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THE EULER-SAVARY EQUATION AND THE CUBIC OF STATIONARY CURVATURE 7-1 THE EULER-SAVARY EQUATION AND THE INFLECTION CIRCLE The discussions of coupler curves have so far dealt with certain particularities of a curve, such as how to achieve (or avoid) double points and symmetry. A further important characteristic is the determination of the center of curvature at points on the curve by a direct method. By this is meant a procedure that does not depend on first establishing the velocity and normal accelera- tion component of the point, after which the radius of curvature and its center may be found. Other things of interest include being able to discover or predict coupler points tracing approxi- mate straight-line or circular-arc segments, which the designer may exploit in the arrangement of the mechanism What is known as the Euler-Savary equation gives the radius of curvature and the center of curvature of a coupler curve in rather direct fashion. In the course of the development other welcome information is gathered. The so-called inflection circle shows the Jocation of coupler points whose curves have an infinite radius of EULBER-SAVARY EQUATION 195 curvature. Crudely put, the inflection circle gives the location of nearly flat segments on the coupler curves. Actually the radius of curvature is infinite at only one point along the curve, but the flatness associated with a large radius of curvature may extend for a useful distance to either side of this point. The curve called the cubic of stationary cur vature,' to be studied in the next section, indicates the location of coupler points that will trace segments of approximate circular ares; the radii and extent of are vary from are to are, i.e., point to point. It should be remarked that the Euler-Savary equation and the cubic of stationary curvature are not restricted to four-bar linkages but apply to planar motion in general. The applications in this chapter, however, are oriented to the four-bar coupler curve. As we have seen, the planar motion of a link, such as that of a coupler guided by crank and follower, may for analytical purposes be replaced by the rolling motion of a moving centrode against a fixed centrode. The clue to having the coupler or a coupler point follow a desired motion with a certain degree of approximation lies in a considera- tion of what is happening at the point of contact of the centrodes. 1 This is the German Kretsungspunkikurve. Neither the original nor its literal translation, circling-point curve, is directly helpful in conveying the significance of thecurve. Calling it the cubic of stationary curvature, as Professor Hall has done, gives it a reasonable identification, since the curve is of the third degree. Path normal n Ya Imag \ patntangent Ca, path of Aon 1 FIGURE 7-1 Two planes rolling on their centrodes; definition of nota- tion used for Euler-Savary equation. 196 KINEMATIC SYNTHESIS OF LINKAGES Consider a plane 2 moving with respect to a fixed plane 1 (Fig. 7-1), and let +; and m2 be, respectively, the fixed and moving centrodes of the motion. At the instant considered, the two centrodes are in con- tact at the instantaneous center of velocity, /; as plane 2 moves with respect to plane 1, 72 rolls over 7, with an angular velocity w. The point of contact J between the two curves—the instantaneous center J—shifts along x with the velocity vy, identified in Sec. 4-7 as the IC velocity.! The concept of IC velocity of the instantaneous center J may be further clarified by considering two positions of the moving centrode, mzat time? and 7, at time’ = ¢ + Al (Fig. 7-2). At time ¢ the instantan- eous center is J, the point of contact between m and #2; at time ?’ a new point J’ is the instantaneous centez, while the point 7 has moved to J. The IC velocity is the limit of the ratio I/At as At goes to zero. Thus, the IC velocity is not the velocity of any given point (or material particle) but instead expresses how the instantaneous center shifts along the fixed centrode 7. Returning to Fig. 7-1, a point A of the moving plane 2 traces on plane 1 a path C'4, whose center of curvature O, is located on the line ZA. What is known as the Euler-Savary equation will establish a relation among the positions of A, £, and O4 on this line; in other words, it gives the curvature of paths generated by points of the moving plane. The Euler-Savary equation may be derived in several ways, but the method based on the use of the normal component a," of the total aceeleration of A reveals many of the physical realities and is presented in the following. ) The instantaneous center is sometimes called pole; its velocity is then known as pole velocity, which of course is the same as our v;. However, we wish to main- tain the distinction between an instantaneous center (infinitesimal rotation) and a pole (finite rotation). The IC velocity is also known as the displacement velocity of the instantaneous center. Figure 7-2 Successive in- stantancous centers Z and J’ used to define IC velocity. EULER-SAVARY EQUATION 197 Path \ green t ‘Path normal n. Figure 7-3 Components of the acceleration of point A. The total acceleration of A may be written as Oa = a4! + 04" (7-1) . . ale va? in whieh law"l = 45, Here v4 is the magnitude of the velocity of A, found by referral to the instantaneous center J, that is, v4 = [Aw; and AQ, is the radius of curvature of the path Ca at A. An evaluation of a4‘ does not concern us. In Fig. 7-1, the centrodes m and 7: are in contact at instant {at the instantaneous center J, The rectangular axes Oyx, and Q.y:, fixed in plane 1, are respectively considered as real and imaginary axes, allowing vectors in planes 1 and 2 to be expressed as complex numbers. If w is the angular velocity of plane 2, positive when counterclockwise, the velocity of A is va = iwlA = iw(O,A — O,1) The acceleration is obtained by differentiation of the velocity, d d d Siva = a4 = ia(OA ~ On!) + te ¢ Oa - 50H) (7-2) Tn this equation, ia(0,A ~ Oil) = i@lA, with a = dw/dt, positive counterclockwise. Also, (d/dt)(OiA) = va; and (d/dt)(O,l) = vz, the 198 KINEMATIC SYNTHESIS OF LINKAGES IC velocity.! Since va = iwlA, we may assemble Eq. (7-2) in the form a4 = ialA — (a + o FAA gs OA, @ te such that IK = —ivi/s, whence a4 = ialA — w*(lA — IK) Since IA — IK = KA, the acceleration may be written as* a4 = iolA — wtKA According to this expression, the acceleration is the sum of two vectors. Vector ia(IA) is perpendicular to 1A, whence it lies completely in the path tangent of the curve; it contributes only to the component au! (not shown). Vector —w?(KA) lies along KA and is directed toward K;; by its projections it contributes to both a4! and a4” (not shown). We note with the aid of Fig. 7-4 that a unique situation exists if the angle IAK is 90°, for then —w*(KA) lies completely along the path tangent; i.e., it has no component in the normal direction: for this case + We assume that v, is finite, ie., that the centrodes are of different curvature at their point of contact. For a discussion of curvature problems, see O. Bottema, On Instantaneous Invariants, Proc. Yale Conf. Mechanisms, Shoestring Press, New Haven, Conn., 1961; also G. R. Veldkamp, “Curvature Theory in Plane Kinematics,” J. B. Wolters, Groningen, Netherlands, 1963. ? This equation is valid for all points of the moving plane, including the 1C (point 1). Note that, in Eq. (7-2), (d/dt)(OaA) # (d/dé)(Oal), even though I and A may coincide at the instant considered 4 Path normal n ~~ Path tangent ¢ FiguRE 7-4 Inflection cirele and shape of point paths on or near it- EULBR-SAVARY EQUATION 199 viaure 7-5 Derivation of On the Euler-Savary equation. a4" = 0. The locus of all points A whose angle JAK is 90° is a circle of diameter IK: this is the inflection circle. For all points of this circle a," = 0, and the radius of curvature of their paths is infinite (Fig. 7-4). The point K, the intersection of the normal at J and the inflection circle, is sometimes called the inflection pole Consider now a point A not on the inflection cirele (Fig. 7: ‘The hormal acceleration aa” is a vector quantity having magnitude. direction, and sense. The direction is always along the path normal n. If this normal is oriented from / to A, then the magnitude and sense of a4* may be defined in terms of a real number a4” (with magnitude and sign). hus, va? an = 2# A A04 Will be positive if AO, is positive, ie., if it has the same sense as JA. If AO, is in opposite sense from IA, a4” will be negative. In the figure, AO has a sense opposite to that of JA, whence the normal acceleration a4" is negative. However, a,” is also the projection of —w?