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To: Professor Megan Sparks, Senior Instructor and Internship Coordinator
From: Alanna Whitaker, Student
Date: January 17, 2016
Subject: Alanna Whitakers Personal Memorandum
A senior in strategic communication at the University of South Alabama, I
have formerly completed requirements for a degree in studio art. Following
an internship at a downtown art gallery, I returned to school with purpose
and confidence about my decision to major in communication. The purpose
of this memorandum is to discuss my student qualities of strengths and
weaknesses, what I hope to accomplish with strategic communication, my
immediate career goals and my dream job.
Student Qualities
The three attributes I list as personal strengths are:
1. Decisiveness
I feel confident about my decisions once I have come to a conclusion.
2. Learn Quickly
I adapt quickly to complete new challenges.
3. Driven
I am in school and study because I want to excel in my future career.
My personal weaknesses that I continue to improve on:
1. Lack of relevant skills
With a degree in studio art, I have many interesting skills but must
continue to develop a
skillset that is useful to strategic communication.
2. Lack of experience
I have yet to complete an internship or work in my chosen field.
3. Portfolio of work
Strategic communication is a merge of advertising and public
relations. Most employers
will require a portfolio of work or ideas.
Strategic Writing Course

I intend to use my strategic writing class to strengthen a few of my

1. A personal portfolio
A portfolio of polished work will show that I have a meaningful skill to
offer prospective
2. Write confidently
I need to reach a writing level free of amateur errors before editing.
3. Variety of formats
I want to write in a variety of formats with ease from press releases to
Definition of Strategic Communication
Strategic communication is an integrated perspective of advertising, public
relations and marketing to achieve a business objective. I chose to study
strategic communication because it complements my strengths and
Dream Job
I do not have a dream job, but I know what I need to experience in my
1. Trust
I want meaningful tasks and assignments; I know my employer and
coworkers trust me to fulfill expectations and accomplish all goals.
2. Dynamic
I desire to continually learn new skills and encounter news problems.
3. Encouraging
I must be surrounded by successful people who inspire me and
support my desire to be the best version of myself.
5. Values Diversity
My employer must provide equal opportunities regardless of
demographic or psychographic
characteristics. My employer values different perspectives and
4. Work Culture
I find that the largest determinant of job satisfaction is whether or not
I enjoy being around the employees and managers who surround me.
The best way to accomplish this is to find a work culture that
compliments my personality.

Awareness of my strengths and weaknesses provide direction to accomplish
long term goals. Strategic writing will help me overcome my shortcomings
by building confidence in my ability to write effectively and creating a
portfolio of writing samples to show future employers.

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