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The Victorian Times

Editor: Britney Salinas

OCT. 16, 1839

Social Rights
The Biggest Proposal
Today rich and poor are seperated
We all know how it goes the man gets down
by social rights, clothing, education, and money
on his knees and says to the lady ' will you wise.
All social classes are different in each way
marry me.' The Queen ( herself) decided to
and needs to be changed.The rich wear stalkings
propose to Prince Albert. She proposed to made of
silk while the lower classes wear them
the Prince just yesterday.
This is the biggest made of
wool. Having an umbrella is a very
news of the 19th century. Queen
common thing to own. The middle and lower class
mothers' brother
had a son. They both
only rent when it's raining.
spent lots of time together and Victoria
Education isn't stressed and is based on
very fond of him.
gender ethnicity, and social class. The rich,upper
class boys recieved the best education. Both boys
and girls get education up unitl college comes
around. It is not fair that women should recieve the
worst and little eduation. Ladies should be able to
attend any school any time they want to.

Charles Dickens: Oliver twist

The two women are posing with
their umbrellas.
Charles Dickens has written
severel wonderful novels such as 'Great
expectations','The Pickwick Papers', and 'A
Christmas Carol'. Recently Dickens has released
a newer novel 'Oliver Twist'. Dickens has
been writing two
novels at a time 'The Pickwick Papers' and 'Oliver Twist'. He
writing the novels around February of 1837. He finished
Twist' in April 1839. This book has become a huge hit
with the


The Big Irish Question

The Irish believe they can support themselves. They want to be seperated and free from England. Some
belive they shouldn't becuase they'll go into a depression. Others belive it will give them a sense of freedom and
independence. The question still continues today.

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