Median Calculation: Classes F C - B C.F U.C.B

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Median Calculation

Classes F C.B C.F U.C.B

10 19.5 8 9.75 19.75 8 9.75
20 29.5 15 19.75 29.75 23 19.75
30 39.5 23 29.75 39.75 46 29.75
40 49.5 37 39.75 49.75 83 39.75
50 59.5 46 49.75 59.75 129 49.75
60 69.5 52 59.75 69.75 181 59.75
70 79.5 84 69.75 79.75 265 69.75
80 89.5 7 79.75 89.75 272 79.75
90 99.5 6 89.75 99.75 278 89.75
100 109.5 5 99.75 109.75 283 99.75

i) Median Formula

Med= l + h / f ( n / 2 - c )

L= Lower class boundry of selected group

h= Class interval
f= frequency of selected group
n= Summission f
c= Cummulative f of upper group selected

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