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Ancient Rome Lesson 1- Introduction

Materials Needed

Brain Pop Video- Rise of Roman Empire

Textbook reading- Ancient Civilizations (Ancient Rome- pages: 324-329)

DOK comprehension questions

Definition of Legacy

Common Core State Standard(s) Addressed:

CCSS 6.7.8- Students discuss the legacies of Roman art and architecture, technology and
science, literature, language and law.

RI 6.7- Integrate information presented in different media of formats as well as in words

to develop a coherent understanding of a topic or issue.

SL 6.2- Interpret information presented in diverse media and formats (e.g., visually,
quantitatively, orally) and explain how it contributes to a topic, text, or issue under study.

Objective: The students will be able to (SWBAT):

Students will be able to identify the geographical location of Ancient Rome.

Students will be able to understand the rise of Rome.

Students will be able to discuss their comprehension of the reading and answer DOK
levels 1-4 questions.

Essential Question: How did the Ancient Romes legacies influenced us?

DOK Level(s):

DOK levels 1-3 questions for the close reading responses.

Setting the Stage:

Administer pre-quiz (10 minutes)

Lesson Design:

Introduce the topic of a legacy. Ask students if they know what a legacy is. Have a quick
discussion on the meaning and provide the students with the definition.

Show pictures of important Roman artifacts and a map of the location.

Play Brain Pop video of introduction to Rome.

Have students open up to pages 324 through 329 in their Ancient Civilizations in their

Pass out reading comprehension questions.

The students will read the informational text on their own and then with a partner they
can answer the questions. (10- 20 minutes)

Have a class discussion about the questions and if and how they helped the students
better understand the reading. Did it guide them? Did it help them understand what the
text was saying?


Students will be discussing comprehension questions.

Assessment (informal / formal and formative and summative):

The assessment will be seen through the pre/post quizzes.

We will be assessing the students during the reading and answering of comprehension

During the discussion we will be able to see the students understanding of the content.




Allowing for partner work during comprehension questions

Class discussion on the content

Ancient Rome Lesson 2- Law

Materials Needed:

Text- Roman Legal Tradition

Activity page

Common Core State Standard(s) Addressed:

CCSS 6.7.8: Discuss the legacies of Roman art and architecture, technology and science,
literature, language, and law

RI 6.9 Compare and contrast one authors presentation of events with that of another
(e.g., a memoir written by and a biography on the same person).

W 6.1 Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.
a. Introduce a claim(s) and organize the reasons and evidence clearly.

RL.6.7- Compare and contrast the experience of reading a story, drama, or poem to listening to or
viewing an audio, video, or live version of the text, including contrasting what they see and
hear when reading the text to what they perceive when they listen or watch.


Students will be able to understand the importance of written civil law in society.

Essential Question: How did the Ancient Romes legacies influenced us?

DOK Levels:

Level Two: Use context cues (from text), construct (own laws)

Level Three: Differentiate (from text)

Setting the Stage:

Teacher will ask students, Imagine if you were in a city where the rules kept changing
all the time. How would that make you feel? Today, we will learn about the Ancient
Roman legacies of laws.

Lesson Design:

Teacher will read text to the students Roman Legal Tradition.

Students will read text Roman Legal Tradition.

Teacher will facilitate learning by asking questions and annotating the text with students.

Teacher will ask students what they heard during the read aloud, such as the tone, if the
meaning of the text changed, and what they heard from the story versus what they read
for the story. Were the main ideas the same?

After each paragraph read, students will have the opportunity to think-pair-share. This
will be an opportunity to discuss main ideas.

Teacher will ask students, Why do you think the plebeians wanted the laws to be written
down? Students will then be asked to share answers.

Teacher will then have students work on activity page.


Students will have the opportunity to share one law they came up with.

Teacher will ask students? Does having written laws help your friend while in your
room? Students will have opportunity to share.

Teacher will recap the importance of civil law which was inspired by Roman law.

Assessment (informal/formal and formative and summative)

Teacher will be monitoring student responses to questions about text.

