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Gretchen Tew

Professor Isbell
ELED 300
March 10, 2016

Module 3
Becoming a teacher in training, I have learned that technology and communication is one
of the millions of different keys that make a successful teacher. In this paper, I will outline the
chapters 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 that discuss technology and communication from our book Kauchak
and Eggen (2011) with competency 7 and 9.
In any job communication is a huge part, but for teachers it is very important. I know as a
preschool teacher we have to communicate with one another because if one person is out or not
doing their job, we have to rely on other people. Chapters 7 and and comp 7 relate to
communication. According to Kauchak and Eggen (2011) when a teacher arranges a room for
discussions he or she is wanting the communication between each of the students to be equal and
for the shy students to fell like they can share.
Children look up to some many different people in their live time, but the ones that
children imitate the most are teachers. According to Kauchak and Eggen (2011) students imitate
the behaviors of their teachers, and teachers take advantage of this when they demonstrate
positive attitudes such as tolerance and respect for people.

Everything in our world now is technology driven, and that also means resources for
teachers. At my work I am in charge of the Smart board, which is a huge interactive board.
Technology is a huge part of how teachers are teaching now. The authors from our textbook talk
about technology in all of the chapters, and it also correlates with competency 9. According to
Kauchak and Eggen (2011) in chapter 8 there is a program called drill-and-practice, it helps
students practice different programs, and teachers do not have to be involved.
According to Kauchak and Eggen (2011) chapter 9 and 10 talk about technology, and
how will help teachers, and will be beneficial to the students. Teachers have to be very organized
in order to run a great classroom, and the technology that we have today can help teachers with
that. A database is a computer system that helps teacher organize large amounts of information
that they have. It will save the information, so the teachers can use it later down the road.
In this paper, I have outlined the connections between communication and technology
that teachers use everyday. I have discussed all five chapters that were from our textbook and
the two required readings. With all the technology that we have at our finger tips, it will
hopefully help me become a great teacher one day.

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