(KA) onto the path hormal n, namely, a WAY? °AOn ay = Projrs [—#*(KA)] = —«? Projra (IA — IK) 200 KINEMATIC SYNTHESIS OF LINKAGES The second intersection J of the line [A with the inflection cirele is also the projection of K onto A. We may then write : we gee = - w(IA — Ida) = — oJ 4A) (Ay or “40, 7 JA ‘The negative sign is removed by recognizing that AO, = —O,A, whence (ITA)? _ Oia = 744 Rearranging this as OA = (7-4) we have the Euler-Savary equation. The Euler-Savary equation relates three directed quantities lying on the path normal n. The rule of sign introduced earlier reduces to having O4A and JA always laid off in the same sense along the line 7A. Thus, when J, has been established, the sense of JA gives the sense of OaA. ‘The converse is also true. In Fig. 7-6 a moving link has been sketched, carrying a point A inside the inflection circle. From considerations not displayed, the FIGURE 7-6 Summary of the Euler-Savary equation. Jat and O44 must always read in the same direction, toward A. EULER-SAVARY EQUATION Figure 7-7 Center of curvature Oc of coupler curve found from Euler-Savary equation, instantaneous center J and the inflection eirele were established, whence J'4 was located. The radius 4A is seen to be directed down and to the left, for both O4A and J4A must be laid off in the same direction. An alternative form of the Buler-Savary equation is given by 1 1 1 TA” 1047 1a (7-5) The earlier rule of sign must be observed. The practical application of the Fuler-Savary equation allows exploitation of the properties of the inflection circle. The inflection circle for a moving system is found from the known motion of two. coupler points, after which the radius of curvature of any other coupler point May be found. Example Find the center of curvature of the coupler curve traced by the point C of the four-bar Jinkage shown in Fig 7-7. The steps are as follows: 1. Locate the instantaneous center J from the intersection of 044 and OzB. This is one point of the inflection circle, 2. Oa is the center of curvature of the path of the coupler point A. A second point of the inflection circle, J4, which will lie on the line 044 (or its extension), is established from the Buler-Savary equation, TA)? og. Jad - = 5.3 in. 202 KINEMATIC SYNTHESIS OF LINKAGES 3, Similarly, Je, a third point of the inflection circle, may be found, (IB)? JeB = OnB = 48 in. 4. With three points of the inflection circle known, the circle itself may be drawn; its center @ is the intersection of the perpendicular bisec- tors of IJ and Js. 5. The line IC is extended to locate Jc on the inflection circle. The center of curvature Qc lies on the line 1C; its position is determined from a third application of the Euler-Savary equation, viz., = FOr 0c = FC = 2.3 in. it being borne in mind that OcC and JcC must have the same sense Geometric Construction for the Points on the Path Normal n The Euler-Savary equation involves the four points J, A, Ja, and Oa lying on the path normal n. Knowledge of any three allows the calcula- tion of the fourth from the equation. However, the fourth point may be found from a geometric construction, with the avoidance of measuring and computation. The method is based on writing the Euler-Savary in the form O4A _ IA TA ~ Syd it being recognized that JA is the mean proportional between O«A and J4A. Suppose that the points 7, A, and J4 are given (Fig. 7-8). Draw an arbitrary line Au (other than AJaJ) through A and another arbitrary line Iv (also different from AJ4I) through 7; these lines intersect at L Draw through /4 a parallel to [intersecting Au at K, and draw through L a parallel to 7K; this