At the end of the lesson, students will turn in activity page which students will have to
answer the question, Why did many people want a written law code? Does this help
your friend during the time theyre in your room?


Teacher will be annotating as a whole class using the document camera so that everyone
has the same annotations.

Text will be read out loud by the teacher

Video will be shown

Ancient Rome Lesson 3- Science and Engineering

Materials Needed:
Readings: 8 Roads Helped Rome Rules the Ancient World; The
Interstate Highway System
Web Chart
Venn Diagram

Common Core State Standard(s) Addressed:

CCSS 6.7.8: Discuss the legacies of Roman art and architecture, technology and science,
literature, language, and law

RI.6.9 Compare and contrast one authors presentation of events with that of another
(e.g., a memoir written by and a biography on the same person).

W.6.1 Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence. a.
Introduce a claim(s) and organize the reasons and evidence clearly.

W.6.8: Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources; assess the
credibility of each source; and quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others
while avoiding plagiarism and providing basic bibliographic information for sources.

Students will be able to:
Compare and contrast Ancient Rome science and engineer of their highways system how
it have influenced our modern science and engineer of the highways system today.
Essential Question: How did the Ancient Romes legacies influenced us?

Setting the Stage:

Today, we are going to discuss how Ancient Romes highways influenced modern

Web Chart: How Do You Think Ancient Romes highways influenced our highways
o Think/Pair/Share- Students will have 30 seconds to 1 minute to think about the
question and then, pair/share their ideas (1 min.)
o Teacher will ask students to share (2-3 min.)
Lesson Design:

Teacher will introduce the two articles online, 8 Ways Roads Helped Rome Rule the
Ancient World and The Interstate Highway System to the students. (1 min.)

Teacher will divide the students into two groups (30 sec.)

Teacher will have students go over the vocabulary words with their group (2 min.)

Students will read their assigned article with their groups. While reading, students can
ask questions, clarifications to check for understanding of the text (10-12 min.)

After reading, students will discuss the reading with their group using the questions
provided to help (2-3 min.)

Students will write think/write/share an interesting fact they found from their reading on
a post it, it will be summarizing or paraphrasing the data or a bit of information they
learned from the articles and they read (1 min.)

Students will share and post their post-it on the Venn diagram (5 minutes)

Teacher and students will refer back to the essential question (30 sec.)

Exit Ticket: Students will write a summary using the evidences found to how have
Ancient Romes highways influenced modern highways? (5 minutes)

ELD Students- graphic organizers, think/pair/share, group reading, group discussion
RSP Students- monitor students, group reading, graphic organizers, think/pair/share
GATE/ All Students- Students will formulate a logical idea of a central idea of the text
and how it is conveyed through particular details

Ancient Rome Lesson 4- Art

Materials Needed
Power point
Handouts- Vocabulary & Art forms
Ancient Roman Art Journal

Common Core State Standard(s) Addressed:

CCSS 6.7.8: Discuss the legacies of Roman art and architecture, technology and science,
literature, language, and law.
W.6.1 Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.
SL.6.5: Include multimedia components (e.g., graphics, images, music, sound) and visual
displays in presentations to clarify information.

Identify three major reasons why art was created/used and identify the different art forms that
they created.
Essential Question: How did the Ancient Romes legacies influenced us?

Setting the Stage:

Teacher will begin a conversation about Ancient Roman art and ask the students questions
about what they know already know about Roman Art.
Students will then take a virtual walk into the halls of the Capitoline Museums in Rome,
o They will use their mouse for a 360-degree view, up and down and zoom in to see
works of art in detail: sculptures, paintings, architectural details, facings, ceilings
and floors.
o Students will be given ten minutes to virtually explore the museum independently.

Lesson Design:

Students will be handed out pictures of Ancient Roman murals, pottery, portraits, and
sculpture as well as a handout of the correlating vocabulary.
Teacher will take the students through a PowerPoint presentation of the different elements
of Ancient Roman art and its purposes.
As the PowerPoint progresses, the students will paste the pictures and the corresponding
definitions in their Ancient Roman art journal.
o They will be asked to write/draw their own representations of Ancient Roman art
in their journal.

