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The Global Polio Eradication Initiative

Review of Literature
Miguel Carrillo
The University of Texas at El Paso

Global Polio Eradication Initiative


The Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) is a drive by which a multitude of

organizations are conjoined together working towards the underlying objective of the eradication
of polio. Through countless efforts and measures, the disease that once feared worldwide now
has been 99% eliminated worldwide and has only a grasp upon two countries Afghanistan and
Pakistan. This, in turn, encompasses the subject matter that polio is on the brink of extinction
having a relatively low rate of one percent negatively impacting the populous living in
marginalized communities. Moreover, undertaking the last one percent of polio cases has proven
to be a challenge. Through continuous relentless efforts, the elimination of polio is raging
through the last strongholds were the disease has a grasp to reach an underlying polio-free world.
The initiative has proven to be of greater value to the populous rather than a burden.
Polio is a disease that has been active throughout time, but has been eradicated in a multitude of
places, and now has reduced it's widespread, in which the initiative targets its aims to eliminate
the disease once and for all. The Global Polio Eradication Initiative is a subject matter that is
worth advocating for and is an issue that is aimed towards the well-being of the worlds poverty
stricken communities with an active affliction of polio and impacting the world by working for
the eradication of a devastating disease. Furthermore, The Global Polio Eradication Initiative is a
21st-century issue that is having a great impact on the world.

Global Polio Eradication Initiative

The Global Polio Eradication Initiative

Review of Literature
The Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) is united with national governments and
distinctly driven forces to tackle the underlying subject matter dedicated towards the eradication
and elimination of polio within the free world. It is an initiative aimed to cease the disease that
once was feared all across the board. The objective of the initiative is to reach the populous
living in the marginalized locations where polio is still alive and provide assistance with vaccines
to ensure the elimination and affirming of eventually a polio-free world.
Throughout countless measures, the initiative to eliminate polio began in 1988. The
initiative was started up during a time frame by which a multitude of children were being
negatively impacted by polio. Through a variety of collaborations and tireless resolute efforts the
initiative has uplifted its structural methods and its grasp on the eradication of a devastating
disease. This review of literature analyzes the illuminating research in areas surrounding The
Global Polio Eradication Initiative addressing the following four questions:
1) Who is involved in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative?
2) Why should people be aware of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative?
3) How does polio affect the one percent of the population that is still exposed to
this deadly disease?
4) Why should people value the Global Polio Eradication Initiative?
The Global Polio Eradication Initiative is an issue that should be discussed with the
sections of who is involved in the initiative, raising awareness, the effects of polio, and why
should individuals value the initiative. Therefore, the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI)
is an initiative that is worth advocating for and is an issue that is aimed towards the well-being of

Global Polio Eradication Initiative

the worlds poverty stricken communities with an active affliction of polio and impacting the
world by working for the eradication of a virus.
Who is involved in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative?
The Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) is a cause built up of a multitude of
collaborations all providing a determined force by which the initiative is elevating through. The
initiative with full cooperation is encompassed by distinct national governments and a multitude
of driven forces to take on the underlying matters of the elimination of polio across the board. All
the components involved in the initiative contribute relentless efforts that heightened the
initiatives progress.
Principal Spearheading Collaborators
The Global Polio Eradication Initiative is a drive by which a multitude of collaborations come
together as one to accomplish the underlying measure to eliminate polio. The initiative itself
unifies organizations, individuals, programs, collaborations, and so forth together through the
manner by which they share a common objective. Through the skeletal structure of having
central organizations and national governments form the foundation of the initiative encompass a
framework, by which both large and small scale associations can have a stable root from which
they can target their assistance, help, or services to.
Relative to Heymann, D (2006), the author states that Polio eradication depends on
collaboration between four leading partners: WHO, Rotary International, CDC and UNICEF, and
on the implementation of programs by countries with guidance from WHOs regional and
country offices(p. 595). The evidence indicates that the main organizations lead the efforts
towards the eradication of polio. The principal components of the initiative entail four major
organizations the World Health Organization (WHO), Centers for Disease Control and