last line intersects AJ4I at Os. This construction may be justified by considering the similar tri- angles AJ4K and AIL, from which Jad _ KA TA ~ LA and the similar triangles JAK and 0.AL, from which IA _KA O.A” LA EULER-SAVARY EQUATION 203 FIGURE 7-8 Geometric construction of the center of curvature O4 when the points A, Ja, and T are known. Combined, these relations yield JsA _ IA TA ~ O3A which is identical to the Euler-Savary equation. The reader will observe that this construction may start from any three of the four points I, A, J, Oa. ‘Thus, for example, if 7,4, and Ox are given, point A can be obtained by drawing successively O4L and IK Parallel to one another, then /L and J4K parallel to one another, and taking the intersection of LK with OaJ.J4 to locate A (fA) 04d or J4A = Historical Note Problems of curvature related to the developments of the present section have been studied by a number of mathematicians during the course of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, but their works differ in many Tespects. First of all, two related but distinct problems were considered: (1) the path curvature, or curvature of the paths traced on the fixed plane by points of the moving plane—this is the problem that we have studied here; (2) the envelope curvature, or curvature of the envelopes on the fixed Plane of curves in the moving plane, as in Prob. 7-7. The methods either Were purely geometric or used kinematic considerations, as we have. Finally, the degree of generality of the problems considered varied, some being restricted to only cycloidal motion with its circular centrodes. 204 KINEMATIC SYNTHESIS OF LINKAGES The earliest effort seems to have been that of L’Hospital (1696), who discussed the problems of path as well as envelope curvature and detived the formula 1 1 1 1 1 TO, ~ 70, ~ (sh; - maa (7-6) (see notation in Prob. 7-7). His method was purely geometrie and was limited to circular centrodes. The inflection circle was discussed by De la Hire (1706), who also used a geometric—but different—approach. The inflection circle was rediscovered in 1853 by Bresse, this time by use of kinematic considerations. Bresse also gave a derivation of Eq. (7-4) and discussed the laws of points having zero tangential acceleration (see Prob. 7-7). Euler’s contribution of 1765 is part of a memoir con- cerned with gear-tooth profiles. He considered the problem of envelopes in the case of circular centrodes (circular gears); his method, based on calculus and geometry, may be extended to the general case. Reconsider- ing the problem of tooth profiles, Savary, somewhere in the decade 1831-1841, rederived Eq. (7-6) for envelopes and gave a number of geo- metrie constructions applying to various situations. We note finally that extensions of the Euler-Savary equation to spherical and spatial motions have been developed by Garnier, 7-2 THE CUBIC OF STATIONARY CURVATURE The path that a point of a moving plane 2 traces on a fixed plane 1 will generally have a changing curvature. In Fig. 7-9, the radius of curvature of the path C4 at point A is AO, = p. An instant later, when the point has moved a distance As along the path to A’, the radius of curvature is A’0', = p’.. With Ap = p’ — p, the rate of change in radius of curvature with respect to the displacement s along the path is dp Ap ds ~ 2 As viaure 7-9 Curve with changing radius of curvature EULER-SAVARY EQUATION FiauRe 7-10 Notation used in de- riving the cubie of stationary curvature. When this derivative is zero, the path Ca is said to have a stationary curvature. This does not mean that the curvature is constant, since higher-order derivatives will, in general, be different. from. zero, but it means a higher order of contact!