Esol 19 LP

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LESSON TITLE: Reading News Articles


DATE: 5.4.16

Attach any handouts or materials required for this lesson.

ESL Course: ESOL

What background knowledge
do the students already have?



Students will be able to take notes on their peers presentations about

news articles
Students will be able to tell the class the main ideas and their
opinion/connection to a news article that they read
Students will be able to read to to the text. Students will be able to
identify the main ideas of a news article
Students will be able to write their opinions about a news article that they
The students read short passages and articles each week for homework,
although they are not always recent news stories. The students have
read and shared short paragraphs with the class in the past as well, so
they have practiced finding and telling the main ideas. When students
present, I will relate this to the presentations they must give next week,
and state that this is a way to practice speaking in front of the class.
Ask students about their experiences reading, which strategies they use,
if they read the news, if they read the news in English, etc. I will then
use this as a springboard to discuss and teach the talking to the text
strategy of reading.

What will you do to activate

or link students prior
knowledge or experience to
upcoming content?
Engagement with New Material
What will you do to engage
After introducing a new reading strategy, students will choose which
students in the active learning news article they want to read, so that they are hopefully finding one
of the new material?
that is interesting to them.
What will you do to ensure
I will walk around the room, checking in with different groups to
that all students are engaged? ensure that they are on task. During class discussions, I will call on
different students to respond so that they all continue to focus and be
prepared. When one group is presenting, other groups will complete a
short worksheet, so that they must pay attention to the presenters.
What opportunities will you
1. Opening (1 minute)
provide students to practice
-Introduce topic: Were going to talk about the news
and apply their
2. Bridging (5-7 minutes)
knowledge/skill to meet the
-Discussion Questions (on PPT, students read them out loud,
objectives for this lesson? To
then discuss)
apply to other contexts?
3. Introduce Talking to the Text and explain purpose. (1 minute)
-Hand out article that we will read together. Model Talking to the

text (7 minutes)
-Students discuss main ideas of article and their opinions on it
(Questions on PPT slide). (4 minutes)
-Share with the class: T writes down main ideas of article, students
share opinions. (4 minutes)
-Review: What is Talking to the text? (2-3 minutes)
4. Students choose article and practice this strategy (5 minutes for
everyone to choose; 10 minutes to read) independently and quietly.
-For those who finish early, they may begin writing down the main
5. Groups: Find the others who read the same article. Discuss the main
ideas and your opinions on the article
-Create short presentation to share with the class: Main ideas, how it
relates to you (10-15 minutes)
6. Each group presents. While they are presenting, other students
complete worksheet about the other articles, ensuring attention (10-15
--Each group is given large sheet of paper to write main ideas. Each
member of the group should speak once during the presentation.
7. Journal Writing: Choose one of the prompts to journal on (on
worksheet) (ten minutes)
8. Closing (2 minutes): What is Talking to the Text? Show students
where they can find English news articles on their own
How will you assess their
learning of the objectives?
How will you help students
recap the learning and link it
back to the original purpose of
the lesson?
If applicable for your context
and your lesson, how will you
meaningfully integrate
technology into your lesson?

I will informally assess throughout class. The presentations will also

offer a way to note if students were able to identify and explain the
main ideas of their articles and find a connection to their lives.
To close, we will review what talking to the text is. I will also
provide links for students so that they can find English news stories (at
their current English level) on their own.
PowerPoint will be used to show important points of the lesson and
lead discussions/give instructions. IF there is time at the end, students
can use their computers to look at English news sites

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