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By Alison Becerra, Lisa Marie Daugherty, and Nancy Tran

Implementation and Institutionalize of Technology Theories

Implementation is the carrying out, execution, or practice of a plan, a method, or
any design, idea, model, specification, standard or policy for doing something
(Rouse. M, 2015).
Implementation in the field of ISD is defined by Michael Fullan as "...the actual use
of an innovation in practice (Surry W. & Elly D., n.d). Other definition by
Merrinboer V., implementation is deliver or conduct the training (1997)
Institutionalization is the next step after implementation is achieved.
The purpose of institutionalization is to give the innovative technology a kind of
credibility and allow it to actually continue, grow and be spread to a larger
spectrum of people or organizations.

This case study focuses on a small rural

school in Texas ranging in grades K-11.
Within this school, they have a
population of approximately 195
students, of which 25-30 percent are
ESL. The school area is categorized by
the state as Region 4.
The purpose of the case study is to
apply Implementation and
Institutionalization to an ESL Program
within a School, examine the obstacles,
and provide alternative solutions.

ESL Programs

English as a Second Language

(ESL) is an instructional program
for students whose dominant
language is not English
ESL classes: Grammar, Writing,
Speaking, and Reading.
Students of ESL: Anyone whose
native language is a language other
than English

Implementation of technology in the school

Zondle: a program that helps English Language Learners to practice their English skills

Double click on the videos to see how Zondle works

Implementation of technology in the school

Google Translate: help to translate and pronunciation

Implementation of technology in the school


Program that English Language Learners use to read them the questions and answer choices in

Click here to see IXL in ACTION!!

IXL Classroom Spotlight: Spring Valley Elementary School

Problems with Implementation in Case

Study ESL Program

- Limited Teacher and

Student Technology
- Student Motivation of
English Learners
- Lacking of Funding or
Finances for School
- Lack of Resources for
Home Computer Access

Alternatives and Solutions

- Develop & Deliver Effective Ongoing Teacher
- Training Using Teacher Learning Communities
- Locate and Explore Free or Low Cost Programs
- Involve and Train Parents on Programs (as Allies)

Implementation and Institutionalization are critical stages in the
success of introducing, executing and maintaining innovative
In the school program, where resources are limited due to lower socioeconomic status of its community and student population, extra efforts
need to be made to ensure teachers are trained and supported,
students are motivated and have access to technology within and
beyond the classroom, and connections are made with parents to
support the efforts of learning outside the classroom.
These barriers to implementation must be addressed, or an innovation
will never progress to institutionalization and successful integration.

Association for Educational Communications and Technology. (n.d.). Retrieved April, 2016, from
Clark, D. (2010). Why Instructional System Design?
Retrieved from
Surry D. W., & Ely D. P. (n.d.). Adoption, Diffusion, Implementation, and Institutionalization of Educational Technology.
Retrieved from
Variables in the Setting and the Innovation Itself. (n.d.). Retrieved April, 2016, from
Why Instructional System Design and ADDIE? (n.d.). Retrieved April, 2016, from

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