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Christy Nguyen
English 1101
Writing Assignment 3: Definition as Argument
5 April 2016
The Monster within Us
Humans create monsters into stories that being the case, as humans, we want to hear
about creatures who are worse than us. Unfortunately, human monsters are the greatest monsters,
for they are real and hence the most dangerous. Our actions are similar to the legends we hear
about. Creature monsters are like us, in view of how they attract to reproduce and how they kill
to live. Fictitious monsters such as werewolves, Frankenstein, and Godzilla have not existed;
however, real monsters such as Adolf Hitler and Jeffrey Dahmer has existed. As well as humans,
monsters come from different cultures. Humans are the only monsters, whether as a creator or
For instance, a case of a monster creating a monster, Victor Frankenstein, a story written
by Mary Shelley. In her story, Victor Frankenstein has an obsession with discovering ways to
reanimate corpses after his loved onesHe spent nearly two years in his laboratory working on his
creation. This monster was made of human body parts, from his wife Elizabeth and his mother.
His anxieties not to mention his tribulation turned into reality. He claimed to be making his
monster for the betterment of civilization. (Shelley 20) When in fact, Victor became afraid of the
monster he created. These happen to be where the creator as well as the creature side by side.
Hitler as well as Frankenstein uses their power to create other monsters. Therefore, to connect
back the idea monsters are human.

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Unlike creating a fictitious monster to express fears a monster of a person is so

mischievous, they have the ability to generate other monsters. An example of this would be
Adolf Hitler. The stronger must dominate and not blend with the weaker; thus, sacrificing his
own greatness. (Hitler 261) Hitler did monstrous things, such as creating monsters through his
Nazi army. They obeyed, respected, and looked up to him. The people of Germany could be
arguably accountable as monsters. For that reason, as a whole, the people of Germany looked the
other way while Hitler as well as his army killed the Jews. Hitler manipulated by the people of
Germany more importantly, he knew how to play with their emotions. Another example would
be Jeffrey Dahmer. Dahmer was different from the usual serial killer. To start with, he fed them a
drink before strangling them until they were unconscious. Before he killed his victims, he had
sex with them to begin with. The author of Inside a Murdering Mind states most serial murders
tend to have a difficult childhood. (Schwartz 295) Under those circumstances, when he was a
child his mother left and took his younger brother with her. Monsters are seen differently through
cultures. Speaking about cultures; Godzilla takes place in Japan. As a result of Godzilla coming
back it brings disturbing thoughts to the Japanese minds. The giant dinosaur was running amuck
while the people of Japan were trying to rebuild their cities, cultures, and lives. (Brothers 52) In
the same vein, parts of Europe believe the myth if a child is born Christmas Eve or Christmas
Day; usually, they are destined to be werewolves. (Konstantinous 105) To discover more myths
about werewolves, they can be found from China to Iceland and Brazil to Haiti.
Given these points, as a child growing up, we do not realize where the true monsters
come from. Monsters are a direct result of humans. If humans did not exist, neither would
monsters; at all times, humans are the monsters. Humans who serve as creators of monsters do so
out of a need of relief from monsters fighting within. (King 17) Humans have a dark side; to say

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nothing of, the dark sides needs to be expressed in any way; with this in mind, monsters are a
way to do so. To know where these monsters come from is important so the meaning is not
misunderstood. Human beings have different reasons for the monster they are, and the monster
they create. Humans use monsters in place of the challenges or difficulties that come from being
human. In all honesty, humans are the monster or humans make the monster.

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