Global Polio Eradication Initiative

Prevention (CDC), Rotary International, and the United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF).
Through the spearheading organization, the full exertions of the initiative are put forth in motion
to drive the initiative forward and structurally guide the additional driven large or small forces,
organizations, groups and so forth to exert their efforts to specific means.
Although, the principal collaborators are heading the Global Polio Eradication Initiative
through the cooperation and aid of a multitude of additional small to large scale associates. The
mutual effort is heightened encompassing an elevated structural driven force as one that unifies
all components as a whole at work that aid in the elimination of polio. The spearheading
collaborators initiative and sights are aimed to cease the disease that once was feared all across
the board. The objective of the initiative through the collaboration of the principal forces is to
reach the populous living in the marginalized locations where polio is still impacting the lives of
individuals and be able to provide assistance through a multitude of manner such as with
vaccines to ensure the affirmation and elimination of eventually a polio-free world.
Additional Collaborators
Graph 1: Question #2

Cooperation in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative is

key. Having a multitude of participants such as large
organizations, small-scale associations, groups,
foundations and so forth collaborate as a unified system
can accomplish inconceivable barriers. That in turn, all
efforts are aimed towards the objective of purging polio
According to What We Do Polio Strategy Overview

Source: Primary research survey conducted in

class regarding the Global Polio Eradication
Initiative. (2016). The Global Polio Eradication
Initiative. Survey Monkey. Retrieved from

(2015), the article states that Polio eradication is a top

Global Polio Eradication Initiative

priority of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. As a major supporter of the GPEI, we
contribute technical and financial resources to our GPEI partners to accelerate efforts to eradicate
polio. (p.1). The evidence indicates that the removal of polio is an utmost precedence of the Bill
& Melinda Gates Foundation. The foundation contributes economically and structurally in aid of
the initiative to fast-track the exertions made to eliminate the disease. The foundation has the
ability to contribute to polio eradication by making investments that can lead to valuable
initiative improvements. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is an abundant sponsor of the
Global Polio Eradication Initiative even though it is not a spearheading organization. In a survey
conducted which encompassed information regarding the Global Polio Eradication Initiative
within the query that read who do you think is involved in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative
out of twenty participants 5% of them answered with national governments, 30% answered
World Health Organization, 30% answered Rotary International, 25% answered the U.S. Center
for Disease Control, 15% answered The United Nations Childrens Fund, and 65% answered all
of the above. This survey question encompassed how a majority of individuals understood and
were knowledgeable about the collaborators that work together to accomplish the objective to
eradicate polio.
Moreover, through the collaborations between both small, large, public, private,
organizations, and so on is highly significant. By having all types of aid no matter the number of
efforts contributed individually, all endeavor adds up to the underlying measure to abolish such a
disease the negatively impacts the health of the populous. Overall, having diverse structural
organizations collaborate through the manner by which their aims are targeted towards the
elimination of polio and work as a unified entity elevates the efforts towards such a cause. Also,

Global Polio Eradication Initiative

by having established fundamental organizations spearhead the initiative encompasses a wellorganized and efficient leadership format and network to lead the extensive operation onward.
Through regular and consistent communication the four main collaborators discuss
awareness, fundraising, budgeting preparation, and execution amongst or with all organizations
to structurally lay out the operation foundations of the initiative. Moreover, a multitude of
collaborations and ties are operating as a unified system by which the mutual factor of the
eradication of polio links them all together. Through countless relentless efforts, the initiative has
expanded on its efficiency and measures that allow for the prosperous cause to flourish its grasps
upon polio worldwide. Thus, in turn, individuals should be aware of the Global Polio Eradication
Initiative to be knowledgeable upon a subject matter that has impacted the populous in the past at
a larger scale and still affects people through the 21st century.
Why should people be aware of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative?
The populous should be aware of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative to avoid being in
the shadows by having no knowledge of the subject, to have a say regarding the view of the
initiative, and to evade being ignorant over the eradication stance. Having individuals be aware
of the eradication of polio is significant to have people comprehend the initiatives actions, which
are affecting both the world and individuals in general. Awareness should be key importance to
people to understand how they are being impacted directly or indirectly by the initiatives
Awareness is Key
Individuals should be knowledgeable and aware of their surroundings regarding the
Global Polio Eradication Initiative to have both attentive thoughts about the negatives and

