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Evaluation question 2: How

does your media product

represent particular social
Sophie-Rose Lambert

As you can see in this screenshot

of our media product; There is
clearly someone watching the
protagonist in the woods. This
represents the social group of a
young, venerable teenager of the
age of around 16.
Here, you can see that the
protagonist is on her phone.
This as one of the main props,
represents the younger
generation of teenagers who are
regularly on their phone in
dangerous situations. It is
stereotyped in the sense that
teenagers are always on their

Another prop we used was the dog. The dog

runs off into the woods fairly near the
beginning of the media product. We used the
dog to show how venerable the young, white
female was when walking alone with her dog.

At the beginning of the media product, we

used a close up shot of the young girls
boots. This shows the audience from the
beginning that that she is going to be
walking her dog, this is also shown by the
dog. Furthermore it is showing that she is
alone when walking her dog which
automatically makes the protagonist seem
more venerable to the audience.

We chose a costume for the main

character which would easily
stereotype a typical teenager. Using
a character like this would represent
the social group of young people.
This is what we wanted to create as
the media product we have created
would be for the target market of a
teenager. Having the character the
same age as the audience makes
the audience want to connect and
interact with the protagonist within
our media product.

This film called Nosferatu is

also about a young venerable
girl who finds a book about
vampires and tries to distract
a vampire all night. This
relates to our media product
as the protagonist is
attempting to achieve
something. So for our media
product it is to find her dog in
the forrest and in this films
case, the girl is trying to
distract a vampire.

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