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Kathy Rodriguez

Reflective writing
I chose to draw this weird painting of music and different colors because to me what
humanities is or what it means to me is music being free, expressing yourself, freedom, rights,
poetry, calm, etc. I love how music has a big effect on everyone, it can tell a story, express how
someone is feeling, or just love the beat to it. I wanted to add color for the rights of other people
meaning gay marriage should not be a big issue and let people marry who they want. This class
has taught me that everyone should have rights and freedom and this is what my painting means
to me. I hope this makes people think of music being freely and people listening to each other
when it comes to rights. Music to me is such a nice gateway for a while from the stress and just
people in general. I want people to take a look and tell me what the colors symbolize for them
and what the music does for them.

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