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Inquiry Question Form

Your Topic: Campaign Finance

How is it current?
It is reflective of the current presidential election.
How is it debatable?
It could be argued that politicians need corporate money in order to run a successful campaign.
How is it significant to society?
Elected politicians play a critical role in our future.
Now. . .
Use the questions above to write your Inquiry:
First Attempt at Inquiry: Is money given to politicians from corporate/wealthy interests necessary
enough to cause politicians to consider the wealthy interests more important than those of the
American people?
Read it to your Partner and have him/her answer these Questions!
Name Topic? Politicians getting money from corporates
What words/phrase are used to present Problem? money, politicians, interest
What words/phrases are used to include Society Today? the present tense
If not, where is it lacking?
Second Attempt at Inquiry (Add from Peer Reading):
Does corporate money expressively influence politicians to the point that they are no longer
obliged to work for the interests of the American people?

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