Global Polio Eradication Initiative

positives. The populous should be aware of the initiative to both have a say and an availability to
act upon or be part of the initiative.
According to Kaiser Family Foundation (2015) the website states that In addition, poliofree countries must remain vigilant to prevent reintroduction of the virus, which can lead to reestablishment of polio transmission. Importation of the virus from another country is a continuing
threat (p.1). The evidence indicates that countries should continue on remaining attentive and
vigilant to evade re-establishment of polio. Awareness is a principal to eliminate and prevent the
threat of having disease-ridden individuals diffuse polio within other lands.
Overall, individuals should be aware of their surrounding. People should be aware of the
Global Polio Eradication Initiative because it is impacting the lives of the general public in both
a direct and indirect manner. Furthermore, not only individuals should be aware of the initiative,
but should avoid being ignorant amidst a cause that impacts people worldwide. Having potent or
some knowledge upon the eradication of polio initiative is imperative. Having the ability to
judge and develop views on the subject matter is significant to encourage people to act upon
indirectly or directly to the cause. Having individuals entail the capacity to develop some sort of
a stance regarding the initiative is beneficial to both themselves and the cause. This generates
awareness of the cause and has people act in favor, in a neutral stance, or contrary to it, no matter
the viewpoint of the individual they contribute to the spread awareness of the initiatives drives.
Awareness should be key importance to the populous to understand how they are being impacted
directly or indirectly by the initiatives actions.
Avoid Ignorance
People should be aware of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative to avoid ignorance and
evade problematic negative decisions to be made. If people are ignorant upon an initiative that is

Global Polio Eradication Initiative

benefiting the populous in general then mediocre efforts and exertions would be made because
individuals are not concerned to eliminate a potential threat.
According to CDCs Polio Eradication Efforts (2015) the article states that More
importantly, without eradication, a resurgence of polio could paralyze more than 200,000
children worldwide every year within a decade. Now is the time, we must not fail(p.1).
Graph 2: Question #1

The evidence indicates that it is imperative

that eradication of the virus comes to an end.
The continuity of the disease can lead to a
revival of polio meaning more children
worldwide could become paralyzed through
time if polio picks up again and spreads. It is
essential that the reality of polio spreading is
not brought into existence. In a survey

Source: Primary research survey conducted in class

regarding the Global Polio Eradication Initiative. (2016).
The Global Polio Eradication Initiative. Survey Monkey.
Retrieved from

conducted which encompassed information

regarding the Global Polio Eradication
Initiative within the query that read do you

know what the Global Polio eradication Imitative is out of twenty participants 15% of them
answered no, and 85% answered yes. This survey question entailed that a majority of people are
cognizant about the initiative aimed to eradicate polio. Thus, meaning that people are aware of a
subject matter that has a abundant impact upon the general public.
Moreover, it is perilous that the initiative takes benefit of the opportunity by which polio
is at its brink of eradication having only one percent of the disease impacting individuals. Having
polio at an extremely low scale is beneficial towards the eradication of a dreadful disease.

Global Polio Eradication Initiative


Ignorance amongst the populous regarding the initiative to eradicate polio is critical matter to
evade developing. By having individuals avoid ignorance it allows for proper awareness and
precautions to be made regarding the cause. Raising awareness within the general community of
people concerning the drive to eliminate polio worldwide will allow for individuals to be on
board with the project and heighten the efforts made. Having individuals be aware of the
eradiation of polio is significant to have people comprehend the initiatives actions that are
affecting the world and individuals in general. Awareness should be key importance to the
populous in general to understand how they are being impacted directly or indirectly by the
initiatives actions.
How does polio affect the one percent of the population that is still exposed to
this deadly disease?
The Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) was put in motion to contain polio, a
disease that now has been 99% eliminated across the board. This leaves the one percent active
and negatively impacting the worlds poverty stricken communities. Through Polio is an
infectious disease caused by a virus, it is a preventable disease that through treatment has the
ability to lessen its effects, but there is no cure for it.
What is Polio?
Polio alias for poliomyelitis is an exceedingly infectious disease caused by a virus that
attacks the nervous system, and can cause temporary or permanent paralysis. The virus can
intrude a disease-ridden individuals spinal cord and brain thus, bringing about paralysis. Polio is
a disease that has no cure; it can be treated, but can also lead to death.

