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Classroom Observation 1

29- February-2016
students: 31

Class level: Grade 8 Number of

Name of observer: Mona Hassan

Khlod Mohamed

Name of observed teacher:


Give clear instruction.

Nice activities.
Monitored the students at group work.


Try to explain for the students in English.

Give more details for the students.
Use different learning style with the students.

Future focus

Ask question in right form.

Give the students chance to answer.
Explain more for the students.
Explain the difficult thing in English not Arabic.
Try to manage the time.

Classroom Observation 2
9- March-2016
students: 31

Class level: Grade 8

Name of observer: Mona Hassan

Khlod Mohamed

Name of observed teacher:


Give clear instruction.

Nice activities.
Monitored the students at group work.
Mange the time.


Try to not use Arabic with the students.

Future focus

Ask question in right form.

Explain the difficult thing in English not Arabic.


Number of

The lesson plan is important for all the teacher. When we make the lesson plan we should try to
follow our plan, but if we see it did not work we should to change. There are some lessons plan
worked will and some did not worked will. Some teacher should try to change their plan during
the lesson if they it did not worked will with the students. I observe one of my peer two time. I
saw her how she observe her lesson for the students and what she did will and what she should
develop on her (Gray, 2010).
When I observe my peer in first time, I saw how she give the students lesson. First, she asked the
students some question, but she asked some question in wrong formative. In second lesson, she
tried to give them question in correct formative, but she had a few mistake. She show her
develop in her language in second observe. Second thing, In first observe she introduce the
words meaning in Arabic a lot without tried to explain in English. In second observe, she used
Arabic less than first observe. In second observe, she explain in English for the students. For
example, damage word. One students asked her the damage mean. My peer said it some problem
in the eye for example, but he students did not get the mean yet, so my peer explain more. She
said some negative effect in our eye. The students still did not understood, so my peer used
Arabic with her. My peer used Arabic, but if she cannot explain more in English and to make
sure the students understood the mean because it important to learn the mean for the students.
Third, in first observe my peer did not give chance for the student to answer her question. For
example, my peer asked her student about the internet negative affective and she shoes one
students. This student stand and she think for answer, but my peer shoes other one and she told
her to sit. In second observe, my peer give the student chance to answer and she help the student
by give them more details and some example. In last one I saw develop in my peer was explain
more for the students. In first observe, My peer did not explain for the students she just ask them.
For example, she ask them "Why people spent their time in internet?" I note, that some students
did not understood the question and she asked them to answer. In second observe, My peer asked
them and give the example to be easy for them. From this two observation, I learn a lot. I learn
how to manage my time during the class. Also, I learn how to deal with my students and let them
fell comfortable with me. Moreover, I take from my peer some activities I can use it with my
students. For my peer I learn how can I develop myself and be good example for my students.

Teach students is a nice job. The teacher should give the students her time and try au much us he
or she can correct information. If the teacher give the students wrong information, the students
will use it us he or she lesson for the teacher. From my observation, I saw some mistake the
teacher did with students and how it affect at the students. Also, I learn many thing that will help
to develop me with my students. I learn how to manage my time and how to deal with the
students. I hope in the future, I will be success teacher for my students.

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