At the end of the lesson, we will have a discussion regarding Ancient Roman art and its
Students will be asked: Why do you think Ancient Roman art impacted todays society.

Assessment (informal/formal and formative and summative):

Students will be given an Ancient Rome pre-assessment before the lesson.
Throughout the PowerPoint presentation, I will ask them DOK questions to activate their
o Through the responses in their closure question Ill assess their level of

Lesson 5- Ancient Roman Architecture Lesson (multi-day lesson)

Materials Needed
Day 1:
Pictures of Ancient Roman Architecture
Brain Pop Video- Architecture
Textbook reading- Ancient Civilizations (Ancient Rome- Architecture pages: 368-369
Online Reading (printed out): Ancient Roman Art and Architecture- from Scholastic
DOK Questions
Definition of Legacy
Day 2:
Pictures of Roman Architecture (print out for each student)
Pictures of modern day architecture (print out for each student)
Vocabulary of the different types of architecture (print out for each student)
Construction paper for foldable books
Common Core State Standard(s) Addressed:
CCSS 6.7.8- Students discuss the legacies of Roman art and architecture, technology and
science, literature, language and law.
RI 6.7- Integrate information presented in different media of formats as well as in words
to develop a coherent understanding of a topic or issue.
SL 6.2- Interpret information presented in diverse media and formats (e.g., visually,
quantitatively, orally) and explain how it contributes to a topic, text, or issue under study.
RH.6-8.7: Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or
maps) with other information in print and digital texts.
Objective: The students will be able to..
Students will be able to identify the main architectural designs of Ancient Rome.
Students will be able to compare two different texts and a video related to Ancient Rome.
Students will be able to discuss their comprehension of the reading and answer DOK
levels 1-3 questions.
Students will be able to match pictures of from ancient Rome to modern day and see the
similarities. They will then match the pictures to descriptions and interpret their findings.
Essential Question: How did the Ancient Romes legacies influenced us?
DOK Level(s)
DOK levels 1-3 questions for the close reading responses.
Setting the Stage
Administer pre-quiz (10 minutes)
Lesson Design
Day 1:
Introduce the topic of a legacy. Ask students if they know what a legacy is. Have a quick
discussion on the meaning and provide the students with the definition. Explain that we

are talking about legacies because when Rome fell, we still have architecture left from
that time period and we can see it in todays architecture.
Show pictures of Roman Architecture
Play Brain Pop video of architecture
Have students open up to pages 368 and 369 in their Ancient Civilizations in their
Teacher will read aloud the section titled Architecture and have the students follow along.
Pass out the second reading from Scholastic and the close read questions.
The students will read the informational text on their own and then with a partner they
can answer the questions. (10 minutes)
Have a class discussion about the questions and if and how they helped the students
better understand the reading. Did it guide them? Did it help them understand what the
text was saying?

Day 2:

Have a quick review with the students about Roman Architecture and how they see it
today in modern Architecture. What types of Architecture do they remember from the last
Pass out construction paper foldable books (already made)
Pass out pictures of Roman Architecture and Modern Day Architecture
Pass out vocabulary page
Pass out scissors and glue
Instruct students with a marker to write Ancient Roman Architecture Legacies on the
front page with their name at the bottom. They will be cutting out all of the pictures and
vocabulary strips and matching the ancient and modern pictures as well as the
vocabulary/ name that matches the pictures. They will glue them into the pages of their
foldable book. Each page is for a different piece of architecture.

Administer post quiz- Day 2 (10 minutes)
Assessment (informal/formal and formative and summative)
The assessment will be seen through the pre and post quizzes.
I will also be assessing as the students are reading and answering questions to check for
During the discussion I will be able to see who is understanding the content.
Read aloud for one of the texts
Allowing for partner work during the post read questions
Class discussion of the reading
Hands on art to connect the learning from the reading

Ancient Rome- Culminating Task

Materials Needed:
Poster Board
Summary page
Color pencils/markers
Common Core State Standard(s) Addressed:
CCSS 6.7.8: Discuss the legacies of Roman art and architecture, technology and science,
literature, language, and law

RI 6.9 Compare and contrast one authors presentation of events with that of another
(e.g., a memoir written by and a biography on the same person).

