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English 124 - Proposed Requirements

Reading summaries
30 percent

• Three to be completed at 10 percent each

• Proposed grading breakdown:

- Summary of article – 50 %
- Main idea – 25%
- Opinion – 25%

Vocabulary quizzes
10 percent

• 10 to be completed
• 65 percent pass thresh hold
• 1 percent for each completed

PowerPoint Presentation
10 percent

• To be based project content

• Completed individually

Project Development
50 percent

Task 1
5 percent, 4 periods

- Introduction to ILC periodicals

- Introduction to bibliography referencing
- Summarization practice

The students find an article in the periodicals section of ILC. They

summarize the article in 150 to 200 words. They create a bibliography
reference in MLA format using or a comparable tool.

Task 2
5 percent, 4 periods

- Introduction to college periodical database

- Introduction to inline citation
- Summarization from 3 separate sources
- Continued work on bibliography references

The students are given 3 database periodical references from the

database about a specific topic (the world’s fastest car). The students find
the sources on the database and download them. They use the sources to
produce a report about the topic. They are to make at least 3 citations in
MLA format and produce a bibliography with the references in MLA format
using or a comparable tool.

Task 3
5 percent, 4 periods

- Planning and preparation for draft

The students decide on and record on a topic for their project. They then
find at least 3 suitable references sources (at least 2 database sources,
one or more others may come from the web). The students decide on and
record their controlling idea. They write four to six subheadings they will
include in their report

Task 4
10 percent

- Submission of a rough draft

The students create a rough draft of approximately 250 words. The

students must paraphrase rather than copy. There should be at least three
citations and three sources listed in the bibliography. They sources cited in
the text must match the sources included in the bibliography. MLA
referencing requirements will be enforced.

Task 5
25 percent

- Submission of final draft

The students should make improvements on the first draft based on

teacher feedback. They should additionally include a cover page and 1 to
3 pictures or illustrations.

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