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Welcome to my e-portfolio page. In this section I will briefly go over a few of the
things that I have taken in from my English 1010 course.
A few of the things I have learned from this class are:

Correct MLA format.

How to find academically credible sources.
How to cite sources used in my paper.
How to write an annotated bibliography.
How to write a rhetorical analysis.

I was able to learn these things through each assignment of our community
writing projects. With several assignments going into the project I was able to
practice with this style of writing and gain a feel for MLA format and citing sources
in my papers.
My signature assignment for this will be my argumentative position paper from
the community writing project. In this paper it gives an idea of all the things that
have learned from English 1010.
English 1010 will help me greatly in all of my other gen-ed classes here at SLCC
because in a few of my other classes I will have to write papers on what I have
taken in from these classes. The things that I have learned from English 1010 wont
only be valuable for me in my pursuit to further my educational career it will also
benefit me in my life. Having a solid foundation for basic writing will help me in
many ways including in future occupations.

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