W 6.1 Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.
a. Introduce a claim(s) and organize the reasons and evidence clearly.

WHST.6-8.6: Use technology, including the internet, to produce and publish writing and
present the relationships between information and ideas clearly and efficiently.

The students will be able to research and present information on one of the following
o Law, art, literature, architecture, and science and engineering
Essential Question: How did the Ancient Romes legacies influenced us?

Setting the Stage:

Now that you have learned about Ancient Rome legacies, you will discuss in detail one of
the legacies you have learned about.
Lesson Design:
Teacher will split students into groups of 4-5 students.
Each group will be responsible for researching and presenting information on one of the
following topics surrounding Ancient Rome.
o Students choice but teacher will make sure all topics have been covered first
before allowing students to choose the same topic.
As a group, students will be required to present the following information when they
o 1-page (typed on Office 365, and printed) summary of information collected.
o Poster presentation of information and pictures. Must include color.
o 1 single project developed by the group to represent their topic.
o Students must also make at least one reference to how the aspects of Ancient
Rome are present in todays legacies.
Students will be using attached rubric to self-assess before they present/turn in project.

Teacher will go over the importance of Ancient Roman legacies in todays society.
Assessment (informal/formal and formative and summative):
Teacher will use rubric to score projects and presentations to make sure students
understand Ancient Roman legacies
Teacher will walk around the room and ensure students are making progress towards
completing the project on time.
Additional time may be given to students who need it.

Rubric for Culminating Task Assignment


Focus on
Main Idea

The summary
focus on the main

The summary is a
little off topic and

The summary is
mainly off topic

The summary is
off topic and is

idea with many

details supporting

is missing a few

and is missing
half of the

missing most of
the details


All sentences are

with varied

Most sentences
are well
constructed with
varied structure

Most sentences
are wellconstructed but
have a similar

Sentences lack
structure and
incomplete or

Word Choice

Writer uses vivid

words and phrases
that linger or draw
pictures in the
readers mind, and
the choice and
placement of the
words seem
accurate, natural
and not forced

Writer uses vivid

words and
phrases that linger
or draw pictures
in the readers
mind, but
occasionally the
words are used
inaccurately or
seem overdone

Writer uses
words that
clearly, but the
writing lacks
variety punch or

Writer uses a
vocabulary that
does not
strongly or
capture the
readers interest.


Writer makes no
error in
capitalization or
punctuation, so
the paper is
exceptionally easy
to read

Write makes 1 or
2 errors in
capitalization or
punctuation, but
the paper is still
easy to read

Writer makes a
few errors in
punctuation that
catch the
attention and
interrupt the

Writer makes
several errors in
punctuation that
catch the
attention and
greatly interrupt
the flow

Presentation Rubric
Introduction (15 Points Possible)

Gains audience attention


Sets proper tons for subject

Serves as good introduction

Material/Topic (30 Points Possible)

Suitable for this age group


Well organized/logical

Variety of sentence structure/language

Delivery (40 Points Possible)

Spoken, not read/ lots of eye contact


Clarity, including pronunciation


Tons of voice/varied in pitch/speed


Poise: at ease, good stance

Conclusion (15 Points Possible)

Re-emphasize main point


Leaves an appropriate impression


Power of concluding sentences





Total: ______/100

Poster Rubric

Poster includes
all required

All required
elements are

All but 1 of the
required elements

Some required
elements are

elements and
the message

included on the
poster and poster
communicates the

are included on the

poster or poster
does not clearly
communicated the

Mechanics Capitalization
and punctuations
are correct
throughout the

There is 1 error in
capitalization and

There are 2 errors

There are more
in capitalization and than 2 errors in
capitalization and

Layout, design,
use of colors, and
use of space is
very attractive
and creative

Layout, design,
use of colors, and
use of space is

Layout, Design, use

of colors, and use of
space is not


missing and
poster does not
communicate the

Layout, design,
use of colors, and
use of space is

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