—at least of the fourth order—between C4 and its circle of curvature, or osculating circle. Ata given instant only certain points of the moving plane have paths with stationary curvature, and their locus is found to be a cubie, the cubic of stationary curvature, which will now be determined. Let the motion of plane 2 with respect to plane 1 be defined by the fixed and moving centrodes and 7: (Fig. 7-10). At the instant con- sidered, the angular velocity of plane 2 is w and the /C velocity is vr; together they yield the vector vz/w as shown. Let k be the inflection Circle at the instant considered; its diameter is /K. Sinee IK ivr /o (See. 7-1), this vector IK is always rotated 90° clockwise from vr/w. The center of curvature Oa of C' is determined by the Euler-Savary equation ay OsA = Tad ign as well as magnitude when an orientation is chosen on the line fA, With 044 = p, 1A =r, 1K = D (diameter of inflection circle, always positive), we find that Jad = IA — Ta = + Dsiny + When two curves meeting at a point also have a common. tangent, the Teusure of how close they lie together in the neighborhood of the point is called the order of contact. 206 KINEMATIC SYNTHESIS OF LINKAGES where y is the counterclockwise angle from v/w to the oriented line 1A. The radius of curvature may then be expressed as ? r+ Dsiny (ay p= If ¢ defines the position of the instantaneous center J along the moving centrode x2, measured from an arbitrary origin P:, so that its value increases with time, then to _ dnde ds da ds Since do/ds is finite, except for the instantaneous center itself, dp/ds will be zero if dp/da is zero, whence points of stationary curvature are charac- terized by the relation dp _ o = Differentiating Eq. (7-7) with respect to o yields de ag (+ Dain y) - o(¢ +Deosy% +4 2? + $2 sin) os de = FF Dain @8) ‘The derivatives dr/da and dyj/da may be evaluated by considering the vector IA expressed in complex-number form with respect to a set of axes sts, Onys moving with plane 2. Let < = vz/|vi| be a unit vector in the direction of vr; then 1A = ree'¥ or O.A — O1! = ree¥ Taking the derivative of this expression with respect to o yields Since the axes Ozzxy2 move with the plane 2 and A is a point of that plane, d(Q.A)/de = 0. Furthermore, d(Ozl)/do = 2, and de/ds = ix/Rs, where Reis the radius of curvature of the moving centrode; this radius is positive or negative depending on the convexity of the centrodem. It is negative in Fig. 7-10. Making these substitutions in the above equation and divid- ing by + yields _ (a ay = (E+ +Rt we i or —cos ¥ + isin ¥ = Hairy +%) EULER-SAVARY EQUATION 207 Equating real and imaginary parts gives the desired derivatives, dr dy sing 1 ae oe and FE = SY Equation (7-8) may now be written as do _3rDsinyoosy[ 1 1/1 1\_ 1 a( ds” “(r+ Dain vy)? [siny3\R, D)~ cosy3 and points satisfying the equation 1 1 1 Main + Neosy 1_1f1 1 1_ _1faD1 M7 3a; - A) and a(aea) will be poitts of stationary curvature. In arriving at Eq. (7-10), however, we note that the terms preced- ing the brackets of Eq. (7-9) have been ignored. In certain situations the factor r? sin y cos ¥ may yield points of stationary curvature not recog- nized by Eq. (7-10). Although Eq. (7-10) is commonly used to deter- mine such points, the complete equation to be regarded is =0 (7-10) in which - 1 1 ly 7? sin ¥ cos ¥ (w cing + Weows *) =0 (7-11) On reducing Eu. (7-11) to cartesian coordinates by use of the rela tions cos ¥ = 2/r and sin y = y/r, a third-degree equation results, @+y) ir + 4) — xy =0 (7-12) Tts curve is appropriately called the cubic of stationary curvature. We may note that Eq. (7-10) will yield the same cubic equation, but only after multiplication by x and y. Equation (7-12) may therefore define points of stationary curvature not predicted by Eq. (7-10). Thus, in the example of Sec. 7-3, for which 1/N = 0, the curve has two branches; one is a circle (second degree), the other a straight line (first degree): the spirit of a cubic is therefore maintained even with particularization. ‘The straight branch satisfies Eqs. (7-11) and (7-12), but not Eq. (7-10). Example Construct the cubic of stationary curvature of the coupler of the four-bar linkage in Fig. 7-11 for the Position shown. The steps are as follows: 1. Locate the instantaneous center I from the intersection of O4A and OoB. 208 KINEMATIC SYNTHESIS OF LINKAGES Cubic of stationary Gentrode normal at I curvature, —— FIGURE 7-11 Cubic of stationary curvature of the coupler of a four-bar linkage with respect to the frame. O4A = 1.28 in, OeB = 2.54 in, 040n = 3.80 in., AB = 3.82 in, 6 = 90°. 