.
Visual: the food chain flow chart is a good graphic representation of the animal

Auditory: the students will have to discuss where each picture should be
(Includes: Hook the learner increase interest, activate prior knowledge,
review, preview content and vocabulary, essential questions posed, and
relevance established)

Good morning students! I want you to tell your table partner what you had for
breakfast today.
What you just talked about is called a food chain. Does anyone think they can
tell me what a food chain is? *students guess*
A food chain is a picture of how we organize what different things eat. *draw
one on board as an example and use a student's breakfast for the example*
Today we are going to find out what a penguins food chain looks like.

Lesson Procedure (The following three categories occur simultaneously)



Checking for Understanding

(Specific & Scripted)

(Specific & Scripted)

(Include blooms level, question, strategy)

Ex: Application question: How does ___ apply to you?Think-Pair-Share

1. I will discuss the vocabulary with the

2. I will ask the students to color in and cut
out the card sort pictures for them to
arrange into a food chain.
3. Ask students to go to 2 other groups food
chains to look at and evaluate then have
them go back to their own and make any
changes they might want to make.
4. Have students describe what each link
means on the food chain.
5. Have students do a think pair share on
what their own food chain would look like
6. Have students look on Kiddle.co for
pictures of animals that could eat them
and things that they eat.

1. Show students the picture

of the food chain of
penguins on the board.
2. Teacher will have a picture
of what the finished
product of the food chain
will look like.
3. Show students an
example of what their own
personal food chain might
look like.

1. Have students sort the cut out

pictures into a food chain on the
floor in pairs.
2. Students will discuss with others if
there are discrepancies in their
food chains.
3. Students will create their own
personal food chain to display what
they eat and what can potentially
eat them
4. Students will use describing words
to explain their charts.

Guided Practice:

I will assist the students with the arrangement of the cards on the ground when
they are making a food chain.

Independent Practice:

The students will make their own food web using pictures that they draw
themselves using the photos that they find on kiddle.co as models for their


Today we have learned what a food chain is and how we can read them. We
also learned what a penguins food web looks like. Now class who can tell me
something that a penguin eats? What about something that eat penguins?
What is something that we eat? What is something that can eat us?

(Review Objective, Student Reflection, Relevance)

Self Reflection:
What went well?
What will I change?

I need to make sure to give specific directions and explanations when I am

discussing food chains. Many students will not know what they are and so I
have to answer any question that might come up.

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