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Unit: New Deal

Lesson Plan # 1
Teacher: Racer Moody

Date: Monday, 1/25/16

Class: U.S. History

Level: 10th Grade

Purpose: Introduction of Unit 2 New Deal. This lesson is designed to find out how much
students already know about the New Deal and hook them into the unit so they feel connected
to the learning.
Objectives: Students will demonstrate an understanding of relief, recovery, and reformthe
premise for the New Deal.
Students will consider and share relief, recovery, and reform in terms of their own life
Common Core Standards:
9-10.RH.2 Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source;
provide an accurate summary of how key events or ideas develop over the course of the text.
9-10.RH.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including
vocabulary describing political, social, or economic aspects of history/social science.
HCPSIII Benchmarks:
10.3.15 Explain how programs in FDRs New Deal, including the FDIC, AAA, WPA, and
Social Security, attempted to resolve problems brought on by the Great Depression.
10.8.3 Explain the purpose and/or role of government programs and policies, including
unemployment, minimum wage, and social security, and their effect on the nations economy.
GLOs: Self-directed Learner (The ability to be responsible for one's own learning). Quality
Producer (The ability to recognize and produce quality performance and quality products).
Hawaii State Teacher Standards:
Standard #2: Learning Differences. I try to gain an understanding of individual differences by
getting to know my students better with the opening activity of the lesson. Also, by providing
the written version of the Fireside Chat for student #27, I am providing accommodations for
learners of diverse cultures.
Standard #4 Content Knowledge. I try to connect concepts using different perspectives by
relating FDRs ideas of Relief, Recovery, and Reform to events that are occurring in each of
the students lives. This helps link new concepts to familiar experiences.

Chaminade University of Honolulu * 3140 Waialae Avenue Honolulu, Hawaii 96816-1578 * (808) 735-4711 *

Standard #7: Planning for Instruction. By administering a pre-test for this unit, I am
determining which part of the unit I will need to spend more or less time on. This will allow
me to ensure that students will maximize their content knowledge.
Assessments: Students will be taking a formal pre-test to measure their level of content
knowledge prior to instruction (see attached quiz). As an informal formative assessment,
students will relate the basis of the New Deal, RRR, to their own personal experiences.
Materials/Set-Up: For the getting to know you exercise, students will need standards white
printer paper and colored pens or crayons (will be provided). For the Pre-Test, 30 copies of
the quiz will need to be printed. For the RRR exercise and exit pass, students will need folder
paper (should provide their own, but extra is in class). To play the Fireside Chat, I will need a
computer and speakers (already in classroom).
Procedures: Outline of the class structure (will be explained in further detail below):
10:52 Class begins. Welcome and quick introduction of myself.
10:55 Getting to Know You Activity.
11:05 Sharing their activity.
11:10 Pre-Quiz on the New Deal.
11:20 Review answers from pre-quiz.
11:25 Introduction of Unit and Hook Story.
11:30 Own Life RRR activity.
11:40 Share RRR experiences.
11:45 Introduce Fireside Chats and listen to first Fireside Chat.
12:00 Exit Pass, reaction to fireside chats.
12:07 Class Dismissed.
a. Introduction Class will do a quick getting to know you activity where they will create a
name card to display at their seat. On that card they will decorate with a couple pictures of
their interests so that I may get to know more about them. Students will then take a quick 10question pre-quiz about the New Deal so that I may get a better understanding of their prior
knowledge of the content (Quiz will be attached separately). We will then review the answers
as a class and then turn them in so that I can review which questions were incorrectly
b. Developmental I will introduce the unit with a short few sentence overview and then
begin my hook story and activity. The idea of the introduction is to remind them that the New
Deal stemmed from the election of FDR and the dismal condition of the American people
during the great depression. FDR sought to improve the conditions of the country by
providing Relief, Recovery, and Reform through his New Deal. My hook story begins here
[the story is going to be about being broken up with by my girlfriend in college and how I went
through stages of relief (to feel better), recovery (to get back on my feet), and reform (to make
sure it never happened again)]. The students will then do a short activity on a half sheet of
folder paper where they think of an event that happened in their life where they needed to

Chaminade University of Honolulu * 3140 Waialae Avenue Honolulu, Hawaii 96816-1578 * (808) 735-4711 *

come up with their own RRR plan. We will go around the room and share some of our
c. Concluding To conclude the lesson, we will listen to a clip of FDRs first fireside chat so
that students will have the chance to see how he first tried to get the American people to buy
into his ideas and ensure them that things will get better in our country. As an exit pass,
students will write a quick 3 sentences reacting to how the fireside chat made them feel.
Adaptations and Extensions: Student #27 is an English Language Learner, so I will provide
her with a printout of the Fireside Chat so that she may follow along at her own pace (Seating
chart will be attached separately). If there is more remaining time than anticipated, I will have
a short discussion relating FDRs fireside chats to a coachs post-game talk after a
heartbreaking loss.
Management Considerations: Student #28 sometimes needs extra motivation, and will
receive silent reminders to stay on task.
Reflections: The lesson went well as it seemed students were able to make connections
between making a plan to deal with bad circumstances and what was going on at the time that
FDR took over as president. In their own real life examples, some students were confused
about what constitutes the three parts of Relief, Recovery, and Reform. I will have to review
that again next class. I think I was overly ambitious about getting to the Fireside Chats part of
the lesson because I ended up running out of time after the class shared their stories. It ended
up working better that way anyway, as this lesson was created more to hook them into the unit
rather than get too deep into the events. The pre-tests were all over the place in terms of
scores, but it did show me that a couple questions were generally already known, and a couple
other questions the entire class had no idea. Now I know where to put a little more focus
during instruction.

Chaminade University of Honolulu * 3140 Waialae Avenue Honolulu, Hawaii 96816-1578 * (808) 735-4711 *

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