Global Polio Eradication Initiative


According to Healthline (2016), there are three forms of polio infections sub-clinical,
Graph 3: Question #5

non-paralytic, and paralytic,

Sub-clinical: Approximately 95 percent of
polio cases are sub-clinical, and patients may
not experience any symptoms. This form of
polio does not affect the central nervous
system (the brain and spinal cord). Nonparalytic: This form, which does affect the

Source: Primary research survey conducted in

class regarding the Global Polio Eradication
Initiative. (2016). The Global Polio Eradication
Initiative. Survey Monkey. Retrieved from

central nervous system, produces only mild

symptoms and does not result in paralysis.
Paralytic: This is the rarest and most serious
form of polio, which produces full or partial

paralysis in the patient... (p. 1).

There are three types by which polio can impact people categorized sub-clinical polio,
non-paralytic polio, and paralytic polio. Ultimately, paralytic polio manifestations upon
contraction are of critical impacts leaving people paralyzed and with undesirable ends. Although
polio is not curable to lessen the adverse effects of the disease there are treatments individuals
can turn to.
Sub-clinical polio is mostly commonplace when it comes to individuals being diseaseridden by having the majority of people afflicted with the disease encompass sub-clinical
symptoms. Apart from being the most common type of form infected with it does not negatively
impact the nervous system or brain. Non-paralytic polio, on the other hand, does afflict the
nervous system in a minimal matter but does not leave individuals paralyzed. Paralytic polio is

Global Polio Eradication Initiative


most critical of all three forms of impact having negative manifestations upon the brain and
nervous system by which people have a high chance to end up paralyzed. In a survey conducted
which included information concerning the Global Polio Eradication Initiative within the query
that read can polio cause death out of twenty participants 85% of them answered yes, 5%
answered no, and 10% answered I dont know. This survey question encompassed how the
majority of individuals comprehend how polio can negatively affect people through the matter by
which such as disease can lead to death.
Moreover, polio spans from individual to individual exchange, connections amongst
disease-ridden phlegm or mucus secretions from the body, and or individual interface with
plague-ridden feces. Polio is a transmittable disease that depending on the severity can
encompass distinct forms of manifestations upon individuals. Polio is a demoralizing disease that
can lead to death, but can be treated to diminish its effects since there is no cure for such a virus.
Moreover, sub-clinical, non-paralytic, paralytic are types of contagion states by which a person
can contract and level of severity increases.
Individuals impacted by polio may suffer from distinct symptoms with relation to the
severity of the disease affected by. There are three forms by which the populous can contract and
be impacted by distinct symptoms of polio labeled sub-clinical polio, non-paralytic polio, and
paralytic polio. Sub-clinical polio symptoms are the most mundane manifestations individuals
can contract and, both non-paralytic polio, and paralytic polio symptoms, when infected by
people, are most afflicted with negative impacts.
According to Global Polio Eradication Initiative (2010), the article states that Most
infected people (90%) have no symptoms or very mild symptoms and usually go unrecognized.

