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Daniel Herguth

7114 Shelton Lane

Vacaville, CA 95688

August 15, 2013

Monica Buescher
123 Favorite Teacher Dr
Buckingham CA 95687

Writing Business Letters

Dear Mrs. Buescher:
I am a new student in your class and I am very excited to experience what this year
in your class has to offer. English has always been a strength of mine, especially
writing and reading comprehension, but I am very eager to learn more and continue
my adventures into English knowledge. I want to thank you for having me in your
class and teaching me valuable tools that will help me advance through my
academic career.
My family is wonderful. I am lucky enough to have both parents in my home and a
younger brother and an older sister. We enjoy one anothers company as well as the

unique qualities that we bring. We are a very loving family, but every once and a
while, we fight just like everyone else. No family is perfect, but mine is fairly
I chose to attend BCMHS because my sister graduated from there in 2008. I knew a
lot of people and teachers (Mr. Price, Mrs. Oates, Mrs. Page and Coach Currey)
because I met them while my sister was attending. I know from one year of being at
BCMHS that it is a student-friendly environment and that I have nothing to be
worried about or afraid of. I have been completely accepted and helped by almost
all the teachers and staff. The advantages that I see in attending a small school are
obvious. The family feel that this school has helps to keep students on task and
engaged, rather than off doing other things that will not help them get a quality
education. At the same time, I believe that the staff and teachers have perfected
the art of making a student feel important whereas in larger schools, some students
would be somewhat or entirely overlooked because of the lack of one-on-one time.
My goals this year are to stay above an 80% for the whole year in every class. I plan
on maintaining a strict work ethic and always giving my best in class and at home. I
will seek help when I need it and take advantage of every possible tool to help me
get my desired grade.
My goals for after high school are fairly simple. I want to go to an expressive arts
university where I can become a professional musician (I play guitar). I know that
my skills must continue to grow and that I will have to get good grades on my
transcript to get into the college I want. If those plans do not work out, I want to be
a historian. History fascinates me particularly the history of war and Greek

There are a few things you should know about me. I am a people person. I love to
talk, smile, laugh, and you will rarely see me in a bad mood. I promise if something
is wrong when I come into class, I will let you know so I wont spoil the class period
with my attitude. Another thing, I speak somewhat loudly and quickly so I apologize
in advance for any confusion when speaking to me. In following, I get terrible
migraine headaches accompanied by vertigo dizzy spells. Not necessarily in that
order. So if I ever am spacing out in class or am not responding to a question or
something like that, I am probably having vertigo. I do not like to talk while having
an episode because my speech becomes slurred and I get embarrassed. I am not a
trouble student; I am usually very cooperative and respectful. I am very excited to
see what this year in your class holds.

Daniel Herguth

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