2. Determine the direction of the common tangent 77 to the centrodes (a) by construction of the inflection circle (to reduced scale if necessary) and 90° rotation of its diameter /K, or (b) by construction of the IC velocity v; by using the method of See. 4-7. Method a is used in the present example. The inflection circle passes through the instantaneous center / and two other points J, and J», which may be located along the lines O44 and OpB as done in the example EULER-SAVARY EQUATION 209 of the last section. The Euler-Savary equation gives WA = gare = 23.8 in. JoB = gee = -40in. IJ, = 1A ~ JA = —18.27 in. Jy = 1B — JeB = 7.18 in. Since these are large distances, a practical difficulty arises, which, however, may be resolved by construction of the inflection circle to reduced scale. To a seale of one-tenth the original, these distances are IJ, = -183in. [J = 0.72 in. When laid off from J (in the proper sense) on JA and IB, these distances define the points J/, and Jj. The diameter of the reduced inflection cirele is then JK’, and the common tangent to the centrodes is /7, rotated 90° from 7K’. The instantaneous center / and the centrode tangent /7’ are the references with respect to which the cubic of stationary curvature is defined in polar coordinates by Eq. (7-10). 3. Points A and B are on the cubic, since their paths are true circles, For 4: va = 150° = 5.53 in. For B: vr = 191°30 Tp = 3.18 in. The equation of the cubic must be satisfied for these values of ¥ and r; this gives a set of two equations to determine the unknowns M and N, 1 1 2.) tt 8 M5) ~ N(@.866) ~ 5.53 M(0.20) ~ N(0.98) ~ 3.18 From these relations 1 1 . jy = 700023 and = = —0.196 The equation of the cubic is then _ 0.023 0.196 _ 1 sing cos ¥ 4. Note that, for r— », + 023 _ 0.196 siny cosy or tany = —0.117, whence ¥ = —6°40’. The cubic therefore has an Tene tote making an angle of —6°40’ with the centrode tangent at J. The construction is completed by making a table of values of r for values of y between 0 and 180°. Values of » between 180 and 360° would merely Tepeat the points of the cubic already found by varying ¥ from 0 to 180°. 210 KINEMATIC SYNTHESIS OF LINKAGES Table 7-1 VALUES OF 7 AND y FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CUBIC OF STATIONARY CURVATURE (FIG, 7-11) ¥ r ¥ r oe 0 105° 1.36 15° 3.44 120° 2.73 30° —3.69 135° 4.06 45° —3.22 150° 5.56 60° —2.39 165° 8.35 75° 1.28 173°20° © 90° 0 180° 0 These values are given in Table 7-1, and the cubic itself is shown in Fig. 7-11. A number of points have been selected on the cubic of stationary curvature, and the curves traced by these coupler points are drawn in Fig. 7-12. These curves show what is meant by stationary curvature: in all cases (except perhaps at the instantaneous center /, where th coupler curve must have a cusp) the intersection of the coupler curve with the eubic is a point of maximum or minimum curvature. The coupler- point curvature, however, sometimes varies quite rapidly in the vicinity of the stationary point; the designer must use the cubic of stationary curvature with caution, ie., must examine the excursions of the points with care. We may summarize the most obvious characteristics of the cubic of stationary curvature with the aid of Figs. 7-11 and 7-12: 1. The curve is a property of the moving plane (¢.g., the coupler) but is drawn on the fixed plane and is unique to the phase (position) of the linkage. 