Global Polio Eradication Initiative


In others, initial symptoms include fever, fatigue, headache, vomiting, and stiffness in the neck
and pain in the limbs.(p.1). The evidence indicates that an utmost 90% of plague-ridden
individuals show no indications or very slight indicators that generally go unidentified. In early
indications in some individuals encompass headaches, fevers, vomiting, and pain in the limbs,
fatigue, and stiffness in the neck. Sub-clinical polio, non-paralytic polio, and paralytic polio are
three forms by which individuals can be afflicted by and encompass distinct symptoms.
Individuals affected by sub-clinical polio may encompass manifestations according to Healthline
(2016) headaches, a sore red throat, fever, vomiting, and general discomfort (p. 1). Sub-clinical
afflictions are minimal and most common when contracting polio. Non-paralytic polio symptoms
exhibited by an individual according to Healthline (2016) entail headaches, fever, vomiting,
fatigue, irregular reflexes, problems swallowing & breathing, back & neck pain, stiffness, sore
throat in the absenteeism of upper respiratory infection neck stiffness with forward flexion of the
neck, arm and leg pain, muscle tenderness and spasms (p.1). Non-paralytic polio symptoms
exhibited by an individual according to Healthline (2016) entail headaches, fever, vomiting,
fatigue, irregular reflexes, problems swallowing & breathing, back & neck pain, stiffness, sore
throat in the absenteeism of upper respiratory infection neck stiffness with forward flexion of the
neck, arm and leg pain, muscle tenderness and spasms (p.1). Non-paralytic polio manifestations
are more so a burden, serious, but do not lead to paralysis. Lastly, paralytic polio symptoms
when infected individuals are most afflicted with negative impacts mostly paralysis. With
accordance to Healthline (2016) severe spasms and muscle pain, loss of reflexes, deformed
limbs (hips, ankles, and feet), paralysis, loose and floppy limbs sometimes on just one side of the
body due to the weakness which results from the involvement of the spine (p.1). Paralytic polio

Global Polio Eradication Initiative


symptoms when disease-ridden people are most stricken with damaging effects that elevate a
peak to develop irreversible paralysis.
Overall, there are three forms by which polio can affect the populous sub-clinical polio,
non-paralytic polio, and paralytic polio. Sub-clinical polio manifestations are the lesser evil of
two because it does not impact the spinal cord or brain. Non -paralytic polio symptoms are of
more seriousness due to an elevation of negative effects. Ultimately, paralytic polio
manifestations upon contraction are of critical impacts leaving people paralyzed and with
undesirable ends. Although polio is not curable to lessen the adverse effects of the disease there
are treatments individuals can turn to. People affected by polio may endure different symptoms
with correlation to the intensity and asperity of the disease afflicted by. Although, individuals can
be disease-ridden with any of the three distinct cases of polio whether sub-clinical, non-paralytic,
or paralytic polio there are treatments available that can reduce the negative repercussions
encompassed by polio. The best way to avoid the contamination of polio is through vaccination.
Prevention and Treatment
Polio is a devastating disease that when contracted by an individual is impacted by
negative effects. Polio is a non-curable disease, by which the effects depend on the severity one
contracted, and individuals through treatment can lessen the impacts of polio. Prevention through
obtaining vaccine shots and avoiding disease-ridden individuals is the best manner to evade the
contraction of such disease.
According to Poliomyelitis (2016), individuals may suffer from distinct symptoms
depending on the severity by which polio affects the person. There are distinct treatments to
lessen the effects raged on individuals due to polio which also hinge on the severity impacted by.

Global Polio Eradication Initiative


Symptoms are treated based on their severity. Treatment may include: Antibiotics for
urinary tract infections. Moist heat (heating pads, warm towels) to reduce muscle pain
and spasms. Painkillers to reduce headache, muscle pain, and spasms (narcotics are not
usually given because they increase the risk of breathing trouble) Physical therapy, braces
or corrective shoes, or orthopedic surgery to help recover muscle strength and function.
(p. 1).
The evidence indicates that polio vaccination is essential to counteract polio in utmost
individuals, having 90% immunization effectiveness. Vaccination is one of the most valuable and
top preventions an individual can take to avoid the disease. Treatments individuals can take to
diminish the diseases effects entails utilizing antibiotics, painkillers, engaging in physical
therapy, utilizing moist heat to relieve pain, in some cases specific medical equipment to correct
or aid in physical treatment may be necessary and surgery. Overall, there are preventions and
treatments available for both individuals afflicted with polio and people without such as disease
to avoid becoming infected or to reduce the diseases impacts. This, in turn, encompasses why the
general populations should value the Global Polio Eradication Initiative having the drive to
eliminate a disastrous disease.
Moreover, the best measure for the populous to take to prevent from contracting polio is
being vaccinated. Although individuals that have been disease-plagued with polio it is not the
end of them, there are treatments available to lessen the pain and correct physical impediments.
The populous can be impacted by distinct measures of polio severity that individuals contract.
Symptoms work hand in hand with the intensity of form by which people contract from subclinical polio, non-paralytic polio, to paralytic polio. Polio is a disease that has no remedy, but

Global Polio Eradication Initiative


preventions are set in place to have people evade its treacherous grasps while also entailing
treatments for individuals already at the diseases grasps.
Why should people value the Global Polio Eradication Initiative?
The Global Polio Eradication Initiative should be valued by the general populous
because through driven actions, determination, and the incorporation of an organized structure it
has been exceeding all challenges to completely eradicate polio once and for all. Through
deliberate planning the elimination of polio is standing at the last strongholds were the disease
has its last grip and the initiative is reaching an underlying polio-free world. The initiative has
confirmed to be of superior value to the populous rather than a burden.
Avoidance of a Widespread Pandemic

Individuals should value the Global Polio Eradication Initiative because through
imperative exertions and relentless efforts the initiative is working toward the 100% eradication
Graph 4: Question #6

of polio to eliminate the possibility of a

widespread pandemic. It is perilous that the
populous reap the benefit and value the
opportunity brought on by the initiative. The
initiative encompasses both indirect and
directly valuable exertions by directly fully
eradicating disease worldwide and indirectly
avoiding polio springing up.
According to Kaiser Family

Source: Primary research survey conducted in class

regarding the Global Polio Eradication Initiative. (2016).
The Global Polio Eradication Initiative. Survey Monkey.
Retrieved from

Foundation (2015), the article states that In

Global Polio Eradication Initiative


addition, polio-free countries must remain vigilant to prevent reintroduction of the virus, which
can lead to re-establishment of polio transmission. Importation of the virus from another country
is a continuing threat (p.1). The evidence indicates that the polio-free countries should persist
on staying alert and observant to avoid restoration of the disease that can lead to the
reinstatement of polio diffusion. The introduction of the disease from an infected country to
another one is a continuous threat the world faces within the 100% elimination of the disease. In
a survey conducted which encompassed information regarding the Global Polio Eradication
Initiative within the query that read what percentage of polio do you think has been eradicated
out of twenty participants 40% of them answered with 99% of polio eradicated, 30% answered
75% of polio eradicated, and 30% answered I dont know. This survey question entailed how a
multitude of individuals were not knowledgeable about the eradication of polio and depicted how
it is important for awareness to spread within relation to the general public.
Overall, individuals should value the efforts made to eradicate polio worldwide to avoid
the disease from springing up again, which can lead to a backlash of conflicts that can, in turn,
affect a multitude of people. Individuals should value the Global Polio Eradication Initiative not
only because one of its premises would lead to an avoidance of a widespread pandemic of polio,
but the initiative also reaps economic benefits. It is imperative that polio is interrupted within the
countries it still affects because all countries are at peril of being impacted by the disease within
environments that entail scarce immunization facilities, public health, and have a link to rampant
countries encompassing the virus.
Economic Benefits
The Global Polio Eradication Initiative is not only a drive that is beneficial in a heath
wise stance but also is an advantage point by which it will generate economic perks. Having the

Global Polio Eradication Initiative


initiative eliminate polio will authorize for the economical funds to extend and focus on other
subject matters and the monetary funds would not be wasted. Individuals should value the drive
to eradicate polio because the economic reserves would be applied to tackle additional
challenging matters.
According to Elias, C (2014), the author states that the Global Polio Eradication Initiative
is a beneficial drive that can result in favorable economical outcomes,
Failing to achieve global eradication would cost far more. Mathematical models suggest
that abandoning the program before eradication is achieved would result in a resurgence
of polio within a decade as many as 200,000 cases of paralysis each yearending polio
will free up resources that can be invested in other global efforts to reduce child mortality
and end extreme poverty. Estimates show that eradicating global polio now could
generate net benefits of $40-50 billion globally by 2035, with most of that savings in the
poorest countries. (p.1).
The evidence indicates that if the initiative to eliminate polio fails it would outlay further
monetary costs. Also, recreations of mathematical situations indicate that deserting the initiative
before elimination of polio is realized it would upshoot the possibility of a resurrection of the
disease that will, in turn, cost more money. Having the initiative continue and eradicate polio
once and for all will encompass economic benefits by having assets that were capitalized in the
drive to branch out and be distributed to other global issues. Also, the elimination of the disease
depicts approximations that illustrate that the initiative can produce grid proceeds of $40 to $50
billion worldwide.
Overall, the general public should value the initiative to eliminate polio. By having
individuals acknowledge that the through the initiative once the disease is eradicated it will grant