2. There is a erunode at 7; the two tangents are the centrode normal and centrode tangent at J. 3. Coupler points “on the cubic,” unless prejudiced by being close to the fixed centrode, will describe approximate circular ares 7-3 EXAMPLE: FOUR-BAR LINKAGE TO REPLACE CIRCULAR GEAR SEGMENTS FOR SMALL ROTATIONS! ‘The cubic of stationary curvature will be used in this section to design a four-bar linkage to replace a pair of circular gear segments (Fig- + Professor Hall worked this problem in a somewhat different manner; see Inflection Cirele and Polode Curvature, Trans. Fifth Mechanisms Conj., 1958; also, Linkage Design Technique, Machine Design, vol. 31, p. 44, 1959. EULER-SAVARY EQUATION 211 7-13a). ‘The gears have an angular velocity ratio of —§ and operate over a 30° range of rotation of the smaller gear. The procedure used here will yield a linkage (Fig. 7-13b) for which the velocity ratio and its first two derivatives are correct in one position, Consider an inversion of the mechanism of Fig. 7-13a@ in which gear 1 is made stationary ; the motion of gear 2 is then constrained by the rolling contact between the pitch circles which constitute the fixed and moving centrodes m, and 72 (Fig. 7-14). The centers of these centrodes are, respectively, Oa and Oz, and the inflection circle may be found by application of the Euler-Savary equation, 2 KOn = 9) = —08 in. 1B Cubic of stationary e curvature ~ / FiguRE 7-12 Coupler curves traced by points on the cubic of stationary curvature. 212 KINEMATIC SYNTHESIS OF LINKAGES The diameter of the inflection circle is thus D = 1.2 in., and the vector vi/w points down (Fig. 7-14). The four-bar linkage 044 BO; will be obtained by taking point B on the cubic of stationary curvature of plane 2 with respect to plane 1. Point A is then the center of curvature of the path of B. The equation of the cubic of stationary curvature in polar coordinates was found in the last section as 1 1 1 Mainy + Neosy 7 wv is measured counterclockwise from the vector vz/w, and Dli(t ly L_ifddi mM” 3\R,” DJ) N~ 3\deD Since the centrodes in the present case are circles, the diameter of the inflection circle is constant and 1/N = 0: the cubic of stationary curvature thus reduces to a circle! of equation r= Msiny The diameter J of this circle may be found in terms of the known diame- ter of the inflection circle, D, and the radius of curvature of the moving ‘We may observe that, with 1/N = $(dD/de)(1/D) = 0, Eq. (7-11) shows that all points of the line O40s for which ¥ = 90 or 270° are points of stationary curvature. We see that in the present example the cubic of stationary curvature consists of the above circle and the line 0403. Only the circle, however, is of interest in the design problem at hand. FicurE 7-13 Four-bar linkage to replace circu lar gear segments. BULER-SAVARY EQUATION 213 Intlection circle ™ Cubic of stationary curvature (reduced toacircie) FigoRE 7-14 Synthesis of a four-bar linkage O4ABOs to replace a pair of cireular gear segments centrode, R:, ‘The radius R, measured in the direction of the unit normal 2, itself rotated 90° counterclockwise from vs/w, is Rz = —2 in. and = 1.2 in., whence 1_tf iy gon: wr g(-37 73) 7 se5 M = ~2.25 in. The cubic of stationary curvature is the circle of diameter /L shown in Fig. 7-14. Point B may be taken anywhere along this circle. Choosing B so that the line JB makes a 30° angle with O,On as shown, IB = —2.25sin 60° = —1: 5 in Point A is then found by application of the Euler-Savary equation, ay: _ _By AB= sin 60° —4,18 in. which completes the determination of the linkage. ‘The calculated errors for 13° and —17° from the position used in the design are in this case 0.4 and 0.9 percent of the total rotation. BIBLIOGRAPHY Allievi, ‘inematica della biella piana,”’ R. Tipographia Francesce Giannini ‘and Figli, Naples, 1895. Bresse, C.: Mémoire sur un théoréme nouveau concernant les mouvements plans, J. écale polytech. (Paris), vol. 20, 1853. 214 KINEMATIC SYNTHESIS OF LINKAGES Euler, L.: Supplementum de figura dentium rotarum (1765), Novi Comment. Acad. Sci. Imp. Petropolitanae, vol. 11, St. Petersburg, 1767. Garnier, René: “Cours de cinématique.”” 3d rev. ed., vol. II, Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1956. Hall, A. 8, Jr.: “Kinematics and Linkage Design,” Prentice-Hall, Inc., Engle- wood Cliffs, N.J., 1961. Hire, P. de la: Traité des roulettes .. . , Mém. math. phys... . acad. roy. sci. (Paris), 1706. Hirschhorn, Jeremy: ‘Kinematics and Dynamies of Plane Mechanisms,” ‘McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1962. L’Hospital, G. F. A.: “Analyse des infiniment petits. . .” Paris, 1696. 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