Global Polio Eradication Initiative


individuals monetary contributions to be set in motion for other issues with the assurance that
polio is not a reliant threat to be funding and depleting money into. People should value the
initiative because of economic benefits, but at the same time, there are individuals that do not
encompass the view that the initiative is beneficial and cause setbacks to the progressing drive.
The initiative to eradicate polio has a multitude of advantages it thrives from by which people
should value. Both through economic and health matters the initiative takes an elevation to peak
an advantage. Having the initiative eradicate polio in an overall sense will permit for the
economical funds to spread and target other subject matters. Monetary funds will be utilized to
address further issues through the measure of eliminating polio as a contingent issue.
The Setbacks to Progress
The Global Polio Eradication Initiative through time has with determination targeted its
efforts to cease the disease that once was feared all across the board. Through the process of
eradication, the initiative has brought benefits to a multitude of individuals but has also run into
individuals by which do not share the same views on the cause that pose difficulties in the way of
the initiative. The majority of individuals that come across the progressing cause are in approval
and relief of it, but there are minorities by which disapprove of the initiative even if it benefits
the populous.
According to Ahmad et. al., (2016) the author states that Religious opposition by
Muslim fundamentalists is a major factor in the failure of immunization programs against polio
in Nigeria, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. This religious conflict in the tribal areas of Pakistan is one
of the biggest hindrances to effective polio vaccination (p.109).The evidence indicates that the
Muslim extremists obstruct the initiative due to religious beliefs which are a foremost aspect in
the fiasco of immunization platforms in contradiction of polio in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and

Global Polio Eradication Initiative


Nigeria. For exemplification in community regions of Pakistan, the religious engagement is one
of the prevalent interferences to the initiative against polio.
Moreover, undertaking the last one percent of polio cases has proven to be a challenge.
The Global Polio Eradication Initiative has proven to oversee and progress to achieve the
underlying aim to eliminate polio worldwide. All the initiative efforts and exertions have been
made for the betterment of the populous by which individuals should value the initiative.
However, troubles continue to pose towards the initiative through political instability, difficult to
reach populations, and deprived arrangement towards the cause, but the drive to eliminate polio
is strong and persistent. Respectively, countries entail a specific set of challenges by which
solutions can be developed no matter the challenges encompassed. The Global Polio Eradication
Initiative through propelled exertions, determination, and by encompassing an organized
structure has been surpassing all challenges to absolutely eradicate polio. Through strategic plans
the elimination of polio is raging through the last strongholds were the disease has a grasp to
reach an underlying polio-free world. The initiative has proven to be of greater value to the
populous rather than a burden.
Overall, this review of literature researched illuminating areas surrounding the Global
Polio Eradication Initiative. The subsequent four questions concentrate the research towards
points by which readers may encounter questioning or investigating:
1) Who is involved in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative?
2) Why should people be aware of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative?
3) How does polio affect the one percent of the population that is still exposed to
this deadly disease?

Global Polio Eradication Initiative


4) Why should people value the Global Polio Eradication Initiative?

The Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) is united with national governments and
distinctly driven forces to tackle the underlying subject matter of the eradication of polio
worldwide. It is an initiative targeted to terminate the disease that once was feared all across the
board. The objective of the initiative is to reach the populous living in the marginalized locations
where polio is still active and provide assistance with vaccines to ensure the elimination and
assertion of ultimately a polio-free world.
Through a diversity of collaborations and resolute efforts the initiative has uplifted its
structural methods and its grasp on the eradication of a devastating disease. The Global Polio
Eradication Initiative is a subject matter that is worth advocating for and is an issue that is
intended towards the well-being of the worlds poverty stricken communities with an active
affliction of polio and impacts the world in a progressive manner by working for the eradication
of a virus. Ultimately, The Global Polio Eradication Initiative is a 21st-century issue that is
having a great impact on the world.

Global Polio Eradication Initiative


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Global Polio Eradication Initiative


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